
EMEA Regional Council

Sílvia Redondo Iniesta

Head, Joaquim Folch i Torres Library, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya

Sílvia Redondo Iniesta

Silvia has a wide experience as a librarian in different types of Information Units. She has worked in the Information Department at the Barcelona Archaeological Service and has spent some years at the University of Barcelona working as a librarian. For more than five years Silvia worked as a director in a public library. Currently, she is part of the Committee of the Collegi Oficial de Bibliotecaris i Documentalistes de Catalunya (a professional Catalan institution that cares and promotes librarians and other information specialists) Since 2019 she has been the head of the Joaquim Folch i Torres Library of the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC). Silvia is committed to the museum libraries transformation with the purpose of approaching its content to the citizens and, at the same time, to position them as a research support service. Silvia has been involved in different research projects. She has worked as a professor at the University of Barcelona and has given conference and published papers on different topics related to Information Units. Lately, Silvia have focused her research on Open Science, Research Communication and Library Museum Management.

Member institution

Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya
Joaquim Folch i Torres Library


Term end date: 31 October 2024