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7xx Fields

7xx Introduction

7xx fields

Use 7xx fields to provide access points to a bibliographic record from names and/or titles having various relationships to the resource you are cataloging. They are also used to provide access through other aspects of a resource, resource identifiers, and for linking entries for related resources. Access points may be assigned to records for names and/or titles that may not have access through subject or series access points.

Use fields 700, 710, and 711 for persons, families, corporate bodies, and meetings having some relationship to the resource, including intellectual and publishing responsibilities.

Use fields 700, 710, 711, and 730 also for name/title and title access points for other resources related to the work for which the record is made.

Use field 720 for a name access point that has not been formulated according to recognized cataloging instructions. It is used primarily for names programmatically mapped from non-MARC formats such as Dublin Core or ONIX. Names may be of any type (e.g., personal, family, corporate, meeting). Do not use field 720 for AACR2 or RDA cataloging or whenever the type of name can be determined and entered in a more appropriate field.

Use field 740 for a related or analytical title not under authority control for a part of the resource being cataloged or a related resource.

Use fields 751, 752, 753, and 754 to provide access to a resource through other aspects of its content or description.

Use field 758 for an identifier for a resource that is either the resource described in the bibliographic record or a resource to which it is related.

Use fields 76x-78x for linking entries for related resources. These fields identify the relationships between bibliographic resources. For notes displayed from 7xx linking fields, see 5xx Fields, Notes generated from other fields.

Use fields 790, 791, 792, 793, 796, 797, 798, and 799 for access points not supported by cataloging instructions. These local fields do not remain in the WorldCat record but are retained in exported records and records delivered via other services.

For information on current cataloging, see the Verifying access points subsection in section 2.2, Creating Bibliographic Records.

For information on retrospective cataloging, see the Verifying access subsection points in section 2.3, Transcribing Cataloging Copy.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 70x-75x and 76x-78x.