
LitF:  Literary Form

Record Type



BKS: 008/33; 006/16

Input Standards

BKS: Optional. One-character code. Default: 0


BKS, 006

Use numeric codes 0 and 1 to provide a generic identification of whether the item is a work of fiction. Use the alphabetic codes to identify specific literary forms.



Not fiction (not further specified). The item is not a work of fiction and no further identification of the literary form is desired.

LitF     0
100 1   Schweitzer, Albert, ǂd 1875-1965
245 1 0 African notebook / ǂc Albert Schweitzer ; translated by Mrs. C.E.B. Russell

Fiction (not further specified). The item is a work of fiction and no further identification of the literary form is desired.

LitF     1
100 1   Berenstain, Stan, ǂd 1923-2005
245 1 4 The Berenstain Bears' home sweet tree / ǂc Stan and Jan Berenstain


LitF     d
100 1   Akoubia, Koshi, ǂe author
245 1 0 Nigrigudja : ǂb pièce en 3 actes / ǂc Koshi Akoubia ; préface de Marie Ketline Adodo


LitF     e
100 1   Walker, Alice, ǂd 1944-
240 1 0 Essays. ǂk Selections
245 1 4 The cushion in the road : ǂb meditation and wandering as the whole world awakens to being in harm's way / ǂc Alice Walker


LitF     f
100 1   Grass, Günter, ǂd 1927-
240 1 0 Blechtrommel. ǂl English
245 1 4 The tin drum / ǂc Gunter Grass ; translated by Breon Mitchell

Humor, satire, etc. The item is a humorous work, satire, or of similar literary form.

LitF     h
245 0
0 Angry Birds space joke book

Letters. The item is a single letter or collection of correspondence.

LitF     i
100 1   Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, ǂd 1806-1861
240 1 0 Correspondence. ǂk Selections
245 1 4 The love letters of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning / ǂc Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning

Short stories. The item is a short story or collection of short stories.

LitF     j
100 1   Saunders, George, ǂd 1958-
245 1 0 Tenth of December : ǂb stories / ǂc George Saunders

Mixed forms. The item is a variety of literary forms (e.g., poetry and short stories).

LitF     m
100 1   Shirley, John, ǂd 1953-
245 1 0 New taboos : ǂb plus A state of imprisonment and "Why we need forty years of hell" and "Pro is for professional" outspoken interview / ǂc by John Shirley

Poetry. The item is a poem or collection of poems.

LitF     p
100 1   Vergados, Athanassios, ǂe author, ǂe editor
245 1 4 The Homeric Hymn to Hermes : ǂb introduction, text and commentary / ǂc by Athanassios Vergados

Speeches. The item is a speech or collection of speeches.

LitF     s
100 1   Ki-moon, Ban
245 1 0 Building a better future for all : ǂb selected speeches of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, 2007-2012

Unknown. The literary form of the item is unknown.

fill character

No attempt to code


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, 008/33.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 008/33 (Books).