Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America
Determine the rarity of your collections with precision search
19 March 2025
Bookselling is a passion, and for members of the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America (ABAA), it’s also an art form. Members of the ABAA include private dealers of rare books, ephemera, manuscripts, maps, etchings, and more. They know just how to appraise and price rare books and materials, how to find the right buyer, and how to strengthen existing collections by placing these rare materials. But without FirstSearch, such work would be much more challenging.
“We’ve had FirstSearch for over 20 years. It’s a benefit of ABAA membership,” Susan Benne, Executive Director at the ABAA, said.
Use precise search to view the number of holdings
Those in the ABAA primarily use FirstSearch’s precision searching capabilities to properly identify the pieces they’ve bought and are selling, a process that can be difficult. However, because of FirstSearch’s ability for users to view holdings of other libraries, members can easily see how many libraries own a particular item, giving them an idea of how rare an item is. There are many factors that determine how rare an item is, but ABAA members credit FirstSearch as being integral to their businesses.
“FirstSearch helps our members find unique facts about their items,” Susan said.
Research also plays a significant role in the ABAA’s use of FirstSearch. Over the years, ABAA members have looked and bought for research institutions, colleges, and universities to help grow their special collections. And because some institutions catalog their own resources in FirstSearch, booksellers are better able to determine the perfect buyer—or type of buyer—for each item using FirstSearch.
“Almost always, I’m able to find at least one holding of what I’m looking for.”
Alexander Akin, PhD
Co-owner of Bolerium Books and ABAA member
Search tags to identify and sell
FirstSearch remains a staple in the rare books industry. Nina Musinsky, owner of Musinsky Rare Books, Inc. and ABAA member, uses FirstSearch in various ways besides the location of institutional copies. Occasionally it has helped her find homes for very rare, very specific items.
Alexander Akin, co-owner of Bolerium Books and ABAA member, also encourages the use of FirstSearch in their field of work, recommending that anyone interested in entering the field learn and train on it. “Almost always, I’m able to find at least one holding of what I’m looking for,” Alexander said.
Services used by the ABAA
- New York City, New York, USA
- Founded in 1949 to promote interest in rare and antiquarian books and book collecting, and to foster collegial relations
- Runs a blog titled The New Antiquarian highlighting news and events surrounding the rare books community
- Has hosted the New York International Antiquarian Book Fair for 65 years, universally referred to as "the world's finest antiquarian book fair"
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