
270  Address (R)

Record Type


Input Standards

Field (Full/Minimal)
1st Indicator  Level
blank character No level specified
1 Primary
2 Secondary
2nd Indicator  Type of address
blank character No type specified
0 Mailing
7 Type specified in subfield ǂi
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa Address (R) Optional/Optional
ǂb City (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂc State or province (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂd Country (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂe Postal code (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂf Terms preceding attention name (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂg Attention name (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂh Attention position (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂi Type of address (NR Optional/Optional
ǂj Specialized telephone number (R) Optional/Optional
ǂk Telephone number (R) Optional/Optional
ǂl Fax number (R) Optional/Optional
ǂm Electronic mail address (R) Optional/Optional
ǂn TDD or TTY number (R) Optional/Optional
ǂp Contact person (R) Optional/Optional
ǂq Title of contact person (R) Optional/Optional
ǂr Hours (R) Optional/Optional
ǂz Public note (R) Optional/Optional
ǂ4 Relationship (R) Optional/Optional
ǂ6 Linkage (NR) System supplied/System supplied
ǂ8 Field link and sequence number (R) Optional/Optional


Addresses and electronic access data (such as telephone, fax, TTY, etc.) associated with a bibliographic item. Enter multiple addresses (such as mailing addresses or addresses corresponding to different physical locations of an item or facilities) in separate 270 fields.

For information on punctuation, see the Punctuation section below.

1st Indicator

Level. A value that specifies the level of the address. Use to distinguish primary and additional (secondary) addresses.

blank character

No level specified. Type of address is not specified.


Primary. The information relates to a primary address.


Secondary. The information relates to an address that is not the primary address.

2nd Indicator

Type of address. A value that specifies the type of the address for cases when identification of the type is needed at the field level. At present, only one type of address is accommodated by a specific 2nd indicator value. Indicate other types in subfield ǂi.

blank character

No type specified. Type of address is not specified.


Mailing. The field contains a mailing address.


Type specified in subfield ǂi. The address is other than a mailing address and its type is identified in subfield ǂi.


ǂa Address

All address information preceding the name of the city or town except attention information, which you enter in subfields ǂf, ǂg, and ǂh. Use also to indicate if no address information is available. Repeat subfield ǂa to indicate separations of information, such as when parts of the address preceding the name of the city or town need to appear on separate lines.

270     No address given/sin dirección
270 1   Gateway Publishing ǂa P.O. Box 786 ǂb North Adams ǂc MA ǂe 01247 ǂk 1-414-664-9343 ǂm
ǂb City

The name of the city or town.

270 1   Claims Providers of America ǂa P.O. Box 395 ǂb Esparto ǂc CA ǂe 95627 ǂk 1-800-735-6660 ǂl 1-916-796-3631 ǂm
ǂc State or province

The name of the state, province, or next larger jurisdiction, when this information is an integral part of the address. For states in the United States, use the two-character U.S. Postal Service abbreviations.

270     American National Standards Institute ǂa 11 West 42 Street ǂb New York ǂc NY ǂe 10036 ǂk 1-212-642-4900 ǂl 1-212-398-0023
ǂd Country

For the United States, use U.S. For other countries, use the full name instead of standard international codes (e.g., Netherlands not NL).

270     International Atomic Energy Agency ǂa P.O. Box 100 ǂa Wagramer Strasse 5 ǂe A-1400 ǂb Vienna ǂd Austria ǂk +43-1-2600-0 ǂl +43-1-2600-7 ǂm
270 1   GaleNet ǂa 835 Penobscot Bldg. ǂb Detroit ǂc MI ǂd U.S. ǂe 48226-4094 ǂm
ǂe Postal code

The alphanumeric code assigned the postal delivery area by a national postal agency. For the United States, use a five-digit ZIP or nine-digit ZIP + four code. Omit alphabetic country codes that are sometimes given with the postal code (e.g., omit D from the German code D-01437).

270     Bibliothèque américaine à Paris ǂa 10 rue du Général Camou ǂb Paris ǂd France ǂe 75007
270     University of Alaska ǂa 707 A St. ǂb Anchorage ǂc AK ǂe 99501 ǂk 1-901-279-4523
ǂf Terms preceding attention name

The title associated with the attention name (e.g., General, Dr., or Reverend) when the title precedes the name.

270 1   ǂf Dr. ǂg George Smith ǂh Director ǂa 8899 South Lobo St. ǂb Vancouver ǂc BC ǂd Canada ǂe V2N 1Z5 ǂj 1-800-543-1234 ǂk 1-604-947-1255 ǂl 1-604-947-0505 ǂm GSMITHBC
ǂg Attention name

The attention name (e.g., the name of a person) when an item is to be sent to the attention of a particular person.

270 1 0 ǂg Kerry Cook ǂa 6172 Devon Drive ǂb Columbia ǂc MD ǂe 21045 ǂk 1-301-596-101
ǂh Attention position

The title associated with the attention name (e.g., M.D.) when the title follows the name of the person.

270     ǂg Robert Jones ǂh Executive Director ǂa 3701 Old Court Road, Suite 20 ǂb Baltimore ǂc MD ǂe 21208 ǂk 1-410-486-5515
ǂi Type of address

One or more words denoting the kind of address found in the field (e.g., Mailing). Enter subfield ǂi first in the field.

