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Resource sharing revolutionized

A commitment to speed and innovation

No single library can hold every item its users may need, so libraries rely on the OCLC resource sharing network to lend and borrow resources locally, in groups, and around the world. We make it easier for libraries to support one another and their users, no matter what resource is requested.

Building on experience, planning for the future

Building on more than 40 years of leadership in resource sharing and the largest resource sharing network with 10,000+ libraries worldwide, we continue to invest and innovate. We’re continually improving our solutions so they do what library staff need and users expect—but better, faster, and with more automation and personalization.

Available cloud-based solutions:

Additionally, we partner with Atlas Systems, Inc. to provide complete server hosting to all ILLiad libraries with an ILLiad hosted service.

Our approach: Create impactful end-user experiences

Today's library users expect immediate access to information, personalized to their specific needs, and delivered exactly in the way they prefer.

  • Vision: Inspired by extensive user research and realized through our wide range of products and services, “Library on-demand” represents a vision that helps libraries to adapt and thrive.
  • Strategy: Our smart fulfillment functionality across all resource sharing services helps meet users expectations, while saving time and money.
  • Programs: The Express digital delivery program is one example of how smart fulfillment functionality speeds up delivery. More than 1,000 libraries participate in Express, facilitating exceptionally fast ILL processing. Copy requests are filled in an average of 10 hours. We’re currently exploring more programs to optimize sharing among libraries committed to fast delivery.

WorldShare Interlibrary Loan

Automate ILL staff workflows and help users quickly get the resources they need.

WorldShare ILL is a modern, cloud-based service that automates your ILL borrowing and lending processes through the largest resource sharing network in the world. It saves staff time and ensures prompt delivery of items to the people who need them.

Robyn Clark-Bridges photo

“Helping out other libraries ...”

“The time WorldShare ILL saves me translates into helping out other libraries. I find joy in filling a request after multiple libraries before me passed due to an incorrect or incomplete citation.”

Robyn Clark-Bridges
Evening Supervisor and Interlibrary Loan Associate
Mount Mercy University
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, United States

photo: Moraine Valley Community College exterior

Improve delivery times and achieve zero unfilled requests

Learn how Moraine Valley Community College improved ILL services with the Express program, reducing turnaround times and achieving nearly 100% article fulfillment with a one-person team.

photo: Drake University Cowles Library exterior

Bring stability and resiliency to ILL with Express

Learn how Drake University’s Cowles Library overcame staffing challenges by embracing automation, teamwork, and OCLC’s Express program to sustain their high-level of customer service.


Tailor resource sharing processes and integrate with other technology to provide excellent customer service and anywhere access to patron-requested materials.

Tipasa is a cloud-based ILL management system that makes it possible to manage a high volume of requests, automate routine borrowing and lending functions, and provide an improved experience for students and faculty. With Tipasa, there’s no heavy IT support, server management, or extensive configuration and training.

Emily Tichenor photo

“More intuitive ...”

“The whole thing is more intuitive than what we were using before. I love how easy it is to see everything in the queues… . We knew this would be an improvement for our patrons and our workflow, and it has been.  We’ve been glad to be there from the start as an early adopter.”

Emily Tichenor, MLIS
Northeast Campus Library Director
Tulsa Community College
Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States

photo: Drake University Cowles Library exterior

Bring stability and resiliency to ILL with Express

Learn how Drake University’s Cowles Library overcame staffing challenges by embracing automation, teamwork, and OCLC’s Express program to sustain their high-level of customer service.

Noel Reading Porch, EKU Crabbe Library

Achieve incredibly fast borrowing turnaround times

Get the details on how Eastern Kentucky University saved an astonishing amount of time by customizing Tipasa resource sharing options to match local needs.

OCLC Resource Sharing for Groups

Streamline consortial resource sharing and accelerate delivery.

OCLC Resource Sharing for Groups provides a seamless experience for library users and simplified workflows for staff—whether for digital or print items.

Group members have choice and flexibility as this service is provider-neutral and integrates with most discovery services and library management systems. Additionally, WorldShare ILL, Tipasa, and ILLiad form a familiar foundation, so libraries currently using these services don’t need lengthy implementations or additional training.

Participating libraries can lend and borrow resources from group members, regional partners, or the global OCLC resource sharing network of more than 10,000 libraries. Since it’s driven by data, there’s fast, predictable delivery and everything is managed in one place. Plus, library users enjoy a one-stop view for estimated arrival times, delivery options, and status tracking.