OCLC Resource Sharing Conference
March 19–21, 2019 • Jacksonville, Florida
Registration for the 2019 OCLC Resource Sharing Conference is now closed.
Thank you for your interest.
OCLC invites all ILL professionals to Jacksonville, Florida, US, to share the latest in resource sharing, including innovative approaches to patron service and interlibrary loan workflows.
In its third year, this exciting event continues to grow. In 2018, more than 400 library leaders and staff participated—from seven countries, 46 US states, Washington DC, Puerto Rico, and five Canadian provinces.
Join us at this year's conference to celebrate our strong community of ILL librarians and 40 years of OCLC interlibrary loan services. You'll find ways to improve operational efficiency, save time, and better connect end users to the information they need. It's a unique opportunity to interact with a very knowledgeable community of ILL professionals.
Members and leaders of the following departments and focus areas will benefit from conference attendance:
Librarians using the following solutions should also attend:
Respected leaders from the resource sharing community are helping to shape the conference program. We sincerely appreciate their industry expertise and partnership.
Karen Colburn
Kutztown University
Ronald Figueroa
Syracuse University
Deborah Jones-Davis
University of Gloucestershire
Brian Miller
The Ohio State University
Lisa Tatum
University of Colorado—Boulder
Joseph Wickens
Dalhousie University
Dennis Massie