Become a digital leader through online collections
Discover how Instituto Cervantes developed digitization expertise, giving the libraries a key role in an institution-wide digital transformation program.

Get secure e-resource access for remote users and actionable usage insights
Learn how the Royal Library Belgium (KBR) provided secure access to e-resources for remote users and gained a deeper understanding of usage.

Bring your prestigious collection out into the world
Learn how the staff at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin keeps up with increasing demand for items from its large and respected collection.

Participate in research to refine requirements
Discover how libraries engage with their cooperative to drive the future of metadata management.

Share your nation’s cultural heritage with the world
Find out how the National Library of New Zealand expanded services for libraries in New Zealand and expanded access to information worldwide.

Make knowledge visible and available internationally
Learn how the Bavarian State Library provided a more convenient and improved interlibrary loan service.