Register today to attend EMEARC19

We hope you’ll join your fellow library colleagues and OCLC leaders and staff at this exciting event. Registration closes Tuesday 12 February 2019. On-site registration will not be available.


Early-bird registration

23 May – 1 October

OCLC Members and Non-Members: Conference and dinner included

99€ Icon showing one person

Group Ticket (5 people): Conference and dinner included

429€ Icon showing one personIcon showing one personIcon showing one personIcon showing one personIcon showing one person

Regular EMEARC19 Conference fee

1 October – 12 February

OCLC Members: Conference and dinner included

189€ Icon showing one person

Non-Members: Conference and dinner included

259€ Icon showing one person

Group Ticket (5 people): Conference and dinner included

499€ Icon showing one personIcon showing one personIcon showing one personIcon showing one personIcon showing one person

Please note if you would like to attend one or both satellite meetings at no further cost, make sure you check this box on the registration form and more information will be sent to you.

Full EMEARC19 Conference registration fee includes:

  • All registration materials
  • Access to conference programming on Tuesday and Wednesday, including keynote speakers and breakout sessions
  • Refreshments and lunch
  • Tuesday evening dinner

Speakers will receive complimentary registration to this event. If you have submitted a paper for consideration, we recommend moving forward with a paid registration to ensure that you reserve a spot at the early-bird rate. If your presentation submission is accepted and you receive a complimentary registration, we will refund your registration fee.

Photo: Registration at EMEARC18