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Dates:  Date 1 and Date 2

Record Type



ALL: 008/07-14

Input Standards

BKS, COM, MAP, MIX, REC, SCO, VIS: Mandatory. Eight-character code. Default:  fill character fill character fill character fill character , blank character blank character blank character blank character

CNR: Mandatory. Default:  fill character fill character fill character fill character , 9999



Dates of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright, are specified by the code in DtSt. Dates represents two MARC 21 fixed-field elements: Date 1 and Date 2. The following provides information on how Dates are displayed in various OCLC interfaces:

  • Connexion client. When the fixed field is displayed as a control field, Dates appear in 008/07-14. When the fixed field is displayed in the mnemonic format, each date displays as four positions separated by a comma.
  • Record Manager. When field 008 is displayed as a control field, Dates appear in 008/07-14. When the 008 is displayed in the mnemonic format, Date 1 and Date 2 can be filled out in text boxes.


For most records you derive date information from field 260 subfield ǂc, field 264 subfield ǂcfield 362, and 5xx notes. For archival collections and manuscript materials you may also derive date information from field 245 subfield $f and field 245 subfield $g. Choose the code for DtSt concurrently with recording dates in Date 1 and Date 2.

Record dates using the Gregorian calendar. If a resource uses a non-Gregorian calendar date, convert to a Gregorian date. If the non-Gregorian date does not have a single Gregorian equivalent, e.g., if a single non-Gregorian calendar year corresponds to two Gregorian calendar years, record the earlier Gregorian date.


Publication and copyright dates. When cataloging according to RDA and your examination of DtSt hierarchy leads you to choose value t, record the publication date in Date 1, whether inferred or not, and the copyright date in Date 2, even when the dates are the same.

DtSt     t
Dates     2021,2021
264   1 New York, NY : ǂb Oxford University Press, ǂc [2021]
264   4 ǂc ©2021
[The bracketed publication date is inferred from the copyright date]

Collections. Record the earliest date of production or publication applicable to a collection in Date 1 and the latest date in Date 2.

If a date of production or publication of an entire collection occurs within a single year, record that year in Date 1.

DtSt     s
Dates     2011,blank character blank character blank character blank character
245 1 0 Ernest and Oneta Lichfield memoirs
264   0 ǂc 2011

If the collection is ongoing, record the earliest year of the production or publication of the collection in Date 1 and 9999 in Date 2.

DtSt     i
Dates     2018,9999
245 1 0 UND art collections, ǂf 2018-

When following the Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS), record the inclusive dates pertaining to the holdings in the custody of the repository. When accruals are received, revise Date 2 information accordingly.

DtSt     i
Dates     1897,1961
245 1 0 Orrin James Olsen collection on Orrin Orlando Barrus and Mary Elizabeth Clark Barrus family
264   0 ǂc 1897-1961

If no date can be found in the collection or determined from any other source, supply the date or approximate date of production or publication.

Dates     1960,1970
245 1 0 Robert Webster Carder collection on family history
264   0 ǂc approximately 1960-1970

If it is misleading to record an approximate date, record u for each unknown digit in both Date 1 and Date 2.

DtSt     n
Dates     uuuu,uuuu
245 1 0 Patten family genealogies, ǂf undated

Printing dates. Printing dates represent when a resource was manufactured. Such dates appearing in resources may be accompanied by a word or phrase indicative of manufacture, such as impression, manufacture, or printing.

Generally, ignore printing dates if a publication date is present. You may infer a publication date from a date of printing or manufacture if no publication date is present.

Record the publication date of the edition in Date 1.

DtSt     t
Dates     1968,1963
250     Berkley highland edition
264   1 New York : ǂb Berkley Publishing Corporation, ǂc 1968
264   4 ǂc ©1963
[Second printing in 1969, Berkley highland edition published in 1968]

Record a printing date in Date 1 only in special situations, such as for rare materials.

