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852  Location (R/NR)

Record Type


Input Standards

Field (Full/Minimal)
1st Indicator  Shelving scheme
blank character No information provided
0 Library of Congress classification
1 Dewey Decimal classification
2 National Library of Medicine classification
3 Superintendent of Documents classification
4 Shelving control number
5 Title
6 Shelved separately
7 Source specified in subfield ǂ2
8 Other scheme
2nd Indicator  Shelving order
blank character No information provided
0 No enumeration
1 Primary enumeration
2 Alternative enumeration
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa Location (NR) [BIB] Optional/Optional
ǂa Location (NR) [LHR] System supplied/System supplied
ǂb Sublocation or collection (R) [BIB] Optional/Optional
ǂb Sublocation or collection (NR) [LHR] Optional/Optional
ǂc Shelving location (R) [BIB] Optional/Optional
ǂc Shelving location (NR) [LHR] Optional/Optional
ǂd Former shelving location (R) Optional/Optional
ǂe Address (R) Optional/Optional
ǂf Coded location qualifier (R) Optional/Optional
ǂg Noncoded location qualifier (R) Optional/Optional
ǂh Classification part (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂi Item part (R) Optional/Optional
ǂj Shelving control number (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂk Call number prefix (R) Optional/Optional
ǂl Shelving form of title (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂm Call number suffix (R) Optional/Optional
ǂn Country code (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂp Piece designation (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂq Piece physical condition (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂs Copyright article-fee code (R) Optional/Optional
ǂt Copy number (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂu Uniform Resource Identifier (R) Optional/Optional
ǂx Nonpublic note (R) Optional/Optional
ǂz Public note (R) Optional/Optional
ǂ2 Source of classification or shelving scheme (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂ3 Materials specified (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂ6 Linkage (NR) System supplied/System supplied
ǂ8 Sequence number (NR) Optional/Optional


The information required to locate an item. Use to identify the institution holding the item or from which institution the item is available. Use also for detailed information to locate the item within a collection. In bibliographic records, repeat field 852 when holdings are reported for multiple copies of an item and the location data elements vary.

Field 852 does not remain in the WorldCat record. It is retained in exported records and records delivered via other services.

All examples represent usage in LHRs unless otherwise noted.

1st Indicator

Shelving scheme. The scheme used to shelve a bibliographic item in the collection of the reporting institution.

blank character

No information provided. Shelving scheme information is not provided.


Library of Congress classification. The item is shelved by a Library of Congress classification number. Use subfield ǂh to record this number. The source of this number is Library of Congress Classification schedules.


Dewey Decimal classification. The item is shelved by a Dewey Decimal classification number. Use subfield ǂh to record this number. This number is assigned from the Dewey Decimal Classification, accessed through electronic or printed versions.


National Library of Medicine classification. The item is shelved by a U.S. National Library of Medicine classification number. Use subfield ǂh to record this number. The source of this number is the National Library of Medicine Classification schedules QS-QZ and W or the Library of Congress Classification schedules used by the National Library of Medicine.


Superintendent of Documents classification. The item is shelved by a U.S. Superintendent of Documents classification number. Use subfield ǂh to record this number. The source of this number is the Superintendent of Documents Classification System.


Shelving control number. The item is shelved by a shelving control number. Use subfield ǂj to record the number.


Title. The item is shelved by a title. Use subfield ǂl to record the title.


Shelved separately. The parts of the item are shelved separately because the parts are classed separately.


Source specified in subfield ǂ2. The item is shelved by a classification number in a scheme other than that specified by one of the other defined values and for which an identifying MARC code is given in subfield ǂ2. The source of the code is Classification Scheme Source Codes.


Other scheme. The shelving scheme is known, but is not specified.

2nd Indicator

Shelving order. The value that indicates whether an item is shelved under a primary or alternative numbering scheme. The distinction is necessary when an item carries two numbering schemes. The numbering scheme may be an alphabetical, numerical, or chronological designation.

blank character

No information provided. The shelving order is not provided.


Not enumeration. The item is not shelved by enumeration.


Primary enumeration. The item is shelved by its primary enumeration. Use value 1 also when the item has only one numbering scheme.

852 0 1 YUS ǂb YUSM ǂh LB201 ǂi .M63
853 1 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa no. ǂi (year)
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 1-343 ǂi 1970-1971
[The items in a series are shelved by the series numbering, 1-343. Note that fields 853 and 863, although not specifically described in this format, may apear under certain conditions in bibliographic records.]

Alternative enumeration. The item carries two numbering schemes and is shelved by the secondary scheme.

852 0 2 YUS ǂb YUSM ǂh LB201 ǂi .M63
853 1 0 10 ǂ8 1 ǂa (year) ǂg no.
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 1970 ǂg 97
[An annual report that carries both its year designation (the primary numbering scheme) and the numbering of the series of which it is a part (the alternative numbering scheme). It is shelved by the series numbering.]


