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520  Summary, Etc. (R)

Record Type


Input Standards

Field (Full/Minimal)
1st Indicator  Display constant controller
blank character Summary
0 Subject
1 Review
2 Scope and content
3 Abstract
4 Content advice
8 No display constant generated
2nd Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa Summary, etc. (NR) Mandatory/Mandatory
ǂb Expansion of summary note (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂc Assigning source (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂu Uniform Resource Identifier (R) Optional/Optional
ǂ2 Source (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂ3 Materials specified (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂ6 Linkage (NR) System supplied/System supplied
ǂ7 Data provenance (R) Optional/Optional
ǂ8 Field link and sequence number (R) Optional/Optional


An unformatted note that describes the scope and general contents of the described materials. Use for an abstract, annotation, review, summary, or a phrase describing the material.

The level of detail in a summary may vary depending on the audience for a particular item. When no distinction between levels of detail in a summary note is required, subfield ǂa contains all the text. When a distinction is appropriate, subfield ǂa contains a brief statement and subfield ǂb contains additional information.

For information on punctuation, see the Punctuation section below.

1st Indicator

Display constant controller. A value that controls the generation of the display constant preceding the note.

blank character

Summary. The value that generates the display constant Summary:.

520     An illustrated collection of nursery rhymes set to music

Subject. The value that generates the display constant Subject:.

520 0   Two head-and-shoulder portraits in separate ornamental oval frames, one frame held by an eagle

Review. The value that generates the display constant Review:.

520 1   "Combines the most frequently asked questions regarding AIDS with the most prominent US physician, former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, resulting in an informative 38-minute production"--Video rating guide for libraries, winter 1990

Scope and content. The value that generates the display constant Scope and content:.

520 2   Series consists of minutes of meetings of the Board together with correspondence and other documents referred to in the minutes. The records reflect ...

Abstract. The value that generates the display constant Abstract:.

520 3   The study examines the fertility history of American couples in metropolitan America and the motivational connections between the environment and fertility decisions and behavior. ǂb Phase I looks at the social and psychological factors thought to relate to differences in fertility. Phase II focuses on why some couples stopped at two children while others had a third or fourth during the first and second phase. Phase III examines how well attitudes and events of the early marriage determined the record of the later years of child bearing.

Content advice. Used to generate display constant Content advice:.

520 4   Contains violence ǂc UnityUK

No display constant generated. The value that specifies that a display constant is not generated.

2nd Indicator

Undefined. The 2nd indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.

blank character Undefined


ǂa Summary, etc.

The text of the abstract, review, summary, etc. When no distinction between levels of detail in a summary note is required, subfield ǂa contains all the text. When a distinction is appropriate, subfield ǂa contains a brief statement and subfield ǂb contains additional information.

520     Kate and Ben follow their rabbit into a haunted house and discover the source of the house's ghostly sound
520     Books, ledgers, and letters of Alexander Gusdorf and his brother, Gerson Gusdorf, who ran a general store in Taos, N.M.
520     Records the events, people, and places that made news in 2000 and updates the information from the encyclopedia's first year
520 2   Fonds consists of minutes of meetings, research files relating to the delivery of health case services in Nova Scotia, recorded ...
ǂb Expansion of summary note

An expansion of the brief summary recorded in subfield ǂa.

520     Public release motion pictures, 1915-1937. ǂb Includes films on control of rats, prairie dogs and porcupines; fish culture in the United States and pearl culture in Japan; inspection trip to Alaska by Service officials; life in a Boy Scout camp and Air Service bombing techniques in 1921.
520     Miscellaneous cartographic records with an emphasis on biogeography of the United States and Alaska, 1872-1941. ǂb Includes published and photoprocessed maps of Alaska and coastal waters, 1888-1890, many of which were compiled from surveys made on the "Albatross"; maps, 1908-1919, annotated by the Alaskan Fisheries Division ...
520     Letters, primarily to Angelica Schuyler Church (1756-1815), wife of John Barker Church and daughter of Philip John Schuyler, or to members of her family. ǂb Correspondents include Alexander Hamilton (her brother-in-law), Thomas Jefferson, the Marquis de Lafayette, Philip John Schuyler and George Washington. Also included are one order, one deed, and two cut autographs.
ǂc Assigning source

Organization code or name of the agency or other source (e.g., journal or newspaper) that supplied the data (summary, review, abstract, content advice statement, etc.) recorded in subfield ǂa. See MARC Code List for Organizations.

520 4   Contains swear words, sex scenes and violence ǂc UnityUK
520 4   "Happy Feet" may be too much for many kids younger than 7 and some younger than 8. (Know how well your child separates animated fantasy from reality.) ǂc Family Filmgoer ǂu
ǂu Uniform Resource Identifier

For information about subfield ǂu, see Control Subfields. Repeat subfield if digital object has multiple identifiers (URIs).

520 3   ǂu
ǂ2 Source

Source code for the particular classification system used (for example, the MPAA (USA) and BBFC (UK) film classification systems) to construct the content advice statement recorded in subfield ǂa. See Content Advice Classification Source Codes.

520 4   Strong portrayals of sexual activity ǂ2 bbfc
520 4   Intense sequences of adventure, violence, including frightening images ǂ2 mpaa
ǂ3 Materials specified

For information about subfield ǂ3, see Control Subfields.

ǂ6 Linkage

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not manually add subfield ǂ6. For more information about subfield ǂ6, see Control Subfields.

ǂ7 Data provenance

For information about subfield ǂ7, see Data Provenance Subfields.

ǂ8 Field link and sequence number

For information about subfield ǂ8, see Control Subfields.


For records containing punctuation, follow these instructions:

  • Optionally, follow an initial subfield ǂ3 by a colon-space or a space-colon-space if following an open date
  • Include incidental punctuation needed within any subfields, e.g., commas, periods (following abbreviations or initials), etc.
  • Precede subfield ǂb by a period-space unless the preceding subfield ends with an ellipsis, exclamation point, hyphen, period (following an abbeviation or initial), or question mark
  • Optionally, add a terminal period at the end of the field (preceding subfields ǂc and ǂ2) unless the last subfield ends with an ellipsis or period (following an abbreviation or initial)
520 8   Papers concerning Pfeffer's work forming a chapter of the Association of Reform Zionists of America at the Jerusalem campus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. ǂb Includes correspondence, publicity, membership lists, and meeting announcements.

For records containing minimal or no punctuation, include incidental punctuation needed within any subfields. Otherwise, omit the punctuation outlined above.

520 8   Papers concerning Pfeffer's work forming a chapter of the Association of Reform Zionists of America at the Jerusalem campus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion ǂb Includes correspondence, publicity, membership lists, and meeting announcements

For more information on punctuation, including OCLC policy, see section 2.8, Punctuation.


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, field 520.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 520.