
File:  Type of Computer File

Record Type



COM: 008/26; 006/09

Input Standards

COM: Optional. One-character code. Default: u


COM, 006

The type of computer file. Such a file is a body of information or instructions encoded so that it requires the use of a computer (or related machine) to be properly interpreted. This term encompasses both data files (numeric files, representational files, and text files) and computer program files. The specific type of electronic resource may also be described in textual form in field 516.



Numeric data. Files that are mostly numbers or representation by numbers (e.g., student test scores, football team statistics, etc.). The information may be original surveys or information that has been summarized or statistically manipulated.

Electronic resources that are primarily numeric data are usually coded Type m, in which case File should be coded a for numeric data.

Type     m
File     a
516     Numeric (Survey data)

Computer program. Ordered sets of instructions directing the computer to perform operations and identifying the information and mechanisms required. A program is a series of instructions given to complete a task.

Use for videogames, software, applications (apps), etc.

Use also for computer models, which are a characterization in mathematical terms of a process, object, or concept, that enables the manipulation of variables to determine how the process, object, or concept would behave in different situations.

Electronic resources that are primarily computer programs are usually coded Type m, in which case File should be coded b for computer program.

Type     m
File     b
516     Computer program

Representational. Files that have pictorial or graphic data. The pictorial and graphic data can be manipulated in conjunction with other types of files to produce graphic patterns, which can be used to interpret and give meaning to the information. Use for both still and moving images. Do not use for documents in image format.

Electronic resources that are primarily representational are usually coded for the Type of the most significant aspect (e.g., moving image, still image, cartographic material). In such cases, the Computer File 006 is coded for the electronic aspect of the resource, including the File element being coded c for representational.

Type     k
TMat     l
006     Type: m
File: c
516     Graphic data (Architectural drawings)
d Document. Textual files that are mostly alphabetic information (words or sentences) converted into a code that can be processed, sorted, and manipulated by machine and then retrieved in many optional formats.

Use for records containing full text of documents and material intended to constitute a textual document, whether represented as ASCII or image data.

Use for both single bibliographic entities or a collection of bibliographic entities. Documents whose primary purpose is textual, even if search software is present, are coded d.

Electronic resources that are primarily textual are usually coded Type a. In such cases, the Computer File 006 is coded for the electronic aspect of the resource, including the File element being coded d for document.

Type     a
006     Type: m
File: d
516     Text (Law reports and digests)

Bibliographic data. Data that are bibliographic citations, including library catalogs or citation databases. May be structured or unstructured. Search software may be present, but the purpose of the record is description of the content of the bibliographic data or database, rather than description of the online system or service.

Electronic resources that are primarily bibliographic data are usually coded Type a. In such cases, the Computer File 006 is coded for the electronic aspect of the resource, including the File element being coded e for bibliographic data.

Type     a
006     Type: m
File: e
516     Text (Bibliographic citations)

Font. File contains information for a computer to produce fonts.

Electronic resources that are primarily fonts are usually coded Type m, in which case File should be coded f for font.

Type     m
File     f
516     Fonts (TrueType and PostScript)

Game. File is for recreational or educational use. Usually text and software, including videogames.

Electronic resources that are primarily games are usually coded Type m, in which case File should be coded g for game.

Type     m
File     g
516     Computer game

Sounds. File has data encoding computer producible sounds.

Electronic resources that are primarily sounds are usually coded for the Type of the most significant aspect (musical or nonmusical sound recording). In such cases, the Computer File 006 is coded for the electronic aspect of the resource, including the File element being coded h for sounds.

Type     i
006     Type: m
File: h
516     Sound files (MP3 and WAV)

Interactive multimedia. Item supports navigation through and manipulation of many kinds of media (audio, video, etc.) in which the user has a high level of control, allowing an almost conversational interaction with the computer.

Electronic resources that are interactive multimedia are usually coded Type m, in which case File should be coded i for interactive multimedia.

Type     m
File     i
516     Interactive multimedia

Online system or service. Record is for an online system or service that may contain nonbibliographic information. An online system or service supports system-based user interaction. If the focus of the record is to describe the system itself, with the content of the databases incidental contained therein, it is coded j. If the resource is an online file where the system is incidental to the description, it falls into another category. Examples of online systems or services include online library systems (consisting of a variety of databases), FTP sites, electronic bulletin boards, network information centers.

Electronic resources that are online systems or services are usually coded Type m, in which case File should be coded j for online system or service.

Type     m
File     j
516     Campus-wide information system

Combination. A combination of two or more of the above types of files, such as computer models and numeric data files, or computer programs and text files.

Electronic resources that are combinations of two or more types of files are usually coded Type m, in which case File should be coded m for combination.

Type     m
File     m
516     Computer programs and text files

Unknown. The type of file is unknown.


Other. None of the other defined codes are appropriate.

Type     m
File     z
516     Mailing list
fill character

No attempt to code


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, 008/26.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 008/26 (Computer Files).