
853  Captions and Patterns--Basic Bibliographic Unit (R)

Record Type


Input Standards

Required if applicable/Required if applicable
1st Indicator  Compressibility and expandability
0 Cannot compress or expand
1 Can compress but not expand
2 Can compress or expand
3 Unknown
2nd Indicator  Caption evaluation
0 Captions verified; all levels present
1 Captions verified; all levels may not be present
2 Captions unverified; all levels present
3 Captions unverified; all levels may not be present
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards
ǂa First level of enumeration (NR) Mandatory/Mandatory
ǂb Second level of enumeration (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂc Third level of enumeration (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂd Fourth level of enumeration (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂe Fifth level of enumeration (NR) [BIB] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂf Sixth level of enumeration (NR) [BIB] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂg Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂh Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂi First level of chronology (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂj Second level of chronology (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂk Third level of chronology (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂl Fourth level of chronology (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂm Alternative numbering scheme, chronology (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂn Pattern note (R) Optional/Optional
ǂo Type of unit (R) Optional/Optional
ǂp Number of pieces per issuance (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂu Bibliographic units per next higher level (R) Optional/Optional
ǂv Numbering continuity (R) Optional/Optional
ǂw Frequency (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂx Calendar change (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂy Regularity pattern (R) Optional/Optional
ǂz Numbering scheme (R) Optional/Optional
ǂ2 Source of caption abbreviation (R) Optional/Optional
ǂ3 Materials specified (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂ6 Linkage (NR) System supplied/System supplied
ǂ8 Field link and sequence number (NR) Mandatory/Mandatory


Field 853 contains the caption that is appropriate for each level of enumeration and chronology that is present in a related 863 field. Field 853 also contains codes that define the publication pattern of the item. A display may be generated from the contents of field 853 and the related 863 field(s) to which it is linked by subfield ǂ8.

1st Indicator

Compressibility and expandability. For information about the 1st indicator position, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.


Cannot compress or expand


Can compress but not expand


Can compress or expand



2nd Indicator

Caption evaluation. For information about the 2nd indicator position, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.


Captions verified; all levels present


Captions verified; all levels may not be present


Captions unverified; all levels present


Captions unverified; all levels may not be present



ǂa First level of enumeration

For information about subfield ǂa, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 0 1 ǂ8 1 ǂa v.
853 0 1 ǂ8 2 ǂa new ser.:v.
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 1-25
863 4 0 ǂ8 2.1 ǂa 1-12
[Holdings consist of v. 1-25 and new series v. 1-12]
853 0 1 ǂ8 1 ǂa ser.5:v. ǂi (year)
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 24-33 ǂi 1969-1978
[Holdings consist of series 5, v. 24-33, 1969-1978]
ǂb Second level of enumeration

For information about subfield ǂb, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 0 3 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no.
863 4 1 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 3 ǂb 1
ǂc Third level of enumeration

For information about subfield ǂc, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 0 2 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb pt. ǂc no.
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 2 ǂb 2 ǂc 1-3
ǂd Fourth level of enumeration

For information about subfield ǂd, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 0 2 ǂ8 1. ed. ǂb no. ǂu 3 ǂv r ǂc sect. ǂu 4 ǂv r ǂd pt. ǂu 2 ǂv r ǂz bcLatn ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂk (day) ǂw s ǂy pd01,15
863 4 1 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 2 ǂb 1 ǂc 1 ǂd A ǂi 2000 ǂj 01 ǂk 1
ǂe Fifth level of enumeration

For information about subfield ǂe, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields. Subfield ǂe is unlikely to be used in field 853.

ǂf Sixth level of enumeration

For information about subfield ǂf, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields. Subfield ǂf is unlikely to be used in field 853.

ǂg Alternative numbering scheme, first level of enumeration

For information about subfield ǂg, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 2 3 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu 12 ǂv r ǂg no. ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂw m ǂx 01
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 1-3 ǂg 1-36 ǂi 1977-1979
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.2 ǂa 4 ǂb 1-2 ǂg 37-38 ǂi 1980 ǂj 01-02
ǂh Alternative numbering scheme, second level of enumeration

For information about subfield ǂh, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 2 2 ǂ8 1 ǂa v ǂb no. ǂu 12 ǂv r ǂg (letter) ǂh Bd. ǂu 6 ǂv r ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂw m ǂx 01
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 7 ǂb 1-3 ǂg B ǂh 21-23 ǂi 1981 ǂj 01-03
ǂi First level of chronology

For information about subfield ǂi, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 2 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂi (year)
ǂj Second level of chronology

For information about subfield ǂj, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 0 3 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂg pt. ǂi (year) ǂj (season)
ǂk Third level of chronology

For information about subfield ǂk, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 2 2 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu 12 ǂv r ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂk (day) ǂw m ǂx 01
ǂl Fourth level of chronology

For information about subfield ǂl, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 0 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb sect. ǂu 12 ǂv r ǂc no. ǂu 7 ǂv r ǂd pt. ǂu var ǂv r ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂk (day) ǂl week ǂw d ǂx 01
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 1 ǂb 4 ǂc 4-7 ǂd 15 ǂi 1988 ǂj 04 k 13-16 ǂl 15
ǂm Alternative numbering scheme, chronology

