
Merrilee Proffitt

Senior Manager

Merrilee Proffitt

Merrilee works in OCLC Research and provides project management skills and expert support to institutions within the OCLC Research Library Partnership.

Merrilee has authored or co-authored articles, guidelines, and reports for a variety organizations and professional journals. She is frequently an invited speaker at international professional conferences and workshops on topics relating to Wikimedia project, digital libraries and special collections, and DEI in libraries. In 2014, Merrilee was elected as a Fellow of the Society of American Archivists, the highest honor bestowed on individuals by SAA and awarded for outstanding contributions to the archival profession.

She is the editor of Leveraging Wikipedia: Connecting Communities of Knowledge (ALA Editions, 2018) as well as a co-author of Reimagine Descriptive Workflows: A Community-informed Agenda for Reparative and Inclusive Descriptive Practice (OCLC Research, 2022). Her current projects and interests include: supporting the work of unique and distinctive collections, and developing more inclusive library practices.

Before coming to OCLC in 2001 Merrilee was Director of Digital Archive Development at the Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley.

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Hanging Together

Merrilee is a frequent contributor to the OCLC Research blog, Hanging Together

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