DtSt     s
Dates     1620,blank character blank character blank character blank character
040     XXX ǂb eng ǂe rda ǂe dcrmb ǂc XXX
264   3 Gedruckt zu Jehna : ǂb durch Tobiam Steinman, ǂc im Jahr MDCXX [1620]

Record the inferred publication date in Date 1 if it is reasonable to assume the printing date is the publication date.

DtSt     s
Dates     2006,blank character blank character blank character blank character
264   0 Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) : ǂb Rubbettino, ǂc [2006]
[Publication date is inferred from the 2006 printing date]

Non-English language publications may reflect printing information rather than edition information. Printing dates that appear in these resources should be disregarded. For more information on printing dates for non-English publications, see When to Input a New Record, 250 Edition Statement.

Microforms. For microform reproductions, record the publication date of the original resource in Date 1 and Date 2. Record the publication date for the reproduction in field 533 and field 539 subfields ǂa, ǂb, and ǂc.

DtSt     s
Dates     1917,blank character blank character blank character blank character
264   1 Atlanta, Ga. : ǂb J.L. Nichols & Co., ǂc [1917]
533     Microfilm. ǂb [Bethesda, Md.] : ǂc National Library of Medicine, ǂd 2000. ǂh 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm
539     s ǂb 2000 ǂd mdu ǂe n ǂg a

For original microforms, record the publication date in Date 1 and Date 2.

DtSt     m
Dates     1977,9999
264   1 London : ǂb Public Record Office, ǂc 1977-
300     microfilm reels ; ǂc 35 mm

Multipart monographs. If the first published part of a multipart monograph is available, record the publication date of the first published part in Date 1. If the publication of the resource is complete, record the publication date of the last published part in Date 2.

DtSt     m
Dates     2011,2020
264   1 Paris : ǂb Honoré Champion Éditeur, ǂc 2011-2020
300     3 volumes ; ǂc 23 cm

If the publication of the multipart monograph is complete and the date of last published part is available, but not the first, record the last date of publication in Date 2 and use u for each unknown digit in Date 1.

DtSt     m
Dates     uuuu, 1923
264   1 Torino : ǂb Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, ǂc -1923
300     volumes : ǂb color illustrations ; ǂc 27 cm

If the multipart monograph is not complete, enter 9999 in Date 2, record the publication date of the first published part in Date 1.

DtSt     m
Dates     2021, 9999
264   1 New York : ǂb Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., ǂc [2021]-
300     volumes ; ǂc 24 cm

If the publication date is the same for all parts, record only that date in Date 1.

DtSt     s
Dates     2015,blank character blank character blank character blank character
264   1 Chichester, West Sussex, UK : ǂb Wiley Blackwell, ǂc 2015
300     5 volumes : ǂb illustrations ; ǂc 25 cm

If the date for the first and/or last published part is not available, supply an approximate date or dates if possible.

DtSt     m
Dates     1903,1904
264   1 Kyoto : ǂb Yamada Unsōdō, ǂc [1903 or 1904]
300     2 volumes (unpaged) : ǂb illustrations ; ǂc 25 cm
[Approximate date of publication is either 1903 or 1904]

If the date or dates cannot be approximated for a multipart monograph, record u for each unknown digit in both Date 1 and Date 2.

DtSt     n
Dates     uuuu,uuuu
264   1 Boston : ǂb Dana Estes, ǂc [date of publication not identified]
300     6 volumes : ǂb illustrations, portrait ; ǂc 23 cm

Occasionally, parts of a multipart monograph are not issued in order. Record the earliest and latest publication dates applicable to the multipart monograph even if they are not the first and last parts.

DtSt     m
Dates     2012,9999
264   1 [San José, Costa Rica] : ǂb Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas : ǂb Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de América Central, ǂc [2012?]-
300     volumes : ǂb illustrations, maps ; ǂc 25 cm
500     Volumes published out of order

Use Date 1 and Date 2 for the beginning and ending dates of a serial based on the chronological designations or issue dates appearing on the first and last issues. If the first and last issues are available but lack chronological designations or issue dates, base Date 1 and Date 2 on the dates of publication of the first and last issues in field 260 or field 264.

