
Orig:  Form of Original Item

Record Type



CNR: 008/22; 006/05

Input Standards

CNR: Optional for non-microform items. One-character code. Default: blank character
CNR: Required if applicable for microform items. One-character code. Default: blank character


CNR, 006

The physical form in which the serial was originally published.


If a serial is published simultaneously in more than one physical form or if it is difficult to determine the original form, determine Orig from the first item received.

blank character

None of the following. None of the other codes is appropriate.


Microfilm. The original item is published on microfilm.


Microfiche. The original item is published on microfiche.


Microopaque. The original item is published as a microopaque.


Large print. The original item is published in a large print format.


Newspaper format. The original item is printed in newspaper format. Newspaper format is when an item is on newsprint and/or looks like a newspaper. The serial does not need to fit the definition of a newspaper.


Braille. The original item is published in braille.


Online. The resource is accessed by means of hardware and software connections to a communications network. If a distinction between types of electronic resources is not necessary, code s can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource.


Direct electronic. Storage on a directly accessible tangible recording medium, e.g. disc, tape, playaway device, flashdrive, portable hard drive, etc. If a distinction between types of electronic resources is not necessary, code s can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource.


Electronic. The original item is intended for manipulation by a computer. The item may reside in a carrier accessed either directly or remotely. The item may also require the use of peripheral devices attached to the computer (e.g., a CD-ROM player). Do not use code s for items that do not require the use of a computer (e.g., music compact discs and videodiscs). This code can be used as a generic code for any form of electronic resource. Codes o and q may be used if there is a need to separately identify online and direct electronic resources.

fill character

No attempt to code


This fixed field element is not indexed.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 008/22 (Continuing Resources).