For information about subfield ǂm, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 2 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa Issue no. ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂm (Heb.year:month)
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.10 ǂa 14-15 ǂi 2002-2003 ǂj 09-04 ǂm 5763:Tishrei-5763:Nisan
ǂn Pattern note

For information about subfield ǂn, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 0 2 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu 365 ǂv c ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂk (day) ǂw d ǂx 0101 ǂy cd1224/1225 ǂy ce2358/359 ǂn Based on v. 11, no. 2172/2173, December 24/December 25, 2001
ǂo Type of unit

For information about subfield ǂo, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 2 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa Parts ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂk (day) ǂo 12, Banks and banking
ǂp Number of pieces per issuance

For information about subfield ǂp, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 2 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa [Ed.] ǂb v. ǂu 12 ǂv r ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂp 6 ǂw f ǂx 01
863 4 1 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 156 ǂb 1-6 ǂi 2001 ǂj 01
863 4 1 ǂ8 1.2 ǂa 156 ǂb 8-11 ǂi 2001 ǂj 07
[A semiannual publication issued twice per year in January and July, with six issues published at each time. It restarts its volume numbering (second level enumeration) with every issuance. The first level enumeration changes once per year at the turn of the calendar year.]
ǂu Bibliographic units per next higher level

For information about subfield ǂu, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 0 3 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu 12 ǂv r ǂc pt ǂu 3 ǂw j
[The bibliographic unit consists of 12 numbers per volume and 3 parts per number]
ǂv Numbering continuity

For information about subfield ǂv, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

c -  Number increments continuously
853 0 3 ǂ8 1ǂav. ǂbno. ǂu12 ǂvc ǂwm
863 4 0 ǂ81.1 ǂa1
863 4 1 ǂ81.2 ǂa2 ǂb13

[The bibliographic unit consists of 12 numbers and the issue numbers increment continuously]

r -  Number restarts at the completion of the unit
853 0 3 ǂ81 ǂav. ǂbno. ǂu12 ǂvr ǂwm
863 4 1 ǂ81.1 ǂa1
863 4 1 ǂ81.2 ǂa2 ǂb1

[The bibliographic unit consists of 12 numbers per volume and the issue numbers restart with each volume]

ǂw Frequency

For information about subfield ǂw, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

854 0 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa (year) ǂw a
853 2 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu 12 ǂv r ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂw m ǂx 11
853 0 2 ǂ8 1 ǂa (year) ǂb (month) ǂw 4 ǂy pm03,06,08,12
863 3 0 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 2002-2003
863 4 1 ǂ8 1.2 ǂa 2004 ǂb 03
[The bibliographic unit is published four times a year at irregular intervals]
ǂx Calendar change

For information about subfield ǂx, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 2 3 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu 4 ǂv r ǂi (year) ǂj (season) ǂw q ǂx 21
[A quarterly publication for which issue no. 1 of each volume is identified as Spring]
853 2 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu 12 ǂv c ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂw m ǂx 07
[A monthly publication consisting of 12 numbers per volume; the volume number increments in July]
853 2 2 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu 6 ǂv c ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂw m ǂx 06,12
[A monthly publication which has 6 numbers per volume. The numbers increment continuously, and new volumes begin in June and December.]
ǂy Regularity pattern

For information about subfield ǂy, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 2 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu 48 ǂv r ǂw w ǂx 0101 ǂy ow05we
[Item is a weekly, but omits the fifth Wednesday of the month]
853 0 3 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu 12 ǂv r ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂw m ǂx 01 ǂy pw02we ǂy pw0402th,0501we ǂy ow0402we,0502we
[Item is monthly, published every second Wednesdsay of the month except in April when it is published on the second Thursday and May, when it is published on the first Wednesday]
853 0 2 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu var. ǂv r ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂk (day) ǂw c ǂx 07 ǂy pw00mo,00th ǂy od0101,0704,1225 ǂy ow0901mo,1104th
[Item is published every Monday and Thursday except for when New Years Day, the fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas fall on a Monday or Thursday]
ǂz Numbering scheme

For information about subfield ǂz, see 853-855 Captions and Pattern Fields.

853 2 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb issue ǂi (year) ǂj (month) ǂk (day) ǂw w ǂz aaArab
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 37 ǂb 1232 ǂi 1970 ǂj 12 ǂk 31
[The numbering scheme used is an Arabic alternate script]
853 2 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa v. ǂb no. ǂu 26 ǂv r ǂw w ǂx 0101 ǂy ow05we ǂz aaan
863 4 0 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 18 ǂb 7
[The numbering scheme used is Arabic numeral]
853 2 0 ǂ8 1 ǂa annee ǂb (*) ǂu 12 ǂv r ǂc pt. ǂu 2 ǂv r ǂz bcLatn ǂi (year) ǂw s ǂx 01
863 4 1 ǂ8 1.1 ǂa 8 ǂb 3 ǂc B
[Asterisk used as a convention for noncaptioned level. Numbering scheme of 3rd level is uppercase alphabetic Latin script letter.]
ǂ2 Source of caption abbreviation

For more information about subfield ǂ2, see Control Subfields.

ǂ3 Materials specified

For more information about subfield ǂ3, see Control Subfields.

ǂ6 Linkage

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not add subfield ǂ6. For more information about subfield ǂ6, see Control Subfields.

ǂ8 Field link and sequence number

For more information about subfield ǂ8, see Control Subfields.


Field 853 is not indexed.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data, field 853.