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OCLC is its members. We are owned, supported, and led by our member libraries, whose input guides everything we do. From involvement in major research studies to piloting new products and informing strategic direction, we rely on them for guidance, governance, and advice.

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photo: Moraine Valley Community College exterior

Improve delivery times and achieve zero unfilled requests

Learn how Moraine Valley Community College improved ILL services with the Express program, reducing turnaround times and achieving nearly 100% article fulfillment with a one-person team.

photo: Drake University Cowles Library exterior

Bring stability and resiliency to ILL with Express

Learn how Drake University’s Cowles Library overcame staffing challenges by embracing automation, teamwork, and OCLC’s Express program to sustain their high-level of customer service.

photo: Jessup University Paul Nystrom Library exterior

Create faster, more efficient workflows for resource sharing

Read about how Jessup University Library reduced turnaround times by over 35 hours, expanding request capacity for staff and enabling faster delivery for users.

photo: Swan Library Services headquarters

Speed delivery and free up staff time with real-time availability

Learn how SWAN Library Services automated request responses for 100 libraries to save staff time and speed delivery.

photo: Ritter Library at Baldwin Wallace University, exterior

Update workflows and fill requests faster

Learn how Baldwin Wallace University used WorldShare ILL’s smart fulfillment capabilities to update workflows and fill requests faster.

Kore University of Enna exterior view

Gain greater visibility and share research internationally

Learn how staff at Università degli Studi di Enna Kore made more resources available to their users, while also increasing their global reach.

Photo: Woman at her laptop

Maximize delivery speed of your resource sharing service

Find out how smart fulfillment functionality across all OCLC resource sharing services empowers libraries to meet user expectations.

Students working in the library at SAE Institute, Sydney

Simplify ILL to increase requests

Learn how the SAE Institute dramatically increased ILL requests by simplifying both their users' experience and resource sharing workflows.

Reading area in Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

Bring your prestigious collection out into the world

Learn how the staff at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin keeps up with increasing demand for items from its large and respected collection.

Library at Università Bocconi

Expand your network and gain greater visibility internationally

Find out how Università Bocconi has provided more resources for their students and gained more visibility too.

Façade of CSIC's central building

Serve the global research community through international visibility

See how CSIC, the Spanish National Research Council, engages with researchers worldwide through highly visible collections.

Patrons working in ZB Zurich

Deliver information efficiently and securely all over the world

Find out how Zentralbibliothek Zürich simplified and automated international interlibrary loan processes.  


Share your specialized collections

Learn how Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary shares its focused collections and meets students' broader needs.

A photo of Busse Library at Mount Mercy University

Deliver articles within minutes

Find out how Mount Mercy University supports researchers around the world despite a small library staff.

Photo of SUB Göttingen

Overcome copyright and cost barriers to sharing

Learn how SUB Göttingen saved time and optimized interlibrary loan workflows.

Bavarian State Library

Make knowledge visible and available internationally

Learn how the Bavarian State Library provided a more convenient and improved interlibrary loan service.

CSIRO photo of Australian King Parrot

Support scientists around the world

Examine how CSIRO, Australia's science agency, streamlined its efforts to share science-related items with libraries and researchers across the globe.