
Srce:  Cataloging Source

Record Type



ALL: 008/39

Input Standards

ALL: Mandatory. One-character code. Default: d



Use to indicate the original cataloging source of the record. If the cataloging source is known, identify it in field 040 subfield ǂa.


If you are inputting original cataloging on a workform or new record, enter blank, c, or d in Srce. OCLC users at authorized national bibliographic agencies enter blank. BIBCO and CONSER participants, except for those at authorized national bibliographic agencies, enter c when creating records as part of those programs. In all other cases OCLC users enter d. Do not change the code when editing a record.

Note: If you are transcribing LC cataloging copy, you must manually enter DLC in field 040 subfield ǂa.

blank character

National bibliographic agency. Use to indicate that the creator of the original cataloging data is a national bibliographic agency (e.g., U.S. Library of Congress or Library and Archives Canada). Formerly used only for Library of Congress cataloging records. Now used for records from other national bibliographic agencies as well.

Srce     blank character
040     DLC ǂb eng ǂe rda ǂc DLC

Cooperative cataloging program. Use to indicate that the creator of the cataloging data is a participant (other than a national bibliographic agency) in a cooperative cataloging program. See field 040 for guidelines on transcribing cataloging copy for 'old' LC cooperative cataloging projects.

Srce     c
040     IUL ǂb eng ǂe rda ǂc IUL
042     pcc

Other. Use to indicate that the source of the cataloging data is an organization other than a national bibliographic agency or a participant in a cooperative cataloging program.

Srce     d
040     IUL ǂb eng ǂe rda ǂc IUL
[Field 042 coded pcc not present]

Unknown. Use to indicate that the creator of the cataloging data is unknown. Used when an organization transcribes manual cataloging data from an unknown source. In this case, field 040 lacks a subfield ǂa and subfield ǂc contains an OCLC symbol.

Srce     u
040     ǂc GZN
[The University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee is responsible for the content designation and transcription of cataloging from an unknown source.]
fill character

No attempt to code


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, 008/39.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, 008/39 (All Materials).