c |
Catalogs BKS. The item is a catalog. It also includes lists of collectible objects, such as stamps and coins or trade catalogs. For catalogs of books, sound recordings or motion pictures, use code b, code k or code q with code c. CNR. The item includes a catalog (i.e., a list of items in a collection). It also includes lists of collectible objects, such as stamps and coins or trade catalogs. For catalogs of books, sound recordings or motion pictures, code b, code k or code q, is given with code c.
Cont |
c  |
245 |
1 |
4 |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Guide / ǂc ... |
650 |
0 |
Art ǂz New York (State) ǂz New York ǂv Catalogs. |
d |
Dictionaries BKS. The item is a dictionary, glossary or gazetteer. Use code i for concordances. Code monographic biographical dictionaries as collective biography (Biog, code c) rather than using code d in Cont. CNR. The item contains a dictionary, glossary or gazetteer. Use code i for concordances. Code h is used for serial biographical dictionaries.
Cont |
d  |
245 |
1 |
0 |
Dictionnaire de la langue québécoise. |
e |
Encyclopedias BKS, CNR. The item is an encyclopedia or is an encyclopedic treatment of a specific topic.
Cont |
e  |
245 |
0 |
0 |
Encyclopedia of sediments & sedimentary rocks / ǂc edited by Gerard V. Middleton ... |
650 |
0 |
Sediments (Geology) ǂv Encyclopedia. |
f |
Handbooks BKS. The item is a handbook. CNR. This item contains a handbook.
Cont |
f  |
245 |
1 |
4 |
The new cider maker's handbook : ǂb a comprehensive guide for craft producers / ǂc Claude Jolicoeur. |
650 |
0 |
Cider ǂv Handbooks, manuals, etc. |
g |
Legal articles BKS, CNR. The item has substantive articles on legal topics (e.g., those published in law school reviews).
Cont |
g l  |
245 |
1 |
0 |
Laws of the land interpreted : ǂb compendium of contemporary law with analyses and commentary / ǂc edited by ... |
h |
Biography BKS. Do not use. CNR. Use for serials if the serial has biographical information and other material. The following items are biographical:
- Straightforward accounts of the life of a person
- Accounts of limited periods or aspects of the life of a person
- Collections of materials that serve as a source of, or substitute for, an account of a life
- Collective biographies
- Literary criticism if more than half of the work is biographical
- A work about a ruler and his reign if the ruler's life is given considerable attention
- A work about a doctrine or movement if the work is largely biographical. However, material classified as genealogy is not biographical.
Cont |
h  |
245 |
0 |
0 |
Nepal who's who. |
651 |
0 |
Nepal ǂv Biography ǂv Dictionaries. |
i |
Indexes BKS. The item is an index to bibliographic material other than itself. Do not use code i when a publication contains an index to its own content. CNR. The item has indexes of other material. Use for newspaper indexes, periodical indexes, concordances, etc. This category includes only indexes to bibliographical items. It does not include publications like Merck Index. It does not include indexes to the item itself.
Cont |
c i  |
245 |
0 |
0 |
Book auction records. |
650 |
0 |
Book auctions ǂx Catalogs ǂv Indexes. |
j |
Patent document BKS. The item contains a detailed description of an invention or discovery of a new and useful process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter or improvements thereof. A patent document may be one of several kinds of documents: a patent or similar document (e.g., inventor's certificate), a patent application (domestic, foreign, priority application, etc.) or a continuation/division of one of the above. CNR. Do not use.
Cont |
j  |
245 |
0 |
0 |
Patenting lives : ǂb life patents, culture and development / ǂc edited by Johanna Gibson. |
650 |
0 |
Biotechnology ǂv Patents. |
k |
Discographies BKS. The entire item or a significant part of the item is a discography or discographies, or other bibliography of recorded sound. Use only if the discography is substantial enough to be mentioned in the bibliographic record. For discographies that are also catalogs, use both k and c. CNR. A significant part of the item is a discography or discographies, or other bibliography of recorded sound. Use only if the discography is substantial enough to be mentioned in the bibliographic record. For discographies that are also catalogs, use both k and c.
Cont |
k  |
504 |
Discography: pages 85-97. |
l |
Legislation BKS, CNR. The item contains full or partial texts of enactments of legislative bodies, published either in statutes or in code form. Use also when a work consists of texts of rules and regulations issued by executive or administrative agencies.
Cont |
l  |
245 |
1 |
4 |
The employment law sourcebook. |
650 |
0 |
Labor laws and legislation ǂz United States. |
m |
Theses BKS, CNR. The item is a thesis, dissertation or work identified as having been created to satisfy the requirements for an academic certification or degree.
Cont |
m  |
502 |
ǂb M.S. ǂc Oregon State University ǂd 2013 |
n |
Surveys of the literature in a subject area BKS, CNR. Such surveys summarize what has been published about a subject and, in most cases, include a list of references either in the body of the work or as a bibliography. Since bibliographies are included as part of the definition of code n, do not use code b and code n together. |
o |
Reviews BKS. The item is entirely devoted to critical reviews of published or performed works (e.g., books, films, sound recordings, theater, etc.). CNR. Includes critical reviews of published or performed works (e.g. books, films, soundrecordings, theater, etc.).
Cont |
o  |
245 |
1 |
0 |
Goodbye cinema, hello cinephilia : ǂb film culture in transition / ǂc Jonathan Rosenbaum. |
650 |
0 |
Motion pictures ǂv Reviews. |
p |
Programmed texts BKS, CNR. The item is a programmed text.
