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521  Target Audience Note (R)

Record Type


Input Standards

Field (Full/Minimal)
1st Indicator  Display constant controller
blank character Audience
0 Reading grade level
1 Interest age level
2 Interest grade level
3 Special audience characteristics
4 Motivation/interest level
8 No display constant generated
2nd Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa Target audience note (R) Mandatory/Mandatory
ǂb Source (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂ3 Materials specified (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂ6 Linkage (NR) System supplied/System supplied
ǂ8 Field link and sequence number (R) Optional/Optional


A note about the target audience for the described material. Use primarily when the contents of an item are considered appropriate for a specific audience or intellectual level (e.g., elementary school students). Use to record interest and motivation levels and special learner characteristics.

Record information about the target audience and/or intellectual level also in the fixed field element Audn. If both reading grade and interest age or interest grade level information are present, enter codes in Audn based on the interest age or interest grade level information. If a computer file or visual materials record has both reading grade and interest age or interest grade level information present in 521 fields, fixed field element Audn is coded based on the interest age information.

Use field 506 if the note is about restrictions on access.

For information on punctuation, see the Punctuation section below.

1st Indicator

Display constant controller. A value that controls the generation of the display constant preceding the note.

blank character

Audience. The value that generates the display constant Audience:.


Reading grade level. The data in subfield ǂa pertains to the grade level at which the item is meant to be read. Use to generate the display constant Reading grade level:.

521 0   3.1
[The reading level is for the first month of the third grade]

Interest age level. The data in subfield ǂa pertains to the age level at which the item will most likely be of interest. Use to generate the display constant Interest age level:.

521 1   008-012
[The item is of interest to those aged 8-12]

Interest grade level. The data in subfield ǂa pertains to the grade level at which the item will most likely be of interest. Use to generate the display constant Interest grade level:.

521 2   7 & up
[The item is of interest to those in the seventh grade and up]

Special audience characteristics. The data in subfield ǂa pertains to special characteristics of the audience to which the item will most likely be of interest. Use to generate the display constant Special audience characteristics:.

521 3   Vision impaired ǂa fine motor skills impaired ǂa audio learner ǂb LENOCA
[The item is of interest to vision and fine motor skills impaired audio learners]

Motivation/interest level. The data in subfield ǂa pertains to the motivation and/or interest level of the audience for which the item is best suited. Use to generate the display constant Motivation/interest level:.

521 4   Highly motivated ǂa high interest ǂb LENOCA
[The item is appropriate for highly motivated, highly interested audio learners]

No display constant generated. The value that specifies that a display constant is not generated.

2nd Indicator

Undefined. The 2nd indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.

blank character



ǂa Target audience note

The entire text of the note.

521     Program designed for geographers, planners, geologists, meteorologists and others who have a professional interest in analyzing spatial data
521     Clinical students and postgraduate house officers
521     Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, G-Division, Physics Department
521     Junior high school through college students and adults
521 3   Tactile learner ǂa discalculia ǂb Center for Disabilities
521 8   For remedial reading programs
521 8   MPAA rating: R
521 8   "Roman Catholics"
ǂb Source

The name or abbreviation of the agency or entity assigning the information.

521 2   K-3. ǂb Follett Library Book Company
521 3   Visually impaired ǂb LENOCA
ǂ3 Materials specified

For information about subfield ǂ3, see Control Subfields.

521     ǂ3 Annual reports ǂa Congressional Oversight Committee
521     ǂ3 Daily Intelligence Summary ǂa President of the United States, F.E.O.
521     ǂ3 Films ǂa Trainees
521     ǂ3 Photographs ǂa General public
521 3   ǂ3 Puzzles ǂa Tactile learner
ǂ6 Linkage

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not manually add subfield ǂ6. For more information about subfield ǂ6, see Control Subfields.

ǂ8 Field link and sequence number

For information about subfield ǂ8, see Control Subfields.


For records containing punctuation, follow these instructions:

  • Optionally, follow an initial subfield ǂ3 by a colon-space or a space-colon-space if following an open date
  • Include incidental punctuation needed within any subfields, e.g., commas, periods (following abbreviations or initials), etc.
  • Optionally, precede subfield ǂb by a period-space unless the preceding subfield ends with an ellipsis, exclamation point, hyphen, period (following an abbeviation or initial), or question mark
  • Optionally, add a terminal period at the end of the field unless the last subfield ends with an ellipsis or period (following an abbreviation or initial)
521 2   K-3. ǂb Follett Library Book Company.

For records containing minimal or no punctuation, include incidental punctuation needed within any subfields. Otherwise, omit the punctuation outlined above.

521 2   K-3 ǂb Follett Library Book Company

For more information on punctuation, including OCLC policy, see section 2.8, Punctuation.


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, field 521.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 521.