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84x-87x  Holdings Data Embedded in Bibliographic Records

Record Type


84x-87x fields

841 Holdings Coded Data Values (NR)
843 Reproduction Note (R)
845 Terms Governing Use and Reproduction (R)
853 Captions and Pattern--Basic Bibliographic Unit (R)
854 Captions and Pattern--Supplementary Material (R)
855 Captions and Pattern--Indexes (R)
863 Enumeration and Chronology--Basic Bibliographic Unit (R)
864 Enumeration and Chronology--Supplementary Material (R)
865 Enumeration and Chronology--Indexes (R)
866 Textual Holdings--Basic Bibliographic Unit (R)
867 Textual Holdings--Supplementary Material (R)
868 Textual Holdings--Indexes (R)
876 Item Information--Basic Bibliographic Unit (R)
877 Item Information--Supplementary Material (R)
878 Item Information--Indexes (R)


Holdings data information embedded in the bibliographic record. The 84x-87x fields are holdings fields. Holdings data elements included in the bibliographic record are captions and patterns, enumeration and chronology, textual holdings and item information. The 84x-87x fields are just listed here. For full descriptions of these fields, see MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data. The holdings format should be consulted for field descriptions and information concerning the inclusion of fields 841-845, 853-855, 863-868 and 876-878.

Note: OCLC has not implemented field 842 and field 844 because they cannot be embedded in bibliographic records.


Field 852 does not remain in the WorldCat record. It is retained in exported records and records delivered via other services.

Do not input holdings data in these fields without first consulting your local system administrator. Detailed holdings information can also be entered in local holdings records. Information about local holdings records can be found at Local Holdings Maintenance.


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, 8xx fields.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data.