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0xx Fields

0xx Introduction

0xx fields

In OCLC‘s implementation of MARC 21 Bibliographic, the Leader, and control fields 001, 003, 005, 006, and 008 display in cataloging interfaces in various ways that allow easier input and/or interpretation by catalogers. Many of these elements display as a single area with mnemonic labels for each element, called the fixed field. Users also have the option to display the fixed field as a separate variable field in Connexion client and WorldShare Record Manager. Elements of the MARC 21 Leader, 001, 005, 006, and 008 fields are described in the Fixed Field page.

MARC 21 field 001 is implemented in OCLC-MARC as the OCLC Control Number (OCLC) fixed field element. It contains the OCLC control number that is system-generated and assigned by OCLC. The field 001 does not have indicators or subfield codes.

MARC 21 field 003 does not display in current OCLC interfaces. Field 003 contains the MARC Organization Code identifying whose system control number is present in field 001. At the point of output all bibliographic records in WorldCat have the field 003 with the MARC Organizational Code added to all exported records. The field 003 does not have indicators or subfield codes.

MARC 21 field 005 is displayed, stored, and/or exported differently depending upon the interface. The field 005 does not have indicators or subfield codes. For more information about field 005, see Replaced page.

Field 006 functions as an extension of field 008 when the resource represented by the record has multiple format characteristics. Field 006 contains a subset of the positions defined in the field 008. Elements in those fields are identified by position. The input and display of field 006 elements varies by interface and selected options. The field 006 does not have indicators or subfield codes.

Field 007 contains coded data related to the physical characteristics of resources. In MARC 21, field 007 is a control field that does not have indicators or subfield codes. The input and display of field 007 elements vary by WorldCat interface and selected options.

Field 008 contains coded data related to the resource. The input and display of field 008 elements varies by interface and selected options. The field 008 does not have indicators or subfield codes.

Fields 010-049 contain standard and other identifiers, coded data, and other elements relating to the record.

Fields 050-099 contain classification and call numbers and other data elements relating to the record.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 00x and 01x-09x.