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Sep 10

10 September 2024

Unlocking the power of your e-resources with EZproxy Analytics

A 30-minute demonstration of how EZproxy Analytics—a turnkey service that extracts, enriches, and transforms complex data into simple visual dashboards—makes it easy to better understand and communicate e-resource ROI

  • Uhrzeit: 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]

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May 16

16 May 2024

DevConnect 2024: Unlock Your Analytics Potential

Join us for a discussion on the value of working with library analytics with analytics guru, Sean Duffy, OCLC Product Manager.

  • Uhrzeit: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]

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Sep 21

21 September 2023

Putting the pieces together with WMS and EZproxy: Analyzing library data to support student success

A 30-minute webinar to discover how our advanced library services platform, WorldShare® Management Services (WMS), and our trusted e-resource access and authentication solution, EZproxy®, uniquely integrate to uncover which library resources have the greatest influence

  • Uhrzeit: 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]

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May 23

23 May 2023

Myths and Facts about EZproxy, FedCM, and Browser Changes

Join OCLC Senior Product Manager, Don Hamparian, to learn more about EZproxy functionality and details on the impact of new browser privacy features.

  • Uhrzeit: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]

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Feb 15

15 February 2022

Assessing the library’s role in e-resource access workflows today and in the future

A 30-minute webinar that explores how SAML and other federated access technologies differ from IP authentication, the implications for libraries who move toward these types of access models, and why SAML is complex and a barrier to many libraries and content providers who adopt it

  • Uhrzeit: 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]

Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.. Archiv anzeigen.