First and last issues unavailable. Enter Date 1 with the closest known year, decade, or century and record u for each unknown digit. If the first issue of a serial is unavailable, do not use the date given in the Description based on note.

DtSt     d
Dates     189u,1896
362 0   -3rd year, number 37 (September 25, 1896)
588 0   1st year, number 49 (November 2, 1894)

Enter Date 2 with the closest known year, decade, or century and use the letter u for each unknown digit if the serial has ceased publication. If the serial is still being published, enter 9999 in Date 2. If the publication status of the serial is unknown, record u for each unknown digit in Date 2. If the last issue of a serial is unavailable, do not use the date given in the Latest issue consulted note.

DtSt     d
Dates     1890,19uu
362 1   Began in 1890
588 0   Volume 11, number 49 (January 6, 1900)
588 1   Volume 11, number 49 (January 6, 1900)
DtSt     c
Dates     1925,9999
362 1   Began with: Volume 1, published in 1925
588 0   Volume 34, number 1 (January/February 1977)
588 1   Volume 61, number 5 (May 2004)
DtSt     u
Dates     1942,uuuu
362 1   Began with: Number 1 (July 20, 1942)
588 0   Number 1 (July 20, 1942)
588 1   October 1946

Serial reprints and reproductions. Enter the dates of the original serial as outlined above in Dates, and code DtSt for the original serial. In the case of reprints, enter publication dates for the reprint in field 260 subfield ǂc or field 264 subfield ǂc.

DtSt     d
Dates     1932,1942
264   1 New York : ǂb Da Capo Press, ǂc 1982
362 0   Volume 1, number 1 (May 1932)-volume 11, number 6 (December 1942)
500     Reprint. Originally published monthly: New York : International Juridical Association, 1932-1942

In the case of reproductions, enter publication dates for the reproduction in field 533 subfield ǂd.

DtSt     d
Dates     1975,1991
264   1 Kingston, Jamaica : ǂb United Theological College of the West Indies, ǂc 1975-1991
362 0   Volume 1, number 1 (September 1975)-volume 12, number 1 (September 1991)
533     Microfilm. ǂb Princeton, N.J. : ǂc Filmed by Princeton University Libraries for the Latin American Microfilm Project at CRL, ǂd 1992. ǂe 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm

Issue date covers more than one year. Enter the latest named year.

DtSt     c
Dates     1967,9999
362 1   Began with 1966/67
DtSt     d
Dates     1924,1956
362   1923/24-1955/56

Period covered. Enter dates based on the period covered.

DtSt     c
Dates     1979,9999
264   1 Washington, D.C. : ǂb National Science Foundation, ǂc 1980-
362   1978/79-
[First issue of a report covering 1978/79 published in 1980]
DtSt     c
Dates     1985,9999
264   1 Santa Fe, N.M. : ǂb State Land Office, ǂc 1975-
362   1985-
[First issue of a report with projections for 1985 published in 1975]

Issue date has more than one date in the Common Era. Enter the first named Common Era year.

DtSt     c
Dates     1971,9999
362 0   1350 [1971 or 1972]-
Integrating resources

Dates for integrating resources. Integrating resources are added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole. Integrating resources may be finite or continuing. Examples include updating loose-leaf publications, updating databases, and updating Web sites.

If the first iteration of the integrating resource is available, record publication date of the first iteration in Date 1. If the publication of the resource is complete, record the final iteration in Date 2.

DtSt     d
Dates     2001,2019
264   1 Baltimore, Md. : ǂb Knowledge for Health (K4Health) Project at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Communication Programs, ǂc [2001]-2019
300     1 online resource

If the publication of the integrating resource is complete and the final iteration is available, but information from the first iteration is not, record the publication date of the final iteration in Date 2 and use u for each unknown digit in Date 1.

If a publication date is the same for all iterations, record only that date in Date 1.

If the integrating resource is still being published, enter 9999 in Date 2, record the publication date of the first iteration in Date 1.

