Definition |
The physical characteristics of a cartographic material other than a globe. Field 007 is valid in all formats so you can code for the physical characteristics of the parts of an item such as accompanying material. |
Use for all maps, including atlases. Do not use for map microforms. Use field 007 microforms for map microforms. Do not use for globes. Use field 007 globes for globes. |
Use for maps that are components of a kit. |
Examples |
Use the following examples as guidelines for maps. |
Colored printed map on paper
007 |
a ǂb j ǂd c ǂe a ǂf n ǂg z ǂh n |
300 |
1 map : ǂb color ; ǂc 50 x 80 cm |
Atlas containing colored printed maps on paper
007 |
a ǂb d ǂd c ǂe a ǂf n ǂg z ǂh n |
300 |
1 atlas (48 pages) : ǂb color map ; ǂc 28 cm |
Uncolored positive photocopy (blue)
007 |
a ǂb j ǂd a ǂe a ǂf z ǂg a ǂh a |
300 |
1 map : ǂb photocopy ; ǂc 26 x 34 cm |
500 |
Blue line print |
Uncolored positive photocopy (dark on light, not blue)
007 |
a ǂb j ǂd a ǂe a ǂf z ǂg b ǂh a |
300 |
1 map : ǂb photocopy ; ǂc 28 x 46 cm |
Uncolored negative photocopy (light on dark)
007 |
a ǂb s ǂd a ǂe a ǂf z ǂg b ǂh b |
300 |
5 sections : ǂb photocopy ; ǂc on sheet 30 x 50 cm |
500 |
Negative |
Uncolored facsimile map on paper
007 |
a ǂb j ǂd a ǂe a ǂf f ǂg z ǂh n |
300 |
1 map : ǂc 31 x 55 cm |
500 |
Facsimile |
Colored facsimile map on paper
007 |
a ǂb j ǂd c ǂe a ǂf f ǂg z ǂh n |
300 |
1 map : ǂb color ; ǂc 29 x 50 cm |
500 |
Facsimile |
Uncolored relief model made of synthetic
007 |
a ǂb q ǂd a ǂe e ǂf n ǂg z ǂh n |
300 |
1 model : ǂb plastic ; ǂc 40 x 30 x 2 cm |
Colored relief model made of synthetic
007 |
a ǂb q ǂd c ǂe e ǂf n ǂg z ǂh n |
300 |
1 model : ǂb color, plastic ; ǂc 40 x 30 x 2 cm |
1st Indicator |
Undefined. The 1st indicator position is undefined and contains a blank. |
Undefined |
2nd Indicator |
Undefined. The 2nd indicator position is undefined and contains a blank. |
Undefined |
Subfields |
ǂa Category of material |
A one-character alphabetic code that indicates the category of material to which the item belongs is map.
a |
Map. Item is a map, which is all cartographic material other than a globe. Use code a for single maps, map series, map serials, and atlases. |
ǂb Specific material designation |
A one-character alphabetic code that describes the special class of material (usually the class of physical object) to which an item belongs (e.g., a diagram).
d |
Atlas. An atlas contains maps, related text, and other cartographic information. |
g |
Diagram. A diagram is a graphic representation of numerical data or of the course or results of an action or process. Use also for a map characterized by much simplified, or schematic, representation. |
j |
Map. A map is two-dimensional representation normally to scale and on a flat medium, of a selection of material or abstract features on, or in relation to, the surface of the earth or of another celestial body. |
k |
Profile. A profile is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface (which may or may not be a plane) with the surface of the ground, or of the intersection of such a vertical surface with that of a conceptual three-dimensional model representing phenomena having a continuous distribution (e.g., rainfall). |
q |
Model. A model is a three-dimensional representation of a real item, either of the exact size of the original or to scale. |
r |
Remote-sensing image. A remote-sensing image is produced by a recording device not in physical or intimate contact with the object under study. |
s |
Section. A section is a scaled representation of a vertical surface (commonly a plane) displaying both the profile where it intersects the surface of the ground or some conceptual model and the underlying structures along the plane of intersection (e.g., geological section). |
u |
Unspecified. The specific material designation is not specified. |
y |
View. A view is a perspective representation of the landscape in which detail is shown as if projected onto an oblique plane. |
z |
Other. None of the other codes is appropriate. |
ǂd Color |
The color characteristics of the map.
a |
One color. The map is one color. |
c |
Multicolor. The map is multicolored. |
ǂe Physical medium |
The material out of which the cartographic item is made.
a |
Paper. The material is any kind of cellulose-based paper. |
b |
Wood. The material is wood. Material which is based on wood particles or fibers may or may not be considered wood. Consider particle board to be wood. |
c |
Stone. The material is stone. |
d |
Metal. The material is metal. |
e |
Synthetic. Man-made substances other than textiles, plastic, and vinyl. Formerly, this code included plastic and vinyl in its definition. |
f |
Skin. Excludes leather, parchment, and vellum. Synthetic materials that are made to resemble animal skin are coded as synthetic. Formerly, this code included parchment, leather, and vellum in its definition. |
g |
Textile. The material is textile. Use for all fabrics whether made from natural or synthetic fibers. |
i |
Plastic. The material is plastic. |
j |
Glass. The material is glass. |
l |
Vinyl. The material is vinyl. |
n |
Vellum. Fine-grained unsplit lambskin, kidskin, or calfskin prepared especially for writing or drawing on. |
p |
Plaster. The material is plaster. Use also for mixtures of ground solids and plaster. |
q |
Flexible base photographic medium, positive. The material is a flexible base photographic medium designed to render a positive image. |
r |
Flexible base photographic medium, negative. The material is a flexible base photographic medium designed to render a negative image. |
s |
Non-flexible base photographic medium, positive. The material is a non-flexible base photographic medium designed to render a positive image. |
t |
Non-flexible base photographic medium, negative. The material is a non-flexible base photographic medium designed to render a negative image. |
u |
Unknown. The physical medium of the map is not known. |
v |
Leather. Animal skin dressed for use. |
w |
Parchment. Skin of a sheep or goat prepared for writing on. |
y |
Other photographic material. The material is a photographic material other than those coded by one of the more specific codes q, r, s, and t. |
z |
Other. None of the other codes is appropriate. |
ǂf Type of reproduction |
Whether the cartographic item is a facsimile or other type of reproduction.
f |
Facsimile. A facsimile resembles the original in aspects possible, but is not the original. |
n |
Not applicable. The item is not a reproduction. |
u |
Unknown. The type of reproduction is not known. |
z |
Other. None of the other codes is appropriate. |
ǂg Production/ reproduction details |
The photographic technique used to produce the cartographic image.
a |
Photocopy, blueline print. The map is a photocopy, blue line print composed of blue lines on a white background. Bluelines are made from vellum, film positives, or any translucent or transparent original on which an image has been made and reproduced by the whiteprint process. |
b |
Photocopy. The map is a photocopy of the original. |
c |
Pre-production. The map is a pre-production (proof) copy intended for review. |
d |
Film. The map is a film copy of the original. |
u |
Unknown. The production/reproduction details are not known. |
z |
Other. None of the other codes is appropriate. |
ǂh Positive/negative aspect |
The positive/negative aspect of the photocopy or film of the cartographic item. This characteristic is also referred to as polarity.
a |
Positive. The polarity is positive (i.e., the images are dark on a light background). |
b |
Negative. The polarity is negative (i.e., the images are light on a dark background). |
m |
Mixed. The photocopy or film is a mixture of positive and negative images. |
n |
Not applicable. The item is not a photocopy or film. |
Indexing |
For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, field 007. |
MARC 21 |
For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 007 (Map). |