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Audn:  Target Audience

Record Type



BKS, COM, REC, SCO, VIS: 008/22; 006/05

Input Standards

BKS, COM, REC, SCO, VIS: Optional. One-character code. Default: blank character



The intellectual level of the audience for which the item is intended.

BKS, 006

When an item is appropriate for more than one target audience, use the code for the primary target audience. If the record has both reading grade and interest age information in field 521, code Audn for the interest age.

COM, 006

When an item is appropriate for more than one target audience, use the code for the primary target audience. If the record has both reading grade and interest age information in field 521, code Audn for the interest age.

Use primarily for educational electronic materials.

REC, SCO, 006

When an item is appropriate for more than one target audience, use the code for the primary target audience.

Use primarily to identify music to be used or performed by a specific target audience.

VIS, 006

When an item is considered appropriate for more than one target audience, use the code for the highest level appropriate.

Use primarily for educational audiovisual materials.

Transcribing LC copy for BKS, REC, SCO

If you are transcribing LC copy, the following characteristics may help to identify the item as juvenile:

  • The record uses a subdivision such as juvenile literature with the main subject heading.
  • The record includes the word juvenile in its subject heading(s).
  • The record has the letter j printed with the Dewey Decimal classification number.
  • The record uses an LC classification number for the works of juvenile literature (PZ5-PZ10.7).

Annotated Card Program.

Annotated Card Program records use the letter E or the abbreviation Fic instead of a Dewey number. An LC card number with the suffix AC does not necessarily identify a juvenile work since the Annotated Card Program includes young adult books and adult reference books in addition to children's books.


blank character

Unknown or unspecified. The target audience for the item not known or not specified.

Audn     blank character
100 1   Foer, Joshua
245 1 0 Moonwalking with Einstein : ǂb the art and science of remembering everything / ǂc Joshua Foer

Preschool. The item is intended for children, approximate ages 0-5 years.

Audn     a
082 0 0 [E] ǂ2 23
100 1   De Sève, Randall
245 1 0 Peanut & Fifi have a ball / ǂc by Randall de Sève ; illustrations by Paul Schmid

Primary. The item is intended for children, approximate ages 6-8 years.

Audn     b
100 1   Channon, Janet, ǂe author
245 1 0 Shake, rattle & drum : ǂb original children's songs for instrument playing / ǂc Janet Channon, Wendy Jensen

Pre-adolescent. The item is intended for young people, approximate ages 9-13 years.

Audn     c
100 1   Patterson, James, ǂd 1947-
245 1 0 Middle school. ǂp How I survived bullies, broccoli, and Snake Hill / ǂc James Patterson and Chris Tebbetts

Adolescent. The item is intended for young people, approximate ages 14-17 years.

Audn     d
100 1   Sáenz, Benjamin Alire.
245 1 0 Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe / ǂc Benjamin Alire Sáenz
521 1   12 years and up

Adult. The item is intended for adults.

Audn     e
100 1   Bridge, Rachel
245 1 0 How to start a business without any money / ǂc Rachel Bridge ; read by Stephanie Daniel

Specialized. The item is aimed at a particular audience and the nature of the presentation makes the item of little interest to another audience. Examples include:

  • Items which address a limited audience, e.g., the employees of a single organization.
  • Technical software or sound recordings geared to a specialized audience.
  • Training films intended for the special education of the physically or mentally handicapped.
Audn     f
245 0 0 Drafting and enforcing advance health care directives.

General. The item is of general interest and not aimed at an audience of a particular intellectual level. Use for items that are not covered more appropriately by the other codes.

Audn     g
245 0 0 Faith & family 4 film collection / ǂc RHI Entertainment presents a Faith & Family Film production in association with LG Films and Larry Levinson Productions

Juvenile. The item is intended for children and young people, approximate ages 0-15 years. Use when a more specific code for the juvenile target audience is not desired.

Audn     j
100 1   Schumann, Robert, ǂd 1810-1856, ǂe composer
245 1 0 Album für die Jugend : ǂb op. 68 = Album for the youth : op. 68 = Album pour la jeunesse : op. 68 / ǂc Robert Schumann ...
fill character

No attempt to code


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, 008/22.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 008/22 (Books).