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085  Synthesized Classification Number Components (R)

Record Type


Input Standards

Field (Full/Minimal)
1st Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
2nd Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa Number where instructions are found - Single number or beginning number of span (R) Optional/Optional
ǂb Base number (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂc Classification number - Ending number of span (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂf Facet designator (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂr Root number (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂs Digits added from classification number in schedule or external table (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂt Digits added from internal subarrangement or add table (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂu Number being analyzed (R) Optional/Optional
ǂv Number in internal subarrangement or add table where instructions are found (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂw Table identification - Internal subarrangement or add table (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂy Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂz Table identification (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂ0 Authority record control number or standard number (R) Optional/Optional
ǂ1 Real World Object URI (R) Optional/Optional
ǂ6 Linkage (NR) System supplied/System supplied
ǂ8 Field link and sequence number (R) Optional/Optional


Information about how a synthesized classification number or a portion of a synthesized classification number was built. Field 085 traces the different components of a synthesized number, showing the different portions of the number and where the add instructions are given. If a number was built using two or more instructions, a separate field 085 is given for each instruction.

Primary use for this field is for the Dewey Decimal Classification, which is based on the concept of number building. Field 085 is repeated each time an addition is made to the base number.

For the Dewey Decimal Classification the base number (subfield ǂb) is always given first, followed by the location of add instructions (subfields ǂa and ǂc). When there are multiple additions to a synthesized number, a cumulative base number (the number which resulted from the previous addition) is used in subfield ǂb of the following 085 field. This field includes instructions about how many zeros to add for standard subdivisions. In these cases, the zeros are recorded in subfield ǂf.

For more information, see Representation of DDC in MARC 21 Bibliographic Format: An Update.


082 0 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa 346.0469516 ǂ2 22
085     ǂ8 1.1 ǂb 346.046 ǂa 346.046 ǂr 333 ǂs 95
085     ǂ8 1.2 ǂb 346.04695 ǂa 333.7 ǂc 333.9 ǂw 333.7 ǂc 333.9 ǂt 16
[The Dewey number in the 082 field, 346.0469516, means law providing for government control and regulation of biological resources for the sake of conserving them. The first 085 field shows that the number 346.04695 was built with 346.046 Law of government control and regulation of specific kinds of natural resources plus 95 from 333.95 Biological resources, following the instructions at 346.046. The second 085 field shows that the number 346.0469516 was built with 346.04695 plus 16 Conservation from the first add table under 333.7-333.9, as instructed under 333.7-333.9.]
082 0 4 ǂ8 1 ǂa 599.0994 ǂc 22
083 0   ǂ8 2 ǂa 598.0994 ǂ2 22
085     ǂ8 1.1 ǂb 599 ǂz 1 ǂs 09
085     ǂ8 1.2 ǂb 599.09 ǂz 1 ǂa 093.046 ǂc 099 ǂz 2 ǂs 94
085     ǂ8 2.1 ǂb 598 ǂz 1 ǂa 09
085     ǂ8 2.2 ǂb 598.09 ǂz 1 ǂa 093 ǂc 099 ǂz 2 ǂs 94
[The first two 085 fields show how the Dewey number in the 082 field, 599.0994, was built. The first 085 field shows that 599.09 was built with 599 Mammals plus 09 Geographic treatment from Table 1 Standard subdivisions. The second 085 field shows that 599.0994 was built with 599.09 plus 94 Australia from Table 2 Areas, following instructions at 093-099 in Table 1. The second two 085 fields show how the Dewey number in the 083 field, 598.0994, was built.]

1st Indicator

Undefined. The 1st indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.

blank character


2nd Indicator

Undefined. The 2nd indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.

blank character



ǂa Number where instructions are found - Single number or beginning number of span

Number (single number or beginning number of span) where instructions are found.

082 0 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa 346.0469516 ǂ2 22
085     ǂ8 1.1 ǂb 346.046 ǂa 346.046 ǂr 333 ǂs 95
ǂb Base number

Base classification number to which one or more other numbers are added. In many instances it may be the same as subfield ǂa. When two or more additions are used to build one number, the base number for the second and following 085 fields is the number resulting from the immediately preceding addition.

082 0 4 ǂ8 1\x ǂa 371.3345019 ǂq DE-101 ǂ2 22/ger
085     ǂ8 1\x ǂb 371.334
ǂc Classification number - Ending number of span

Ending number of a classification span under which an internal subarrangement or add instructions are found.

