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Corporate Names--General Information

Record Type


Input Standards

Applicable Fields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
110 Main Entry--Corporate Name (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
610 Subject Added Entry--Corporate Name (R) Required if applicable/Optional
697 Local Subject Added Entry--Corporate Name (R) Optional/Optional
710 Added Entry--Corporate Name (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
791 Local Added Entry--Corporate Name (R) Optional/Optional
797 Local Added Entry--Corporate Name (R) Optional/Optional
810 Series Added Entry--Corporate Name (R) Required if applicable/Optional
897 Local Series Added Entry--Corporate Name (R) Optional/Optional
1st Indicator  Type of corporate name entry element [All fields]
Inverted name
1 Jurisdiction name
2 Name in direct order
2nd Indicator  Undefined [110, 810, 897]
blank character Undefined
2nd Indicator  Thesaurus [610, 697]
Library of Congress Subject Headings
1 LC subject headings for children's literature
2 Medical Subject Headings
3 National Agricultural Library subject authority file
4 Source not specified
5 Canadian Subject Headings
6 Répertoire de vedettes-matière
7 Source specified in subfield ǂ2
2nd Indicator  Type of added entry [710, 791, 797]
blank character No information provided
2 Analytical entry
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR) [All fields] Mandatory/Mandatory
ǂb Subordinate unit (R) [All fields] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂc Location of meeting (R) [All fields] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂd Date of meeting or treaty signing (R) [All fields] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂe Relator term (R) [All fields] Optional/Optional
ǂg Miscellaneous information (R) [All fields] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂn Number of meeting (R) [All fields] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂu Affiliation (NR) [All fields] Optional/Optional
ǂv Form subdivision (R) [610, 697] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂx General subdivision (R) [610, 697] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂy Chronological subdivision (R) [610, 697] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂy Data provenance (R) [810] Optional/Optional
ǂz Geographic subdivision (R) [610, 697] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂ0 Authority record control number or standard number (R) [All fields] Optional/Optional
ǂ1 Real World Object URI (R) [All fields] Optional/Optional
ǂ2 Source of heading or term (NR) [All fields] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂ3 Materials specified (NR) [610, 697, 710, 791, 797, 810, 897] Optional/Optional
ǂ4 Relationship (R) [All fields] Optional/Optional
ǂ5 Institution to which field applies (NR) [710, 791, 797, 810, 897] Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂ6 Linkage (NR) [All fields] System supplied/System supplied
ǂ7 Data provenance (R) [110, 610, 710] Optional/Optional
ǂ8 Field link and sequence number (R) [All fields] Optional/Optional
ǂ9 Special entry (NR) [697, 797, 897] Optional/Optional


A corporate name used as an authorized access point. The access point is assigned according to various cataloging rules to give access to the bibliographic record from corporate names. Corporate names are the names of agencies, associations, businesses, firms, governments, institutions, nonprofit enterprises, performing groups, etc.

A corporate name can appear alone or in conjunction with a subordinate corporate name, a form or subject subheading, and/or a title of a work entered under the name of a jurisdiction or other corporate body. A name of a jurisdiction that represents an ecclesiastical entity is a corporate name.

For information about conference or meeting names entered directly under its own name, see Meeting Names--General Information.

Use for the following types of corporate names:

  • Organized bodies entered directly under their own names
  • Organized bodies entered indirectly under names of political jurisdictions
  • Political jurisdictions standing alone in non-subject access point fields
  • Special corporate names, such as names of abbeys, cathedrals, churches, denominations, monasteries, missions, musical groups, parishes, priories, programs, studies, and vessels (e.g., Catholic Church, Dire Straits (Musical group), Monasterio Las Descalzas (Lima, Peru), New York Philharmonic, or Writers' Program)
  • Names of conferences, conventions, exhibitions, expeditions, festivals, and meetings entered indirectly, that is, under the name of a corporate body (e.g., Labour Party (Great Britain). Conference)

OCLC also makes available nonstandard MARC fields to use for additional access points not supported by cataloging rules (e.g., donor or gift information or variant form). Enter information in fields 697, 791, 797, or 897 as you would in the corresponding standard MARC fields. These fields are not retained in the WorldCat record. However, they are retained in exported records and records delivered via other services.

This page does not cover the title portion of name/title access points. Refer to the Preferred Titles--General Information for further information on constructing title access points and title related subfields.

