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012  CONSER Fixed Length Field (NR)

Record Type


Input Standards

Field (Full/Minimal)
LC and CONSER use only/LC and CONSER use only
1st Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
2nd Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa Priority byte (NR) Obsolete/Obsolete
ǂb Non-permanent distribution code (NR) LC and CONSER use only/LC and CONSER use only
ǂc Major/minor change byte (NR) Obsolete/Obsolete
ǂd Permanent distribution code (NR) LC and CONSER use only/LC and CONSER use only
ǂe Special LC projects (NR) LC and CONSER use only/LC and CONSER use only
ǂf OCAT certification (NR) Obsolete/Obsolete
ǂg Type of cataloging code (NR) LC and CONSER use only/LC and CONSER use only
ǂh Non-established name indicator (NR) LC and CONSER use only/LC and CONSER use only
ǂi NST publication date code (NR) Obsolete/Obsolete
ǂj ISSN distribution (NR) LC and CONSER use only/LC and CONSER use only
ǂk ISSN on publication (NR) LC and CONSER use only/LC and CONSER use only
ǂl Communication with publisher (NR) LC and CONSER use only/LC and CONSER use only
ǂm Communication with USPS (NR) LC and CONSER use only/LC and CONSER use only
ǂz Record status overrider (NR) LC and CONSER use only/LC and CONSER use only



Library of Congress (LC) and CONSER use field 012 for control elements that are not accommodated in the fixed field. All other users can delete field 012 in their locally edited copy of the record. Field 012 is not part of the standard MARC 21 Bibliographic format. For more information about field 012, see the CONSER Editing Guide.


Field 012 is not indexed.


Field 012 is OCLC-defined and therefore not included in MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.