Cont |
p  |
245 |
0 |
0 |
Clinical exercises in internal medicine. |
650 |
2 |
Internal medicine ǂx Programmed texts. |
q |
Filmographies BKS, CNR. The entire item, or a significant part of it, is a filmography or filmographies. Use only if the filmography is substantial enough to be mentioned in the bibliographic record. For filmographies that are also catalogs, use both code q and code c. CNR. A significant part of the item is a filmography or filmographies. Use only if the filmography is substantial enough to be mentioned in the bibliographic record. For filmographies that are also catalogs, use both code q and code c.
Cont |
q  |
504 |
Filmography: pages 98-101. |
r |
Directories BKS. An item is a directory or register of persons or corporate bodies. Code monographic biographical dictionaries as collective biography (Biog, code c) rather than using code d in Cont. CNR. Includes a directory or register of persons or corporate bodies. Serial biographical dictionaries are coded in Cont as Biography (code h).
Cont |
r s  |
245 |
0 |
0 |
Cleaning services & supplies. |
650 |
0 |
Building cleaning industry ǂz United States ǂv Statistics ǂv Periodicals. |
650 |
0 |
Building cleaning industry ǂz United States ǂv Directories. |
s |
Statistics BKS, CNR. The entire item or a significant part of it, is a collection of statistical data on a subject. Do not use for works about statistical methodology.
Cont |
b s  |
245 |
0 |
0 |
List of statistical series collected by international organizations. |
t |
Technical reports BKS, CNR. The item contains technical report material. This is an item that is the result of scientific investigation or technical development, testing or evaluation, presented in a form suitable for dissemination to the technical community.
Cont |
t  |
245 |
1 |
0 |
Historic resources technical report, I-5 Fern Valley Interchange .... |
u |
Standards/specifications BKS. An item is either a national, international or industry standard or a specification giving a precise statement of a process or a service requirement. CNR. An item includes either a national, international or industry standard or a specification giving a precise statement of a process or a service requirement.
Cont |
u  |
245 |
0 |
0 |
Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs : ǂb guidelines on preparation ... |
490 |
1 |
South African national standard ; ǂv SANS 11133-2:2004 |
650 |
0 |
Feeds ǂx Microbiology ǂv Specifications. |
v |
Legal cases and case notes BKS, CNR. The item contains discussions such as those in the case comments section of law school reviews, of particular legal cases that have been decided by or that are pending before courts or administrative agencies.
Cont |
v  |
245 |
1 |
0 |
Civil Rights Division : ǂb selection of cases and reasons matters were closed ... |
610 |
1 |
0 |
United States. ǂb Department of Justice. ǂb Civil Rights Division ǂv Trials, litigation, etc. |
650 |
0 |
Civil rights ǂz United States ǂv Cases. |
w |
Law reports and digests BKS, CNR. The item contains the texts of decisions of courts or administrative agencies. Use also when an item consists of texts of digests of such decisions.
Cont |
w  |
245 |
0 |
0 |
The Kercher reports : ǂb decisions of the New South Wales superior courts, 1788 to 1827 / ǂc edited by Bruce Kercher ... |
650 |
0 |
Law reports, digests, etc. ǂz Australia ǂz New South Wales ǂx History ǂy 18th century. |
x |
Other reports BKS. Do not use. CNR. Library and Archives Canada use in serials only. |
y |
Yearbooks BKS, CNR. Reference publication issued on an annual or less frequent basis that contains articles summarizing the accomplishments or events of a particular year within a specific discipline or area of endeavor. Annual reports, which are administrative overviews of an organization, are not coded here. Note: Code y was made obsolete in 1988 and restored in 2009.
Cont |
y  |
245 |
0 |
4 |
Das Jahrbuch 2003 = ǂb The 2003 yearbook / ǂc ... |
650 |
0 |
Advertising photography ǂz Germany. |
z |
Treaties BKS. The item is a treaty or accord negotiated between two or more parties to settle a disagreement, establish a relationship, grant rights, etc. CNR. Includes treaties or accords negotiated between two or more parties to settle a disagreement, establish a relationship, grant rights, etc.
Cont |
z  |
110 |
1 |
0 |
Canada. |
240 |
1 |
0 |
Treaties, etc. ǂg United States, ǂd 1942 March 4 |
245 |
1 |
0 |
Convention and protocol between Canada and the United States of America for the avoidance of double taxation ... |
650 |
0 |
Double taxation ǂv Treaties. |
2 |
Offprints BKS. Publication that originally was published as an article in a monograph or a serial and that is also issued separately and independently. Includes preprints and postprints. CNR. Do not use.
Cont |
2  |
245 |
1 |
0 |
Religious-based employment practices of the churches : ǂb an international comparison ... |
500 |
Offprint: Temple international and comparative law journal. Volume 26, number 2 (fall 2012). |
5 |
Calendars BKS, CNR. Published systems of organizing days. These may be academic calendars or almanacs, calendars published by bodies, such as labor organizations, library associations, etc.
Cont |
5  |
245 |
0 |
0 |
Agenda 2001. |
650 |
0 |
Anarchists ǂv Biography ǂv Calendars. |
6 |
Comics/graphic novels BKS, CNR. Instances of "sequential art" in which a story (whether fact or fiction) is told primarily through a set of images (often in the form of multiple "panels" per page) presented concurrently but meant to be "read" sequentially by the viewer. The accompanying narrative and/or dialog text, when it occurs, works integrally with the images to tell the story. Note: Replaces code c in LitF.
Cont |
6  |
245 |
1 |
4 |
The lightening thief : ǂb the graphic novel / ǂc by Rick Riordan ... |
650 |
0 |
Mythology,Greek ǂv Comic books, strips, etc. |
No attempt to code BKS, CNR. If the fill character is used, all positions must be coded with the fill character. |