For information on punctuation, see the Punctuation section below.


Guidelines and links to guidelines for applying all content designators are given below. A field-specific list of content designators and guidelines for applying the 1st and 2nd indicator position are provided under the description for fields that contain a corporate body.

For current cataloging, construct corporate body access points according to Resource Description and Access (RDA), Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd edition (AACR2), Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), and Library of Congress/Program for Cooperative Cataloging (LC/PCC) practice. Search the OCLC Authority File to verify the forms of the authorized access points. Use the current RDA, AACR2, or AACR2-compatible forms of the authorized access points. If an access point is not found, construct the access point according to RDA or AACR2.

For retrospective cataloging, search the OCLC Authority File to verify the forms of the authorized access points. Use the current RDA, AACR2, or AACR2-compatible forms of the authorized access points. If an access point is not found, you may enter the pre-RDA form, but you are encouraged to construct the access point according to RDA or AACR2.

For help in coding ambiguous access points, see the Subject Headings Manual, H 405. Jurisdictions will appear in the authority file in field 151 but when used as descriptive access points they will be coded with an x10 with a 1st indicator 1.


If constructing a corporate body access point according to pre-RDA instructions, make the following modifications:

  • Use Department instead of Dept. based on usage of the corporate body
  • Retain a frequency word as part of the name of a meeting when the frequency is formally associated with the conference or meeting name
  • Spell out the names of months when they appear in the qualifiers for conference or meeting names

1st Indicator

Type of corporate name entry element. Value that identifies the form of the entry element of the field. The values distinguish among an inverted name, a jurisdiction name, and a corporate name in direct order used as the entry element.


Inverted name. Pre-AACR2 access points in inverted order.

110 0   Little (Arthur D.) inc.

Jurisdiction name. Jurisdictions may be ecclesiastical entities or the jurisdiction name under which you enter a corporate name or a title of a work. Corporate names containing a name of a jurisdiction as an integral part of the name or qualified by a jurisdiction name are identified by 1st indicator value 2.

110 1   Great Britain. ǂb Home Office, ǂe author
610 1 0 Bamberg (Ecclesiastical principality)
710 1   Pennsylvania. ǂb State Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators, ǂe sponsoring body
810 1   United States. ǂb Congress. ǂb House. ǂt Report ; ǂv 110-38

Name in direct order. Corporate names entered in direct order. These access points may also have a parenthetical qualifier or may be an acronym or initialism.

110 2   Berlitz Schools of Languages of America, ǂe author
610 2 7 Anaheim Angels ǂx History ǂ2 henn
710 2   WGBH (Television station : Boston, Mass.), ǂe producer
810 2   Council on Graduate Medical Education (U.S.). ǂt Report ; ǂv 15th

2nd Indicator

The definition of the 2nd indicator position is specific to each field.

110, 810, 897

Undefined. The 2nd indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.

blank character


610, 697

Thesaurus. The thesaurus or established subject terminology used in constructing the subject access point. For more information about subject access points, see 6xx Introduction.


Library of Congress Subject Headings. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and Subject Headings Manual (SHM) practices. This includes access points with or without subdivisions that have been found in the LC authority files for names or subjects or have been constructed following RDA or AACR2.

610 1 Switzerland. ǂb Bundesamt für Energiewirtschaft

LC subject headings for children's literature. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to the "Children's Subject Headings" section of Library of Congress Subject Headings practice. This includes access points with or without subdivisions that have been found in the LC authority files for names or subjects or have been constructed following RDA or AACR2.

610 2 1 Lifeline for Wildlife (Veterinary hospital)

Medical Subject Headings. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to the National Library of Medicine authority practice.

610 2 2 Eclectic Medical College

National Agricultural Library subject authority file. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to the National Agricultural Library subject authority practice.

610 2 3 National Dairy Research Institute

Source not specified. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to a controlled list, but the source cannot be specified by one of the thesauri or established subject terminologies covered by the other 2nd indicator values or by a code for a specific subject scheme in subfield ǂ2. Use field 653 to record terms that do not conform to an established subject terminology list or practice.

610 2 4 Anglican Church of Canada ǂx Bishops ǂv Biography

Canadian Subject Headings. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to Canadian Subject Headings practice. Do not use.


