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OCLC Community Center

Learn, grow, and shape the future of OCLC products

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The Community Center offers meaningful opportunities to engage with people who have had similar experiences and who can benefit from your insights. Discussions, updates, and events are all aimed at improving the work we do together.

Make the most of your library community

Photo illustration: Peer librarians

Learn from others

Ask specific, detailed questions of peers who have accomplished something you admire. How did they configure a product you just started using? What workflows worked for them? Community members are glad to answer questions and give you a place to start.

Photo illustration: Library scene in gold frame

Get the big picture

Library work is always changing. When you share your stories, challenges, and wins, you’ll find you’re not alone. There’s a community of informed, friendly people who you can turn to for answers, input, and inspiration.

Photo illustration: Product improvements to WMS

Contribute to the future

Many of our best ideas for product improvements come from community members. Product teams review all ideas submitted and we provide regular status updates. We also host focus groups so we can listen and incorporate different perspectives into product feature development.

Photo illustration: Online presentation

Grow your professional skills

The Community Center makes it easy to build your network and develop expertise. You can serve on leadership teams and program committees, present your workflows or projects, and participate in professional development activities.

“The Community Center helps us transition new staff in without information overload. People can get familiar with systems and modules at their own pace and then follow up as needed. That frees up the time for our managers and allows for more robust learning.”

JJ Compton
Interim Director of Library Services, Associate Professor, University Archivist
Oklahoma Christian University

Photo: JJ Compton

Ready to join the conversation?

Connect with peers, ask questions, and contribute ideas. Just use your WorldShare® credentials to access the Community Center. Please contact us if you need new credentials or help recovering current ones.

Icon: News

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Icon: Coursework

Find professional development opportunities

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Attend virtual events and view recordings

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Earn badges for your contributions

Learn more

For more information about the Community Center, check out our help pages.

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Need help?

If you have a question about the OCLC Community Center, please contact OCLC Support.

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