DtSt     c
Dates     2015,9999
264   1 New York City : ǂb Practising Law Institute, ǂc [2015]-
300     volumes (loose-leaf) ; ǂc 25 cm.
490 1   Corporate and securities law library / Practising Law Institute

If the first iteration, the final iteration, or both are not available, supply an approximate date or dates. If the date or dates cannot be approximated for a integrating resource, use u for each unknown digit in Date 1 and Date 2.

DtSt     c
Dates     uuuu,9999
264   1 [Quito, Ecuador] : ǂb Correo Legal
300     volumes (loose-leaf) ; ǂc 24 cm

Typographical conventions

Digits not applicable

Use blank (blank character) for each digit position in Date 1 or Date 2 if the date is not applicable.

Use four blanks (blank character) in Date 2 when a single date is applicable. Do not use u in Date 2 when the publication date is a single date.

DtSt     s
Dates     2011,blank character blank character blank character blank character
264   1 Don Mills, Ontario : ǂb Mira Books, ǂc 2011
DtSt     s
Dates     1966, blank character blank character blank character blank character
264   1 Boston : ǂb Target Press, ǂc [1966?]

Use four blanks (blank character) for Date 1 and Date 2 for B.C.E. dates.

DtSt     b
Dates     blank character blank character blank character blank character, blank character blank character blank character blank character
046     k ǂb 150 ǂd 100
260     ǂc [between 150 and 100 B.C.]

Use two blanks (blank character) if the day is not given in a technical report.

DtSt     e
Dates     2012,05 blank character blank character
264   1 Alexandria, Virginia : ǂb American Diabetes Association, ǂc May 2012
Unknown digits

Use u for each unknown digit in Date 1 or Date 2.

DtSt     m
Dates     uuuu,1980
264   1 London : ǂb Collier Macmillan Publishers, ǂc -1980
[Beginning date unknown]
DtSt     r
Dates     1966,uuuu
264   1 New York : ǂb Macmillan, ǂc 1966
500     Reprinted from Green Howard's Gazette
[Original date of publication is unknown]
DtSt     q
Dates     18uu,19uu
260     Amsterdam : ǂb Elsevier, ǂc [19th century or early 20th century]
[Decade is unknown for both earliest and latest date]

In pre-RDA records, use u in Dates when the digit of a date is unknown.

In pre-RDA records, use u for each unknown digit in probable dates.

DtSt     m
Dates     1943,197u
260     New York : ǂb Dover ǂc 1943-[197-?]
[Pre-RDA. Probable date has unknown digit.]

In pre-RDA records, enter the date to the closest decade or century, substituting a lowercase u for each unknown digit.

DtSt     s
Dates     19uu,blank character blank character blank character blank character
260     Ithaca, N.Y. : ǂb Press of Andrews & Church, ǂc [19--?]
[Pre-RDA. Probable century known.]
DtSt     s
Dates     1uuu,blank character blank character blank character blank character
260     Philadelphia : ǂb Evangelical Education Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church, ǂc [1---?]
[Pre-RDA. If a date is completely unknown, you may infer the millennium.]

In pre-RDA records, use uu for the final two characters of Date 2 if the day is unknown for an event known to have occurred on a specific day, such as an original broadcast date. Leave the final two characters of Date 2 coded blank if there is no day of month given on the item and no day can be inferred. Use the form yyyy,mmdd.

DtSt     e
Dates     1976,11uu
264   1 U.S. : ǂb Triangle Film Corporation, ǂc November 1976
[Televised material giving the date of original broadcast. Day of month is not given, however you can infer that the broadcast occurred on a specific day by supplying uu for the unknown date.]

For pre-RDA hybrid and RDA cataloging, use uuuu for [date of publication not identified].

DtSt     r
Dates     uuuu,1963
260     New York : ǂb [publisher not identified], ǂc [date of publication not identified]
500     Previously published in 1963
[Date of publication is unknown

No attempt to code

Use fill character (fill character) for each digit position in Date 1 and Date 2 if there is no attempt to code.

DtSt     fill character
Dates     fill characterfill characterfill characterfill character,fill characterfill characterfill characterfill character


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, 008/07-10 and 008/11-14.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 008/07-10 and 11-14 (All Materials).