270 1 7 ǂi Billing address: ǂa Sears Credit ǂa 7023 Albert Pick Rd. ǂb Greensboro ǂc NC ǂe 27409 ǂd USA ǂj 1-800-347-8425
270 2 7 ǂi Mailing: ǂg c/o M. Ballweg ǂa 87 Woodward Ave. ǂb Staten Island ǂc NY ǂe 10314 ǂk 1-718-761-5679
[The society has no physical location]
ǂj Specialized telephone number

An important service number (as opposed to an administrative telephone number in subfield ǂk). For example, hotline numbers, toll-free "800" numbers, emergency numbers, etc. For multiple numbers, enter each in a separate subfield ǂj. Hotline numbers precede other specialized telephone numbers. Enter numbers as follows: [country code]-[area/city code]-[line number]. If an extension applies, add it to the telephone number preceded by x.

270 1 0 P.O. Box 50007 ǂb Pasadena ǂc CA ǂe 91115 ǂj 1-213-681-2626 (24 hour hotline)
270 2   666 Broadway ǂb New York ǂc NY ǂe 10012 ǂj 1-800-221-4602 ǂk 1-212-460-9330 ǂp Donna M. Rosenthal
ǂk Telephone number

A regular telephone number associated with the address and/or the public information contact person at that address. Use also for information that no telephone number is available. For multiple numbers, enter each in a separate subfield ǂk.

270     ǂk 1-800-522-7116 ǂn 1-800-523-3494 (TTY)
[The association has no physical location]
270 1   4844 Broadway ǂb New York ǂc NY ǂk 1-212-569-5050
270 1   8950 Route 108 ǂa Gorman Plaza, Suite 116 ǂb Columbia ǂc MD ǂe 21045 ǂj 1-410-997-CASA (hotline) ǂk 1-410-997-0304
270 2   Florence Bain Center ǂa 5470 Beaverkill Road ǂb Columbia ǂc MD ǂk 1-410-964-0415 (Eve) ǂk 1-410-461-0275 (Day)

Input order of regular telephone numbers. For an address in which the regular and a contact person's telephone number are different, enter the telephone number associated with the address after the address information (subfields ǂi, ǂa – ǂh). Enter the telephone number associated with the contact person after the name of the contact person (subfield ǂp) and the contact person's title (subfield ǂq).

270     1500 Greenmount Ave. ǂb Baltimore ǂc MD ǂe 21202 ǂk 1-410-361-4669 ǂp Donna Green ǂk 1-410-361-4671 ǂp Shirley Price ǂk 1-410-361-4674

If the telephone numbers are the same, enter the number after the address.

ǂl Fax number

The fax number associated with the address. For multiple numbers, enter each in a separate subfield ǂl.

270 1   Hoover's, Inc. ǂa 1033 La Posada Dr., Suite 250 ǂb Austin ǂc TX ǂe 78752 ǂk 1-512-374-4500 ǂl 1-512-374-4501 ǂm
ǂm Electronic mail address

The electronic number address associated with the address. For multiple addresses, enter each in a separate subfield ǂm.

270     Library of Congress ǂa Network Development and MARC Standards Office ǂb Washington ǂc DC ǂd U.S. ǂe 20540-4102 ǂl 1-202-707-0115 ǂm
ǂn TDD or TTY number

The TDD or TTY numbers associated with the address. If there is both a TDD number and a TTY number (and/or more than one of each), enter each in a separate subfield ǂn.

270     Little Patuxent Parkway ǂb Columbia ǂc MD ǂk 1-410-992-4800 ǂn 1-410-992-4822 (TDD)
ǂp Contact person

The name of a contact person at the address. For multiple contact people, enter each name in a separate subfield ǂp . If the name is the same as the attention name (subfield ǂg), do not repeat the name in subfield ǂp.

270     P.O. Box 223 ǂb Broken Arrow ǂc OK ǂe 74013 ǂp Sgt. Kathy Hibner
ǂq Title of contact person

The title of the contact person.

270     Hannah More Academy Center ǂa 12035 Reisterstown Rd. ǂb Reisterstown ǂc MD ǂe 21136 ǂk 1-410-887-1139 ǂp Ian J. Forrest ǂq Bureau Chief
ǂr Hours

The hours that access to the address, contact, and/or telephone numbers is available. Use only for the hours associated with address information. If you want to enter the hours for a system or service, use field 307, not field 270 subfield ǂr. Days of the week and global time zone usually accompany hours.

270     Johns Hopkins University ǂa 5457 Twin Knolls Road ǂb Columbia ǂc MD ǂe 21045 ǂk 1-410-997-8045 ǂr M-F 8:30am-5:00 pm USA EST
ǂz Public note

Notes relating to the address information.

ǂ4 Relationship

For information about subfield ǂ4, see Control Subfields.

270 1   OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. ǂa 6565 Kilgour Pl. ǂb Dublin ǂc OH ǂe 43017 ǂ4 org
ǂ6 Linkage

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not manually add subfield ǂ6. For more information about subfield ǂ6, see Control Subfields.

ǂ8 Field link and sequence number

For information about subfield ǂ8, see Control Subfields.


For records containing or omitting punctuation, follow these instructions:

  • Include incidental punctuation needed within any subfields, e.g., commas, periods (following abbreviations or initials), etc.
  • Omit punctuation preceding each subfield unless the preceding subfield ends with an ellipsis, exclamation point, hyphen, period (following an abbreviation or initial), question mark, closing bracket, or closing parenthesis
  • Omit the terminal period at the end of the field unless the last word is an abbreviation or initial
270 1   Hoover's, Inc. ǂa 1033 La Posada Dr., Suite 250 ǂb Austin ǂc TX ǂe 78752 ǂk 1-512-374-4500 ǂl 1-512-374-4501 ǂm

For more information on punctuation, including OCLC policy, see section 2.8, Punctuation.


Field 270 is not indexed.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 270.