082 0 4 ǂ8 1 ǂa 599.0994 ǂc 22
085     ǂ8 1.2 ǂb 599.09 ǂz 1 ǂa 093.046 ǂc 099 ǂz 2 ǂs 94
ǂf Facet designator

Extra character(s) to be added to classification numbers that indicate facets.

082 0 4 362.196994490092 ǂ2 23 ǂm a
085     ǂb 362.19699449 ǂf 0 ǂz 1 ǂs 092 ǂu 362.196994490092
085     ǂb 362.196994 ǂa 616.9942 ǂc 616.9949 ǂr 611 ǂs 49 ǂu 362.19699449
085     ǂb 362.19 ǂa 362.196 ǂc 362.198 ǂr 61 ǂs 6994 ǂu 362.196994
ǂr Root number

Initial digits of the pattern number or span when these digits are not added. If this subfield is present, subfield ǂs or ǂt must also be present to specify the digits that are added.

082 0 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa 346.0469516 ǂ2 22
085     ǂ8 1.1 ǂb 346.046 ǂa 346.046 ǂr 333 ǂs 95
ǂs Digits added from classification number in schedule or external table

Digits that have been added from a classification number in a schedule or external table to make up the synthesized number.

082 0 4 ǂ8 1\x ǂa 371.3345019 ǂq DE-101 ǂ2 22/ger
085     ǂ8 1\x ǂs 005.019
ǂt Digits added from internal subarrangement or add table

Digits that have been added from an internal subarrangement or add table to make up the synthesized number.

082 0 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa 346.0469516 ǂ2 22
085     ǂ8 1.2 ǂb 346.04695 ǂa 333.7 ǂc 333.9 ǂw 333.7 ǂc 333.9 ǂt 16
ǂu Number being analyzed

Repeated when the same 085 field is applicable to more than one number appearing in the same record.

082 0 4 385.0978 ǂ2 23 ǂm a
085     ǂb 385.09 ǂz 1 ǂa 093 ǂc 099 ǂz 2 ǂs 78 ǂu 385.0978
085     ǂb 385 ǂz 1 ǂs 09 ǂu 385.09
ǂv Number in internal subarrangement or add table where instructions are found

Number (single number or beginning number of span) in an internal subarrangement or add table under which add instructions are found.

082 0 4 785.2
085     ǂb 787.2 ǂa 784 ǂc 788 ǂw 784 ǂc 788 ǂt 1 ǂu 787.219369
085     ǂb 787.21 ǂa 784 ǂc 788 ǂv 18 ǂc 19 ǂr 784.1 ǂs 9369 ǂu 787.219369
ǂw Table identification - Internal subarrangement or add table

Classification number (single number or beginning number of span) under which an internal subarrangement or add table is found.

082 0 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa 346.0469516 ǂ2 22
085     ǂ8 1.2 ǂb 346.04695 ǂa 333.7 ǂc 333.9 ǂw 333.7 ǂc 333.9 ǂt 16
ǂy Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table

Sequence number or other identifier for an internal classification subarrangement or add table. If the first or only add table found at a classification number is the number 1, and succeeding integers are used for any following add tables found at that number.

082 0 4 938.007202 ǂ2 23 ǂm a
085     ǂb 938 ǂa 938 ǂa 930 ǂc 990 ǂw 930 ǂc 990 ǂy 1 ǂt 007202 ǂu 938.007202
085     ǂb 9 ǂa 930 ǂc 990 ǂz 2 ǂs 38 ǂu 938
ǂz Table identification

Identifies the table used in building a number. For a classification number span, subfield ǂz is given only once, before the first number.

082 0 4 ǂ8 1\x ǂa 893.1 ǂq DE-101 ǂ2 22/ger
085     ǂ8 1\x ǂz 3B ǂs 6
ǂ0 Authority record control number or standard number

For information about subfield ǂ0, see Control Subfields.

ǂ1 Real World Object URI

For information about subfield ǂ1, see Control Subfields.

ǂ6 Linkage

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not manually add subfield ǂ6. For more information about subfield ǂ6, see Control Subfields.

ǂ8 Field link and sequence number

For information about subfield ǂ8, see Control Subfields.

085     ǂ8 2.3\x ǂb 891.783 ǂz 3B ǂa 81 ǂc 89 ǂz 3B ǂw 81 ǂc 89 ǂy 1 ǂt 09 ǂu 891.78309


Field 085 is not indexed.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 085.