Répertoire de vedettes-matière. Subject access point conforms to the Répertoire de vedettes-matière that is maintained by the Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval and/or French name authority files maintained by libraries in Canada.

610 1 6 Canada. ǂb Parlement ǂx Élections, 1887

Source specified in subfield ǂ2. Subject access points or terms based on other subject authorities (i.e., on authorities other than those listed here). Identify the source in subfield ǂ2 using codes found in Subject Heading and Term Source Codes.

610 1 7 Japan. ǂb Ministry of Finance ǂ2 henn
610 2 7 Partido Liberal Mexicano ǂ2 bidex
610 2 7 Tezukayama Gakuin Daigaku ǂ2 ndlsh
710, 791, 797

Type of added entry. The values distinguish between no information provided and an analytical entry.

blank character

No information provided. Either the access point is not for an analytic or no information is provided as to whether the access point is for an analytic.

100 1   Gotshaw, F. Marco, ǂe author
245 1 Journeyman's guide to the National Electrical Code / ǂc Furman Marco Gotshaw
710 2   ǂi Guide to (work): ǂa National Fire Protection Association. ǂt National electrical code (1993)

Analytical entry. The item contains the work that is represented by the access point.

100 1   Fernandez, Perfecto V., ǂe author
245 1 Primer on labor law, 1982-92 / ǂb Perfecto V. Fernandez
500     Includes text of the Philippines labor relations law
710 1 2 ǂi Container of (work): ǂa Philippines. ǂt Labor code of the Philippines. ǂn Book 5, ǂp Labor relations. ǂf 1981


Limited examples are given in this section. Refer to each specific field listed in the Input Standards above for more examples.

ǂa Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element

Name of a corporate body or the first entity when subordinate units are present; a jurisdiction name under which a corporate body or title of a work is entered; or a jurisdiction name that is also an ecclesiastical entity.

110 2   David Chipperfield Architects, ǂe architect
610 2 United Nations Council for Namibia
710 2   Universidade de Lisboa, ǂe issuing body

Parenthetical qualifying information pertaining to the corporate name such as jurisdiction names or dates (other than the date of a meeting) are included in subfield ǂa. However, qualifiers for number, date, and place of meeting or conference should follow subfield ǂb. See subfields ǂn, ǂd, and ǂc for information on how to enter these elements. For more information about qualifiers, please see the punctuation section.

110 1   Braunschweig (Duchy), ǂe enacting jurisdiction
110 1   Germany (Territory under Allied occupation, 1945-1955 : British Zone). ǂb Control Commission, ǂe author
610 2 Panther (Ship : 1898-1922), ǂe depicted
710 2   Building America (Program : U.S.), ǂe sponsoring body

Enter one space between an initial and a noninitial. Do not enter a space between initials.

110 2   C.E.A.R. (Organization : Spain), ǂe author
610 2 JS (Organization)
710 2   AT & T Bell Laboratories, ǂe issuing body
810 2   Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection (Library of Congress). ǂt Reprint series
ǂb Subordinate unit  

Corporate names or corporate subheadings that follow the name of the highest hierarchical unit (subfield ǂa). Enter each subordinate unit in a separate subfield ǂb.

110 2   Lexus (Firm : Peru). ǂb Departamento de Creación Editorial, ǂe artist
610 1 United States. ǂb Congress. ǂb House. ǂb Committee on Un-American Activities
710 2   Punjabi University. ǂb Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, ǂe host institution
810 2   Daughters of the American Revolution. ǂb Georgia State Society. ǂt Historical collections of the Georgia chapters, Daughters of the American Revolution (Series)

Enter a date, number, or place that follows a corporate name and is separated from the name by a comma in the same subfield.

110 1   Great Britain. ǂb Army. ǂb Indian Field Survey Company, No. 1, ǂe cartographer
610 1 France. ǂb Armeé. ǂb Légion étrangère. ǂb Régiment de marche, 4e
710 2   Accredited Standards Committee on Financial Services, X9, ǂe sponsoring body

Enter parenthetical qualifying information associated with the subordinate unit also in subfield ǂb.

110 2   Catholic Church. ǂb Pope (1914-1922 : Benedict XV), ǂe author
710 2   Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America. ǂb Local 2 (Chester, Pa.), ǂe issuing body

Retain frequency if it is part of the name of the conference or meeting.

