
EntW:  Nature of Entire Work

Record Type



CNR: 008/24; 006/07

Input Standards

CNR: Optional. One-character code. Default: blank character


CNR, 006

The nature of an item if it consists entirely of a certain type of material. Use to specify what type of publication the item is as opposed to what it contains. If the item can be considered more than one type of material, record the types in Cont and leave EntW coded blank.


blank character

Not specified. The nature of the entire item is not specified.

EntW     blank character
245 0 0 Indiana minority business magazine
650   0 Minority business enterprises ǂz Indiana ǂv Periodicals

Abstracts/summaries. The entire item consists of abstracts or summaries of other publications.

EntW     a
245 0 0 Psychological abstracts
650   0 Psychology ǂv Abstracts ǂv Periodicals

Bibliographies. The entire item is a bibliography or bibliographies.

EntW     b
245 0 0 Selected U.S. Government publications ...
650   0 Government publications ǂz United States ǂv Bibliography ǂv Periodicals

Catalogs. The entire item is a catalog (i.e., a list of items in a collection, such as a collection of books, a collection of art objects, etc.).

EntW     c
245 0 0 Standard catalog of U.S. paper money
650   0 Paper money ǂz United States ǂv Catalogs ǂv Periodicals

Dictionaries. The entire item is a dictionary, glossary, or gazetteer. Code concordances as indexes (code i). Code serial biographical dictionaries as biography (code h).

EntW     d
245 0 0 Glossary of geology
650   0 Geology ǂv Dictionaries

Encyclopedias. The entire item is an encyclopedia or an encyclopedic treatment of a specific topic.

EntW     e
245 0 0 Wikipedia : ǂb the free encyclopedia
650   0 Electronic encyclopedias

Handbooks. The entire item is a handbook.

EntW     f
245 0 0 Chilton's guide to air conditioning repair and service
650   0 Automobiles ǂx Air conditioning ǂx Maintenance and repair ǂv Handbooks, manuals, etc.

Legal articles. The entire item consists of substantive articles on legal topics, such as those published in law school reviews.

EntW     g
245 0 0 Missouri law review
650   0 Law reviews ǂz Missouri

Biography. The entire item consists of biographical material, whether autobiography, collective biography, or individual biography. Do not code genealogy as biography.

EntW     h
245 0 4 The national cyclopaedia of American biography
651   0 United States ǂv Biography ǂv Dictionaries

Indexes. The entire item is an index to bibliographical material other than itself (e.g., an indexing journal).

EntW     i
245 0 0 Readers' guide to periodical literature
650   0 Periodicals ǂv Indexes ǂv Periodicals

Discographies. The entire item is a discography or other bibliography of recorded sound.

EntW     k
245 0 0 Goldmine record album price guide
650   0 Popular music ǂz United States ǂv Discography

Legislation. The entire item consists of full or partial texts of enactments of legislative bodies, published either in statute or in code form. Use code l also when a work consists of texts of rules and regulations issued by executive or administrative agencies.

EntW     l
110 1   New York (State)
245 1 4 The tax law of the state of New York as of ...
650   0 Taxation ǂx Law and legislation ǂz New York (State)

Theses. The entire item consists of theses, dissertations, or works identified as having been created to satisfy the requirements for an academic certification or degree.

EntW     m
245 0 0 ProQuest dissertations & theses database
650   0 Dissertations, Academic ǂv Databases

Surveys of the literature in a subject area. The entire item consists of authored surveys that summarize what has been published about a subject, usually with a list of references either in the body of the work or as a bibliography.

EntW     n
245 0 0 Information review on crime and delinquency
650   0 Crime ǂv Bibliography ǂv Periodicals

Reviews. The entire item is devoted to critical reviews of published or performed works (e.g., books, films, sound recordings, theater, etc.).

EntW     o
245 0 4 The New York times film reviews
650   0 Motion pictures ǂv Reviews ǂv Periodicals

Programmed texts. The entire item is programmed text.

EntW     p
245 0 4 The HIV medicine self-directed study guide
650   0 AIDS (Disease) ǂv Programmed instruction ǂv Periodicals

Filmographies. The entire item is a filmography or other bibliography of moving images.

EntW     q
245 0 0 Current films and videos
650   0 Ethnomusicology ǂv Film catalogs ǂv Periodicals

Directories. The entire item is a directory or register of persons or corporate bodies. Code serial biographical dictionaries as Biography (code h).

EntW     r
245 0 0 Directory of historical agencies in Massachusetts
651   0 Massachusetts ǂx History ǂx Societies, etc. ǂv Directories

Statistics. The entire item is a collection of statistical data on a subject. Do not use for works about statistical methodology.

EntW     s
245 0 0 Statistical abstract of the United States ...
651   0 United States ǂv Statistics ǂv Periodicals

Technical reports. The entire item consists of technical report material. This is an item that is the result of scientific investigation or technical development, testing or evaluation, presented in a form suitable for dissemination to the technical community.

EntW     t
245 0 0 FAO food and nutrition technical report series
650   0 Nutrition

Standards/specifications. The item is either a national, international, or industry standard or a specification giving a precise statement of a process or a service requirement.

EntW     u
110 2   American Association of State Highway Officials
245 1 0 Guide specifications for highway construction
650   0 Roads ǂv Specifications ǂz United States

Legal cases and case notes. The entire item consists of discussions, such as those in the case comments section of law school reviews, of particular legal cases that have been decided by or that are pending before courts or administrative agencies.

EntW     v
245 0 0 West's Kansas cases : ǂb cases decided in the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals ...
610 1 0 Kansas. ǂb Supreme Court ǂv Cases

Law reports and digests. The entire item consists of the texts of decisions of courts or administrative agencies. Use code w also when an item consists of texts of digests of such decisions.

EntW     w
245 0 0 Construction litigation reporter
650   0 Construction contracts ǂz United States ǂv Digests

Yearbooks. Reference publication issued on an annual or less frequent basis that consists of articles summarizing the accomplishments or events of a particular year within a specific discipline or area of endeavor. Annual reports, which are administrative overviews of an organization, are not coded here. Note: Code y was made obsolete in 1988 and restored in 2009.

EntW     y
245 0 0 Yearbook of science and the future
650   0 Science ǂv Periodicals

Treaties. The entire item consists of treaties or accords negotiated between two or more parties to settle a disagreement, establish a relationship, grant rights, etc.

EntW     z
110 1   New Zealand
240 1 0 Treaties, etc. (New Zealand treaty series)
245 1 0 New Zealand treaty series
651   0 New Zealand ǂx Foreign relations ǂv Treaties

Calendars. The entire item consists of calendars (i.e. published systems of organizing days). These may be academic calendars or almanacs, calendars published by bodies, such as labor organizations, library associations, etc.

EntW     5
110 1   Indiana. ǂb Division of State Parks
245 1 0 Cultural arts calendar
610 1 0 Indiana. ǂb Division of State Parks ǂv Calendars

Comics/graphic novels. The entire item consists of comics/graphic novels (i.e. instances of "sequential art") in which a story, whether fact or fiction, is told primarily through a set of images often in the form of multiple "panels" per page presented concurrently but meant to be "read" sequentially by the viewer. The accompanying narrative and/or dialog text, when it occurs, works integrally with the images to tell the story.

EntW     6
245 0 0 Conquest of the planet of the living dead
655   0 Comic books, strips, etc.
fill character

No attempt to code


This fixed field element is not indexed.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 008/24 (Continuing Resources).