Joseph Hafner
Dean of Libraries, York University

Joseph is the Dean of Libraries at York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada starting August 15, 2024. Previously he was the Associate Dean, Collection Services, at McGill University, in Montreal, Quebec, where he was from 2004 until 2024. Before working at McGill he held leadership positions at the Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library, where he worked as a librarian from 1989 until 2004. He is active in IFLA, serving now as the Chair of the Metadata Technical Review Group (METATEC) and helped launch the IFLA Namespaces website and is leading the publication of IFLA standards online, and he is the IFLA Publications Editor. Previously he was Chair of the IFLA Acquisition and Collection Development Committee, and a founding member of the IFLA LGBTQ Special Interest Group. He served on the HathiTrust Program Steering Committee and the HathiTrust Community Metadata Strategy Task Force. He is an active member of North/Nord: the Canadian Shared Print Network. He is the co-editor of the book Space and collections earning their keep: transformation, technologies and retooling.
Member institution
York University
Ontario, Canada
Term end date: 31 October 2026