110 2   Alzheimer's Association. ǂb Annual Meeting ǂd (1992), ǂe author
610 2 American Medical Association. ǂb Annual Meeting ǂn (23rd : ǂd 1872 : ǂc Philadelphia, Pa.)
710 2   Asia Cornea Society. ǂb Biennial Scientific Meeting, ǂe issuing body
810 2   International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers. ǂb Annual Conference. ǂt International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers conference series
ǂc Location of meeting  

Place or institution name where a conference or meeting was held. Qualify place names by the larger jurisdiction as appropriate. Enter each subsequent location in a separate subfield ǂc.

110 2   AG Neolithikum. ǂb Sitzung ǂd (2010 : ǂc Nuremberg, Germany), ǂe author
110 2   Zionist General Council. ǂb Session ǂd (1962 : ǂc Jerusalem), ǂe author
610 2 Presidential Investors Round Table. ǂb Meeting ǂn (1st : ǂd 2004 : ǂc Kampala, Uganda)
710 2   Congressional Program (Aspen Institute). ǂb Meeting ǂd (2013 : ǂc Bangalore, India; ǂc New Delhi, India), ǂe issuing body
ǂd Date of meeting or treaty signing

The actual or projected date or dates of a conference or meeting. For a date of treaty signing used with a title in a name/title field, see Preferred Titles--General Information.

110 2   Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência. ǂb Reunião Anual ǂn (51st : ǂd 1999 : ǂc Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul), ǂe author
610 2 Chihōshi Kenkyū Kyōgikai. ǂb Taikai ǂn (61st : ǂd 2010 : ǂc Narita-shi, Japan)
710 2   All India Women's Conference. ǂb Annual Conference ǂn (8th : ǂd 1934-1935 : ǂc Karachi, Pakistan), ǂe issuing body
ǂe Relator term  

A designation of function that describes the relationship between a corporate name and a work (e.g., defendants). Enter each relator term in a separate subfield ǂe. Prefer terms taken from a controlled vocabulary such as RDA Appendix I.

If more than one relator term is appropriate because the same entity has multiple roles, add relator terms in WEMI order (i.e., work, expression, manifestation, item). For more information, see the PCC Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records.

Relator terms in subfield ǂe and relator codes in subfield ǂ4, each specifying a relationship of a corporate name to a work, may be included in the same field.

110 1   Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, ǂe enacting jurisdiction ǂ4 enj
110 1   Madera Irrigation District (Calif.), ǂe author ǂ4 aut
610 1 United States. ǂb Supreme Court, ǂe depicted ǂ4 dpc
710 2   Q-Tech Synergy (Firm), ǂe compiler, ǂe editor ǂ4 com ǂ4 edt
710 2   Otis Lithograph Co., ǂe copyright claimant, ǂe lithographer, ǂe publisher ǂ4 cpc ǂ4 ltg ǂ4 pbl
[First relator term taken from MARC relator term list]
ǂg Miscellaneous information  

Data not identified in other subfields. Use for subelements that are not more appropriately contained in subfields ǂa , ǂb, ǂc, ǂd, or ǂn. Subfield ǂg is used infrequently.

610 1 Minnesota. ǂb Constitutional Convention ǂd (1857 : ǂg Republican)
ǂn Number of meeting  

The number of a conference or meeting that is entered under a corporate name. For a number designation for a part/section of a work used with a title in a name/title field, see Preferred Titles--General Information.

110 2   BICA Society. ǂb Annual Meeting ǂn (1st : ǂd 2010 : ǂc Washington, D.C.), ǂe author, ǂe issuing body
610 2 United Nations. ǂb General Assembly ǂn (1st session : ǂd 1946)
710 2   Zhongguo wei mi na mi ji shu xue hui. ǂb Xue shu nian hui ǂn (10th : ǂd 2008 : ǂc Beijing, China), ǂe issuing body
ǂu Affiliation  

The affiliation or address of the corporate body. Subfield ǂu is most commonly used for technical reports.

110 2   Technical Assistance Research Programs (Firm), ǂe author ǂu 706 Seventh St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003
ǂv Form subdivision

A specific kind or genre of material defined by the thesaurus being used to construct a subject heading. Use only when a genre/form subdivision is added to a corporate name to construct a subject heading. A form subdivision in subfield ǂv is generally the last subdivision in a subject access point. Enter each subsequent form subdivision in a separate subfield ǂv.