ǂa Location

The OCLC symbol, MARC Organization code, or name of the person or institution holding the item or from which access is given. For details on specific symbols and codes, see Directory of OCLC Libraries, MARC Code List for Organizations, which also includes links to Canadian, German, and United Kingdom MARC Organization Code lists.

In local holdings records, the OCLC symbol is system-supplied in field 852 subfield ǂa and cannot be changed.

A sublocation within an organization is contained in subfield ǂb. To differentiate between subfields ǂa and ǂb, use subfield ǂa for the name to be addressed in external communication and subfield ǂb for the name within the institution.

If the bibliographic item is physically located somewhere other than the location identified in subfield ǂa, use subfield ǂx or ǂz to identify the physical location. If the item is owned by an institution or individual other than the one identified in subfield ǂa, use subfield ǂx or ǂz or field 561 to identify the actual owner.

852     CLU
ǂb Sublocation or collection

The name of the division of the organization identified in subfield ǂa or the name of the collection in which the item is located or from which it is available. Use a full name or a standardized abbreviated or coded form.

In bibliographic records, subfield ǂb may be repeated to indicate the organizational hierarchy of the sublocation. Repeat field 852 for each sublocation when multiple copies of an item having the same call number are housed in various sublocations or when parts of a copy are split among several locations.

852   0 TOZ ǂb Manuscript Division

In local holdings records, subfield ǂb is not repeatable. Use only OCLC holding library codes profiled for your library. OCLC holding library codes are unique four-character codes that identify specific departments, libraries, collections, etc., within institutions. You may change the default holding library code to another holding library code valid for your institution.

852   0 HMZ ǂb HMZA
ǂc Shelving location

The physical location of the item within the collection. Use also for the physical location within a sublocation (e.g., oversize shelving or reference alcove). Use a full name or a standardized abbreviated or coded form.

In bibliographic records, subfield ǂc may be repeated.

852   0 OSU ǂb Main ǂc circulating shelf ǂc reference shelf

In local holdings records, subfield ǂc is not repeatable.

852 8 1 MHT ǂb MHTM ǂc mezzanine stacks
ǂd Former shelving location

Call numbers/shelf numbers where a resource was previously located in cases of a relocation or a reordering/reorganization of a collection as a whole.

852 8   AVA ǂc N. Mus. ms. 2234 ǂd Mus. ms. pr. XII/911 ǂd 13.492
ǂe Address

The complete address and country information for the principal location identified in subfield ǂa. Subfield ǂe may be repeated to separate the parts of an address.

852     GSN ǂe 17th & M St., N.W., Washington, DC, USA
ǂf Coded location qualifier

A two- or three-character code that identifies the specific issues of the item that are housed in a location different from that of the main holdings of the same item. A two-character code is composed of a Qualifier Type code and a Unit Type code. A three-character code is composed of a Qualifier Type code, the Number of Units, and a Unit Type code.

Qualifier Type identifies whether it is the latest or previous time or part unit that is housed in a different location. Use p to indicate that the previous, not including the current, time, or part units is housed in a different location. Use slash to indicate that the latest, including the current, time, or part units is housed in a different location.

p Previous
l Latest

Number of Units identifies the number of time or part units that are housed in a different location. When a number is not required to identify the specific units or if the number of time or parts units exceeds 9, use subfield ǂg. In which case, use blank to indicate that the character postion has not been coded.


In local holdings records, when the qualifier type is latest (code l), the number includes the current time or part unit. When the qualifier type is previous (code p), the number does not include the current time or part unit.

Unit Type identifies either the time or part unit that is housed in a different location.

w Week(s)
m Month(s)
y Year(s)
e Edition(s)
i Issue(s)
s Supplement(s)

If the location qualifier cannot be expressed in coded form, use subfield ǂg.

852 0 1 DLC ǂb MRR Ref ǂf l2y
[BIB example--The Library of Congress Main Reading Room Reference collection. The Library of Congress houses the item in its Serial Division area except for the latest two years which are in the Main Reading Room Reference collection]
ǂg Noncoded location qualifier

A textual description that identifies the specific units of an item that are housed in a location different from that of the main holdings of the same item when the location qualifier cannot be expressed in coded form in subfield ǂf. Immediately follows the subfield ǂa, ǂb, or ǂc being qualified.

852 8 1 CBF ǂb CBFR ǂg holographic issue
[Only this special issue is housed in Reference (CBFR)]
ǂh Classification part

The classification part of the call number used as the shelving scheme for an item. See subfields ǂi and ǂk for information on Cutter or prefix.

852 8 1 ZYZ ǂh Per ǂi REF
ǂi Item part

A Cutter, date, or term that is added to the classification recorded in subfield ǂh to distinguish one item from any other item assigned the same classification. See subfield ǂm for information about a call number suffix.

