Record Type |
Bytes |
MAP: 008/18-21; 006/01-04 |
Input Standards |
MAP: Optional. Up to four, one-character codes. Default:  |
Definition |
MAP, 006 |
Up to four one-character alphabetic codes that indicate the relief type specified on the item. Some maps have several types of relief. If more than one code applies, enter them left-justified in order of their importance to the map. If fewer than four codes apply, leave the remaining positions blank. |
Codes |
No relief shown |
a |
Contours. Relief is represented by contours.
Relf |
a g  |
500 |
Relief shown by contours and spot heights |
b |
Shading. Relief is represented by shading, usually of a single color.
Relf |
b g  |
500 |
Relief shown by shading and spot heights |
c |
Gradient and bathymetric tints. Relief is represented by gradient and bathymetric tints.
Relf |
c b  |
500 |
Relief shown by gradient tints and shading |
e |
Bathymetry, soundings. Underwater relief (depth) on the item is represented by soundings or spot heights.
Relf |
c e k  |
500 |
Depths shown by bathymetric tints, soundings, and isolines |
f |
Form lines. Relief is represented by form lines.
Relf |
c f g  |
500 |
Relief shown by gradient tints, form lines, and spot heights |
g |
Spot heights. Relief is represented by spot heights.
Relf |
c b g  |
500 |
Relief shown by gradient tints, shading, and spot heights. Depths shown by gradient tints |
j |
Land forms. Relief is represented by land forms.
Relf |
a c g j |
500 |
Relief shown by contour lines, color, spot heights, and land forms |
m |
Rock drawings. Item is a relief rock drawing.
Relf |
a g m  |
500 |
Relief shown by contours, spot heights, and rock drawings |
z |
Other. None of the other codes is appropriate. |
No attempt to code. If the fill character is used, all four positions must be coded with the fill character. |
Indexing |
This fixed field element is not indexed. |
MARC 21 |
For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 008/18-21 (Maps). |