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Works in Progress Webinar: Listening to community-centered archives about sharing collections online
Viewers will gain insights into the priorities of community-centered archives, understand initial steps to build reciprocal relationships, and learn about opportunities and challenges to collaborating with larger institutions to share digital collections online.
Topics: Works in Progress, Archives and Special Collections, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

Works in Progress Webinar: Developing and maintaining culturally conscious descriptive practices at the Rockefeller Archive Center
View this webinar to learn how the Rockefeller Archive Center has operationalized reparative description and bias consciousness in their work.
Topics: Works in Progress, Archives and Special Collections, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

Works in Progress Webinar: Lessons learned from implementing an AI reference chatbot at the University of Calgary Library
In this webinar, University of Calgary Library staff reflect on lessons learned from the implementation of the Library’s AI reference chatbot.
Topics: Works in Progress, Research Support, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Works in Progress Webinar: Employing the OCLC Total Cost of Stewardship tools to change the conversation at Smith College
This presentation focuses on the practical application of OCLC’s Total Cost of Stewardship framework to move from the pay-to-play model of financial gifts to one of equity and transparency.
Topics: Works in Progress, Collection Management, Archives and Special Collections

Works in Progress Webinar: Building research data management capacity through strategic collaboration
View this webinar to learn about key findings from recent OCLC Research efforts that explore library collaboration.
Topics: Works in Progress, Research Data Management

Works in Progress Webinar: Partnering across the research enterprise to create robust research support at Montana State University
Learn about Montana State University’s newly established Research Alliance, an example of how libraries are establishing “beyond the library” operational structures to support institutional priorities.
Topics: Works in Progress, Research Support

Diversifying collections with authentic and inclusive collection development strategies
Toronto, Canada
Library leaders—across institutions of sizes, types, and locations—are prioritizing collection diversity to authentically represent missing voices and perspectives. For some, it can be difficult to know where to start or how to allocate resources. This session will demonstrate how institutions are moving forward to build and sustain diverse print collections.
Topics: Collective Collections

Transforming Metadata: Getting ready for AI
San Diego, California, USA
OCLC’s Transforming Metadata series connects you with emerging trends in the world of next-generation metadata standards, services, and platforms. At ALA 2024, our panel explored how Research Library Partnership members are getting ready for AI by setting expectations, building staff confidence, and by developing frameworks to avoid potential risks.
Topics: Transforming Metadata, Metadata, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Works in Progress Webinar: Establishing a library-based digital publications program at Brown University
View this webinar to learn about the challenges for new forms of digital publication, particularly related to discoverability and preservation.
Topics: Works in Progress, Open Access

Works in Progress Webinar: Gears and gigabytes—Preserving multimodal robotics collections
View this webinar to learn about Carnegie Mellon University’s work to establish a robotics collecting program and the best practices developed to support it.
Topics: Works in Progress, Archives and Special Collections, Collection Management