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WorldShare Record Manager training

Find training on WorldShare Record Manager here.

OCLC offers live and recorded instructor-led training sessions, self-paced courses and practices, and shorter videos on WorldShare Record Manager.

Training questions? Please visit OCLC Training FAQ.

For WorldShare Record Manager training in French, please see Formation en français.

For WorldShare Record Manager training in Spanish, please click Formación en español.


Get started with WorldShare Record Manager

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In this twenty-minute video, you will be provided with information intended to help you get started using WorldShare Record Manager for searching WorldCat and for performing basic copy cataloging tasks such as editing records, setting holdings, and exporting records. You will also learn where you can find additional training and documentation on Record Manager.

Searching WorldCat: Basic searching

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In this eight-minute video, you will learn how to perform a basic search in WorldShare Record Manager.

Searching WorldCat: Advanced searching

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In this ten-minute video, you will learn how to perform an advanced search, using multiple indexes and qualifiers in WorldShare Record Manager.

Searching WorldCat: Expert searching

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In this eleven-minute video, you will learn how to perform an expert search. It also discusses how to get help constructing a search by using Searching WorldCat Indexes.

Edit WorldCat bibliographic records

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This  instructor led  course covers the basics of editing bibliographic records in WorldShare Record Manager, in addition to using the online save file, setting holdings, and exporting bibliographic records. This course is intended for original and copy catalogers at OCLC member libraries who will be using WorldShare Record Manager.

Edit bibliographic data

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In this ten-minute video, you will learn the mechanics of editing bibliographic records in WorldShare Record Manager. Includes inserting, deleting and moving fields; reformat; guided entry; MARC field help; validation.

Create a new WorldCat bibliographic record

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This instructor led  course covers how to create a new  WorldCat bibliographic record.  This course does not cover cataloging rules (AACR2 or RDA) for creating new bibliographic records. This course is intended for catalogers at OCLC member libraries who will be using WorldShare Record Manager to  create new WorldCat records.

Field strings, text strings and constant data

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This thirteen-minute video discusses and demonstrates how to create and apply field strings, text strings and bibliographic constant data in WorldShare Record Manager.

Creating labels

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This eleven-minute video shows how to create labels in WorldShare Record Manager. It includes steps to create label templates and to add items to a label print list.

Local bibliographic data

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This seven-minute video explains how to create and edit local bibliographic data in WorldShare Record Manager and demonstrates its use in WorldCat Discovery.

Control headings

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In this ten-minute video, you will learn how to use WorldShare Record Manager to control headings. Controlling headings links name, series, and subject headings in bibliographic records to matching authority records, if available.

Original cataloging

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In this seven-minute video, you will learn the mechanics of using WorldShare Record Manager to add original bibliographic records to WorldCat, including deriving a new record from an existing record, and creating a record from a blank MARC workform.

Replacing WorldCat bibliographic records

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This seven-minute video explains the Replace action using Connexion client or WorldShare Record Manager to save your edits to a WorldCat bibliographic record. It also covers when to use replace, and which fields in which WorldCat records you can edit and replace.

Ordering when there is no WorldCat record (for WMS libraries)

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In this thirteen-minute video, you will learn how to create a brief level record for ordering when no WorldCat record exists.

MARC bibliographic basics

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This six-minute video will provide a brief introduction to the MARC Bibliographic Format – just enough to help you determine which WorldCat records match the item you are cataloging, and help you select the appropriate record.

WorldCat records (for WMS libraries)

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This self-paced tutorial is for catalogers and other technical services staff in libraries using WorldShare Acquisitions and Circulation in conjunction with WorldShare Record Manager and WorldCat Discovery. You will learn about WorldCat records and associated concepts.

MARC authority records

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This video discusses the basic structure and purposes of MARC authority records.

Authority control

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This instructor led course provides the basic skills needed to work with authority records in WorldShare Record Manager. At the end of this course, learners will be able to find detailed help on the available authority files in Record Manager; set user preferences for authority records; search and browse the Library of Congress (LC) authority file; use the LC Root/Expanded browse to find authority records having subdivisions; explain the purpose of control headings; control headings in bibliographic records; and export authority records. This course is intended for catalogers and other staff responsible for authority control at OCLC member libraries using WorldShare Record Manager. This course is not intended for NACO libraries creating / editing authority records. 

Local holdings records

Create and edit local holdings records for single part monographs in text view

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In this six-minute video, you will learn how to create and edit local holdings records (LHRs) for single part monographs in text view in WorldShare Record Manager.

Create and edit local holdings records for multi-part monographs in text view

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In this eight-minute video, you will learn how to create and edit local holdings records (LHRs) for multi-part monographs in text view.

Create and edit local holdings records for serials in text view

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In this eight-minute video, you will learn how to create and edit local holdings records (LHRs) for serials in text view in WorldShare Record Manager.

Create and edit local holdings records for single part monographs in MARC21

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In this seven-minute video, you will learn how to create and edit local holdings records (LHRs) for single part monographs in MARC21 in WorldShare Record Manager.

Create and edit local holdings records for multi-part monographs in MARC21

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In this eleven-minute video, you will learn how to create and edit local holdings records (LHRs) for multi-part monographs in MARC 21 in WorldShare Record Manager.

Create and edit local holdings records for serials in MARC21

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In this fourteen-minute video, you will learn how to create and edit local holdings records (LHRs) for serials in MARC21 in WorldShare Record Manager.

Local holdings records for WMS libraries

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In this twenty-eight-minute video, you will learn about the standards and best practices for creating Local Holdings Records (LHRs) for WMS (WorldShare Management Services) libraries. This video will explain the MARC fields in LHRs which should be useful when editing LHRs created in Text view or MARC21 view. Also included is a discussion of coded pairs vs. textual holdings, and creating and editing summary statements for serials.

Using record work lists to edit local holdings records

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In this twenty-minute video, you will learn how to use record work lists in WorldShare Record Manager to edit large numbers of local holdings records.

Edit or remove Shared Print commitments

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This seven-minute video demonstrates how to work with local holdings records with Shared Print commitments in WorldShare Record Manager.

NACO functionality

Record Manager NACO functionality

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These four short videos show you how to work with NACO records, perform searches, create authority records, and set preferences.

Simplified cataloging interface

Simplified cataloging

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In this course, you will learn how to use the Record Manager simplified cataloging interface to match WorldCat records to items you are cataloging, set holdings and export records, download records from an export list, and optionally, add local data to records before exporting.
The Record Manager simplified cataloging interface is the replacement for the CatExpress user interface in Connexion browser.  If your library does not use the CatExpress user interface in Connexion browser, see Cataloging, Local holdings records, and NACO functionality for full Record Manager functionality training.

Simplified cataloging: Search WorldCat

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In this video, you'll learn about searching WorldCat using the simplified cataloging interface in WorldShare Record Manager.  After watching the video, you'll be able to search WorldCat using standard numbers such as ISBN, keywords such as title or author, and advanced searches such as title phrase.  You'll also be able to switch between condensed and enhanced views of search results.

Simplified cataloging: Labels

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This video demonstrates using  the simplified cataloging interface to create a label template and a label print list, send records to the label print list, edit labels as needed, print labels, and delete labels after printing.

Simplified cataloging: User preferences

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This video demonstrates how to set user preferences in the simplified cataloging interface for export format, basic and advanced searching, and MARC or text view of records.