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1xx Fields

1xx Introduction

1xx fields

Use fields 100-130 for names or titles used as the primary access point.

Current cataloging

If you are creating new bibliographic records as a result of original cataloging, use the following guidelines.

For cataloging in English, search the LC/NACO Authority File and use the established forms of names and preferred titles found there. If not found, construct the access point according to RDA or AACR2. For original cataloging in other languages, search applicable authority files and use the established forms of names and preferred titles found there. If not found, construct the access point according to instructions or rules used to create the bibliographic record.

For cataloging in English, many pre-AACR2 access points for personal names, corporate bodies, etc., are similar to corresponding RDA or AACR2 forms. However, some pre-AACR2 access points will never have corresponding RDA or AACR2 forms. Often, these access points include obsolete elements. Their inclusion in WorldCat and in local catalogs usually results in split files of access points for similar materials because of different practices under AACR2 and older instructions. If you construct replacement access point(s), update or delete the old access point(s) in favor of corresponding name, title, subject, and/or genre access point(s).

Transcribing cataloging copy

If you are creating bibliographic records from transcribing cataloging copy, search the OCLC Authority File to verify forms of entry.

You must search the appropriate authority file to verify forms of entry in fields x00, x10, x11, and x30. If the forms of name and preferred title entries are not in the authority file, OCLC encourages you to construct the access point or preferred title according to the appropriate instructions, but you are not required to do so.

If an access point appearing on the printed cataloging copy was incorrectly constructed, revise that access point to an appropriate form.

See section 2.3, "Transcribing Cataloging Copy," for more information.

Ambiguous access points

The Library of Congress has established guidelines for tagging certain name and title access points. These guidelines and lists of problematic access points are periodically updated and are available in the Library of Congress's Appendix E-Alphabetical List of Ambiguous Headings and H405 Establishing Certain Entities in the Name or Subject Authority File Acquisitions. Consult these guidelines when constructing problem headings.

There are certain named entities that have in the past been problematic as to:

  • Whether the heading should go into the name authority file following descriptive cataloging conventions or the subject authority file following subject cataloging conventions
  • How the heading should be tagged in both authority and bibliographic records


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 1xx.