Maximize visibility of your digital collections by adding your metadata to WorldCat.

Drive traffic to your open-access resources
The WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway provides you with a self-service tool, available at no charge, for harvesting the metadata of your unique, open-access digital content into WorldCat. Once there, your collections are more visible and discoverable to end users who search WorldCat. The Gateway is compatible with all OAI-PMH-compliant repositories, including CONTENTdm®.
Sync your collections with WorldCat
Using the Gateway, you can create profiles for your digital content metadata to be regularly harvested and converted to WorldCat format. After uploading, WorldCat assigns and returns an OCLC number that can be added to collection metadata in your local repository. This unique identifier becomes a cross-reference for digital items in WorldCat and can be used for search and reference purposes.
"Sharing IFPRI’s intellectual output through WorldCat is one of the ways that the work by International Food Policy Research Institute’s researchers is discoverable by worldwide academic audiences."
Ryan Miller
Digital Services Librarian
The International Food Policy Research Institute
The WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway is a self-service tool for harvesting the metadata of your unique, open-access digital content into WorldCat. Once there, your collections are more visible and discoverable to end users who search WorldCat as well as other popular websites.
Service availability
Available everywhere
Learn more
Download the WorldCat Digital Collection Gateway flyer
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Get started
The Digital Collection Gateway is available at no charge to institutions that want to contribute their metadata to WorldCat.