610 2 Google (Firm) ǂv Fiction
610 2 Catholic Church ǂv Controversial literature ǂv Early works to 1800
ǂx General subdivision

A subject subdivision that is not more appropriately contained in subfield ǂv, ǂy, or ǂz. Use when a topical subject subdivision is added to a corporate name. Enter each subsequent topical subdivision in a separate subfield ǂx.

610 2 Ciocca (Firm) ǂx History
610 1 United States. ǂb Army ǂx Transportation ǂx History ǂy 20th century
ǂy Chronological subdivision

A subject subdivision that represents a period of time. Use only when a chronological subject subdivision is added to a corporate name.

610 1 United States. ǂb Army. ǂb Cavalry ǂx History ǂy Civil War, 1861-1865 ǂv Maps
ǂy Data provenance

For information about subfield ǂy, see Data Provenance Subfields.

ǂz Geographic subdivision

A subject subdivision that represents a jurisdiction or location. Use only when a geographic subject subdivision is added to a corporate name. Enter each subsequent geographic subdivision in a separate subfield ǂz.

610 2
United Nations ǂx Peacekeeping forces ǂz Sudan ǂz Darfur
610 2
International Monetary Fund ǂz Developing countries
ǂ0 Authority record control number or standard number

For information about subfield ǂ0, see Control Subfields.

ǂ1 Real World Object URI

For information about subfield ǂ1, see Control Subfields.

ǂ2 Source of heading or term

For information about subfield ǂ2, see Control Subfields.

ǂ3 Materials specified  

For information about subfield ǂ3, see Control Subfields.

ǂ4 Relationship

For information about subfield ǂ4, see Control Subfields.

ǂ5 Institution to which field applies

For information about subfield ǂ5, see Control Subfields.

ǂ6 Linkage

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not manually add subfield ǂ6. For more information about subfield ǂ6, see Control Subfields.

ǂ7 Data provenance

For information about subfield ǂ7, see Control Subfields.

ǂ8 Field link and sequence number

For information about subfield ǂ8, see Data Provenance Subfields. Subfield ǂ8 is used infrequently.

ǂ9 Special entry

For information about subfield ǂ9, see Control Subfields.


Punctuation of the subelements of an access point is generally dictated by descriptive cataloging or subject system/thesaurus rules. These input conventions clarify MARC punctuation practices. Fields 110, 610, 710, and 810 may optionally end with terminal punctuation. Terminal punctuation consists of one of the following: ellipsis, hyphen, period, closing parenthesis, exclamation point, and question mark. Currently, the control heading process adds terminal periods to access points. If the final subfields are subfield ǂu, ǂ0, ǂ1, ǂ2, ǂ3, ǂ4, or ǂ5, the terminal punctuation precedes the first instance of those subfields. If the final subfield is ǂe, add a comma after the access point unless the access point ends with an open date. Separate multiple relator terms with commas and add a period after the last subfield ǂe.

A corporate name portion of a name/subordinate body or name/title access point ends with terminal punctuation. When an authorized access point ends with a quotation mark, the terminal punctuation is placed before the quotation mark.

In the case of a corporate name input as a subject access point and followed by a subject subdivision, omit the terminal punctuation following the name unless the name ends with an abbreviation or initial/letter. See also 6xx Introduction for specific subject access point guidelines.

Qualifier elements:

  • Enclose a term indicating the type of corporate body or jurisdiction in parentheses
  • Enclose the name of a geographic place or jurisdiction in parentheses
  • Enclose the name of an institution in parentheses
  • Enclose a date or dates associated with the corporate body in parentheses
  • Enclose a general designation in parentheses
  • Enclose a distinguishing word or phrase in parentheses
  • Separate adjacent qualifiers by a space, colon, space
  • Separate a term used to distinguish one government from another claiming jurisdiction over the same area and the date or dates associated with that government by a comma and a space

Non-qualifier elements:

  • Precede a subheading by a period and a space except when the preceding element ends with a quotation mark
  • Enclose the number, date, and location of a conference or an exhibition, etc., in parentheses. Separate the number, date, and location by a space, colon, space. Separate multiple locations by a semicolon.
  • Separate multiple relator terms with commas and add a period after the last subfield ǂe

For more information on punctuation, including OCLC policy, see section 2.8, Punctuation.


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes for fields: 110, 610, 710, and 810.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, x10.