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Ctry:  Country of Publication, etc.

Record Type



ALL: 008/15-17

Input Standards

ALL: Required if applicable. Two- or three-character code. Default:  fill character fill character fill character



The state or country of publication, production or execution. Use production information or the imprint (field 260 or field 264) or notes (5xx fields) to determine which code to use.


In records for serial items, Ctry reflects the place of publication of the latest issue, iteration, or part. For serials, Ctry may not reflect the place found in the publication information because AACR2 and RDA base cataloging on the earliest issue. If you are updating a record and the place has changed, update Ctry and add another field 260, field 264, or field 500 as needed.


In records for mixed materials, Ctry reflects the repository where the materials are assembled. If applicable, use production information or the imprint (field 245 subfield ǂc, field 260, or field 264) or notes (5xx fields) to determine which code to use.


For sound recordings, the code represents the place where the recording company is located. 


For still images that are original or historical graphics, if geographical information can be deduced (as with some photographs, from information in field 245), a Place of publication, etc. code is recorded in Ctry. For archival moving images, the Ctry code represents the country of the producing entity from field 257. If the archival moving image is a multicountry production, the code for the first state or country is recorded in Ctry. Optionally, enter that code also in field 044 followed by the codes for other states or countries involved in production. See field 044 for more information.

For most mass produced, commercially available video recordings cataloged under AACR2 or RDA, the code recorded in Ctry should correspond to the Place of Publication, Distribution, etc. in field 260 subfield ǂa or field 264 subfield ǂa.

Use Ctry code xxblank character if:

  • The material is a single unpublished graphic item having no geographic information in its statement of responsibility (field 245 subfield ǂc).
  • A graphic collection consists primarily of unpublished items.


See MARC Code List for Countries. Use the following guidelines for entering codes:


United States, Canada, United Kingdom. For items published in the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom, use a three-character code. The first two characters represent the state, province or other subdivision. The third character represents the country.

Ctry     onc
260     Toronto ; ǂa Buffalo : ǂb University of Toronto Press, ǂc ©2011

Australia. For items published in Australia, use either the three-character codes for Australian states and territories or the two-character code at for Australia. In the three-character codes, the first two characters represent the state or territory and the third character represents the country.

Ctry     xna
264   1 Sydney, Australia : ǂb Bantam, ǂc 2011
264   4 ǂc ©2010

Two-character codes represent other countries. Enter such codes left-justified with blank in the third position.

Ctry     frblank character
264   1 Paris : ǂb Société mathématique de France, ǂc 2011

Reproductions. When cataloging with AACR2, if the item is a reproduction, use the code for the place of publication of the original, which is in field 260 subfield ǂa, not for the place of reproduction, which is in field 533 subfield ǂb. You may supply Ctry codes for the place of the reproduction in field 539 subfield ǂd.

Ctry     ntc
260     [Yellowknife] : ǂb Northwest Territories Environment and Natural Resources, ǂc 2012
533     Microfiche. ǂb Ann Arbor, Mich. : ǂc ProQuest, ǂd 2012. ǂe 1 microfiche : negative ; 11 x 15 cm. ǂf (Microlog ; 2012-04592)
539     s ǂb 2012 ǂd miu ǂe n ǂg b

When cataloging with RDA, if the item is a reproduction, use the code for the place of publication of the reproduction, which is in field 264 subfield ǂa, not for the place of original, which is in field 775 subfield ǂd or field 776 subfield ǂd.

Ctry     dcu
264   1 Washington, D.C. : ǂb Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Program, ǂc 2004
776 8 ǂi Reproduction of (manifestation): ǂa Ringwalt, J. Luther (John Luther). ǂt Anecdotes of General Ulysses S. Grant. ǂd Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Co., 1886. ǂh 118 p. ; 18 cm. ǂn Call number of original: E672.R58 ǂw (DLC)  10032685

Name and possession changes. Follow MARC 21:

Codes are assigned according to present geographic boundaries. A place which has historically been located in more than one political jurisdiction is coded for the jurisdiction in which it is presently located. See MARC Code List for Countries.

Ctry     rublank character
264   1 Königsberg Pr. : ǂb Synagogengemeinde, ǂc 1924-
      [The German city of Königsberg was ceded to Russia and renamed Kaliningrad in 1945.]

Unknown place of publication. If no place of publication is in field 260 or field 264, use code xxblank character. If the imprint has the phrase, Place of publication not identified, use code xxblank character. If the place (e.g., city) is known but the country is unknown, use code xxblank character.

Ctry     xxblank character
264   1 [Place of publication not identified] : ǂb Crink, ǂc [2010]
264   4 ǂc ©2010

Theses and dissertations. If a commercially published thesis or dissertation contains a commercial-publisher name in field 260 or field 264, use the place in field 260 subfield ǂa or field 264 subfield ǂa for Ctry. Use code xxblank character for original and reproduced theses and dissertations.

Ctry     xxblank character
264   0 ǂc 2013
502     ǂb M.S. ǂc Iona College ǂd 2013

Multiple places of publication. If more than one place of publication appears in the imprint, use the code that represents the state or country of the first place listed. Usually, the British Library codes records for the British place of publication, although another place may be listed first. Optionally, the code may be repeated in field 044.

Ctry     enk
044     enk ǂa nyu
260     London ; ǂa Buffalo : ǂb Academic Press, ǂc 1979
Ctry     cau
044     cau ǂa fr ǂa sp ǂa gw
260     Burbank, Calif. : ǂb Columbia Tristar Home Video, ǂc ©1996
      [Video published in California of a film co-produced in France, Spain, and Germany]

Various places of publication. Use code vpblank character for various places of publication only if the imprint has v.p. Do not use the abbreviation v.p. in AACR2 or RDA cataloging. Do not use code vpblank character for original cataloging.

Questionable places of publication. If a question mark follows the place of publication in the imprint, code as if there is no doubt about the place of publication. If the place of publication is in brackets, code for that place as if there is no doubt about the place of publication.

Ctry     nyu
264   1 [New York?] : ǂb Little, Brown and Company, ǂc [2011]
264   1 ǂc ©2011

Fictitious places of publication. When cataloging under AACR2, if field 260 names both a fictitious place of publication and a real place of publication, use the code for the real place. If the real place of publication is unknown, use the code for the fictitious place.

Ctry     ieblank character
260     Belfast [i.e. Dublin : ǂb publisher not identified], ǂc 1982

When cataloging under RDA, if field 264 names a fictitious place of publication and a real place of publication is included in a note, use the code for the fictitious place.

Ctry     enk
264   1 London : ǂb Alpha International, ǂc [2011]
264   4 ǂc ©2011
500     Actually published in Auckland, New Zealand by Alpha New Zealand

Multipart items. If you are cataloging a multipart item, use the code for the state or country of publication of the first piece cataloged. Do not change the code if later parts are published in a different place.

Ctry     iiblank character
264   1 Hyderabad-Deccan : ǂb Government Central Press, ǂc 1932
264 3 1 ǂ3 Volume 2: ǂa London : ǂb Waterlow & Sons Limited


For information on indexing and searching, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, 008/15-17.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 008/15-17 (All Materials).