852 0 1 YUS ǂb YUSM ǂh LB201 ǂi .M63
ǂj Shelving control number

A shelving control number used as the shelving scheme for an item. The 1st indicator position contains value 4.

852 4   DLC ǂb MicRR ǂj Microfilm 82/528 MicRR
[BIB example]
ǂk Call number prefix

A term that precedes a call number. Subfield ǂk is input before subfield ǂh.

852 0 1 VA@ ǂb VA@M ǂk Ref ǂh HF5531.A1 ǂi N4273
ǂl Shelving form of title

The title used to shelve an item. The 1st indicator position contains value 5.

852 5 1 VYG ǂb VYGA ǂl NYT MAG
ǂm Call number suffix

A term that follows a call number. Subfield ǂm is input after subfields ǂh or ǂi.

852     DLC ǂb c-G&M ǂh G3820 ǂi .H62 ǂm Vault
[BIB example]
ǂn Country code

A two- or three-character MARC country code for the principal location identified in subfield ǂa. See MARC Code List for Countries.

852     National Archives and Records Service ǂb Genealogical Research Recording ǂe Pennsylvania Ave. at 8th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. USA ǂn dcu
[BIB example]
ǂp Piece designation

An identification of a single piece when the holdings information does not contain subfield ǂp in a field 863-865. See 84x-87x  Holdings Data Embedded in Bibliographic Records General Information. For example, use an accession number or a bar code number as identification.

You may use an uppercase B or U before the piece designation number to specify whether the piece is bound or unbound. When no piece designation exists, use a double slash in subfield ǂp to indicate that the field relates to a piece.

852 8 1 YUS ǂh M ǂi S:55 ǂp 1100064014 ǂx accession no.: 90/84370
ǂq Piece physical condition

A description of any unusual characteristic of the physical condition of the piece when the holdings information does not contain subfield ǂq in a field 863-865. See 84x-87x  Holdings Data Embedded in Bibliographic Records General Information.

Do not use subfield ǂq for physical condition information resulting from a formal review for making preservation decisions; instead use field 583.

852     SUC ǂb SUCC ǂc oversize shelving ǂq child's graffiti on end papers
ǂs Copyright article-fee code

A copyright article-fee code. Description of the copyright article-fee code is given in field 018.

ǂt Copy number

Copy number or a range of numbers for copies that have the same location and call number when the holdings information does not contain subfield ǂt in a field 863-865. See 84x-87x  Holdings Data Embedded in Bibliographic Records General Information.

If a break in the copy numbering sequence exists, each cluster of numbers is recorded in a separate field 852. Separate 852 fields also are used for each sublocation when parts of one copy of an item are housed in multiple locations.

852 0   SFR ǂb SFRM ǂt 1 ǂh PZ7.D684 ǂi A1 1979
852 4   SFR ǂb SFRM ǂt 1 ǂt 2-3 ǂj Mic77-3276
852     ǂ3 v. 1-6 ǂa UPM ǂb UPMS ǂt 1
852     ǂ3 v. 7-11 ǂa UPM ǂb UPME ǂt 1

In local holdings records, the number of copies held is contained in field 008/17-19.

ǂu Uniform Resource Identifier

The URI identifies the reposityory that holds the item regardless of whether the item is analog or digital. This repository information may also appear in subfield ǂa and, if applicable, subfield ǂb. Repeat subfield ǂu if the item has multiple URIs identifying different repositories. For more information about subfield ǂu, see Control Subfields.

852     Library of Congress ǂb Prints and Photographs Division ǂe Washington, D.C. 20540 USA ǂn dcu ǂu
[BIB example]
ǂx Nonpublic note

A note pertaining to the location of the item that is in a form not adequate for public display.

852     HUL ǂc Current issues in R.R. ǂx 1-54 on order in Microfiche
ǂz Public note

A note pertaining to the location of the item that is in a form adequate for public display.

852 0 1 DLC ǂb Ser Div ǂh A123 ǂi .B456 ǂz Signed by author
[BIB example]
ǂ2 Source of classification or shelving scheme

A MARC code that identifies the source from which the classification or shelving was assigned. Use when 1st indicator value is 7. The source of the MARC code is Classification Scheme Source Codes. For more information about subfield ǂ2, see Control Subfields.

852 7 0 UPM ǂh PY F532.17/4 ǂ2 padocs
ǂ3 Materials specified

For information about subfield ǂ3, see Control Subfields.

852   0 ǂ3 Correspondence ǂa HUL ǂb HULL
ǂ6 Linkage

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not manually add subfield ǂ6. For more information about subfield ǂ6, see Control Subfields.

ǂ8 Sequence number

Data that sequences related holding records. The sequence number is a variable-length whole number which controls the display and processing sequencing of multiple related holdings records that contain identical 852 subfields ǂa, ǂb, and ǂt. For more information about subfield ǂ8, see Control Subfields and MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 852.