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022  International Standard Serial Number (R)

Record Type


Input Standards

Field (Full/Minimal)
Required if applicable/Required if applicable
1st Indicator  Level of international interest
blank character No level specified
0 Continuing resource of international interest
1 Continuing resource not of international interest
2nd Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa International Standard Serial Number (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂl ISSN-L (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂm Canceled ISSN-L (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂy Incorrect ISSN (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂz Canceled ISSN (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂ0 Authority record control number or standard number (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂ1 Real World Object URI (R) Optional/Optional
ǂ2 Source (NR) ISSN national agency and CONSER use only/ISSN national agency and CONSER use only
ǂ6 Linkage (NR) System supplied/System supplied
ǂ8 Field link and sequence number (R) Optional/Optional


Contains the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). ISSNs consist of eight digits in two groups of four, separated by a hyphen. Use for ISSNs found in New Serial Titles, other Bowker serials publications, or in the issue being cataloged so that the record can be authenticated by the National Serials Data Program.

Note: This field is used for both serials and integrating resources.

For information about OCLC's implementation of subfield ǂl and subfield ǂm updates, see section 1.1, MARC Bibliographic Records.


The final character of an ISSN is a calculated check character, either numeric, 0-9, or X. It is used to identify and eliminate typographical errors.

When you validate a record containing field 022, the system checks the ISSN in subfield ǂa to verify that the content and length are correct and that the check character matches the calculated check character.

If there is an error in the ISSN (e.g., the ISSN is too long or too short, lacks a hyphen after the fourth digit, or has an invalid check digit), the system displays an error message and the ISSN remains in subfield ǂa. If you made a typographical error, correct the ISSN and validate the record again. If the error message appears again and you transcribed the ISSN exactly, the ISSN is in error. Put the ISSN in subfield ǂy .

1st indicator

Level of international interest. The level of international interest. In almost all cases, use blank.

blank character

No level specified. The level of international interest is unknown or not specified. Used by all institutions other than ISSN Centers when recording the ISSN.


Continuing resource of international interest. Full record registered with the ISSN Network. Used only by ISSN Centers.


Continuing resource not of international interest. Abbreviated record registered with the ISSN Network. Used only by ISSN Centers.

2nd Indicator

Undefined. The 2nd indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.

blank character



ǂa International Standard Serial Number

Enter the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) as two groups of four digits, separated by a hyphen. If the final character (check character) is an x, enter an uppercase X.

022     0044-8399
022     0090-001X

An ISSN that links together various media versions of a continuing resource.

022 0   1234-1231 ǂl 1234-1231
ǂm Canceled ISSN-L

A canceled ISSN-L that has been associated with the resource. Each canceled ISSN-L is contained in a separate subfield ǂm.

022 0   1560-1560 ǂl 1234-1231 ǂm 1560-1560
ǂy Incorrect ISSN

An ISSN printed in a serial but assigned by ISDS to another serial.

022     0046-225X ǂy 0046-2254
ǂz Canceled ISSN

ISSN centers use subfield ǂz for erroneously assigned ISSNs.

022     0145-0808 ǂz 0361-7106

Prior to 1978, OCLC defined subfield ǂz for both canceled and incorrect ISSNs. Such records may still have incorrect ISSNs in subfield ǂz.

ǂ0 Authority record control number or standard number

A URI for the ISSN in subfield ǂa. For more information about subfield ǂ0, see Control Subfields.

022     1534-9322 ǂ0
ǂ1 Real World Object URI

For information about subfield ǂ1, see Control Subfields.

ǂ2 Source In field 022, subfield ǂ2 contains the code for the ISSN Centre that assigned the ISSN.


The most commonly used codes are:

0 ISSN International Centre
1 United States
2 United Kingdom
4 Canada
z Other

The full list of codes is available in Annex 3 of the ISSN Manual.

For information about subfield ǂ2, see Control Subfields.

ǂ6 Linkage

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not manually add subfield ǂ6. For more information about subfield ǂ6, see Control Subfields.

ǂ8 Field link and sequence number

For information about subfield ǂ8, see Control Subfields.


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, field 022.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 022.