
Discovery to Delivery™ (D2D)

Reach across your consortium to fulfill ILL requests.


Help users find consortial resources

When users can’t find what they need in your library’s collection, the next best option is the collections of libraries in your consortium. With D2D, their search results include items currently available to them through the consortium. With an average consortial fill rate of 94%, you can be confident that your users will get the resources they need.

Empower users to access information

Your library’s users can easily request consortial material through D2D without library staff intervention. They can also track their requests through the user portal and receive email updates so they know when the item arrives. If they’ve requested an e-resource, they may receive and use it without requiring anyone on your staff to touch the request.



Save time managing ILL requests

D2D helps you automate and streamline the small steps of an ILL transaction, such as checking availability, developing routing lists, and documenting the loan in your integrated library system (ILS). Through real-time availability information, load balancing, weighting, and tier groupings, D2D distributes requests across your consortium, leading to an average 94% of requests that are filled with the first library.

Coordinate consortial borrowing and lending across systems

D2D interoperates with many different ILSs, resource sharing systems, and document suppliers. Even if the libraries in your consortium rely on a wide variety of ILSs, D2D can still share information among them to lighten your workload. This allows each library’s staff to make their own decision about which ILS best suits their local requirements.


Discovery to Delivery (D2D) optimizes users’ ability to discover library resources within your consortium and get immediate access to or request delivery of the material with little or no intervention from library staff. It also provides the tools staff need to request and track material that cannot be filled within the consortium.

Service availability

  • Available in Canada and the United States

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