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WorldCat Search API

Give patrons access to materials beyond your library.

  • Status: Production
  • Sandbox access: Yes

WorldCat Search API 1.0 Support ended

Support for version 1.0 of the WorldCat Search API ended on 31 December 2024.  OCLC is phasing out access to this API. For additional information, please visit WorldCat Search API 1.0 transition resources

What you get

  • Search WorldCat and retrieve bibliographic records for cataloged items such as books, videos, music and more in WorldCat.
  • Retrieve single bibliographic records based on OCLC number, ISBN, ISSN, and other identifiers.
  • Find out about libraries that hold an item based on OCLC number, ISBN, ISSN, and other identifiers.
  • Find out about libraries that have committed to retain an item based on OCLC number, ISBN, ISSN, and other identifiers.

Who can use it

  • Libraries that maintain a OCLC Cataloging and Metadata subscription (full cataloging) and a FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery subscription. Both are required.
  • This API has specific Terms and Conditions.

Commercial partnerships are also available.