Libraries at academic research institutions support a community of student and faculty scholars with in-depth information about a wide variety of topics. These libraries face unique challenges to making research accessible to all users, including concerns about copyrights, open-access scholarship, electronic and special collections maintenance and disambiguation of researchers. OCLC supports these libraries in their efforts to advance scholarly study through services that simplify their workflows and through library-focused research and initiatives.

Introducing OCLC Meridian®
Meridian is a WorldCat Entities™ linked data management tool and suite of APIs that enables the creation and curation of linked data entities and descriptive relationships, forming connections to the existing value in MARC records and other datasets across the global information ecosystem.
Share work, collections, and knowledge across the institution and beyond
Library staff at McGill University grew frustrated with internal silos and cumbersome processes that slowed down the services they provide to faculty and staff. By finding ways to collaborate with libraries across Canada and globally, they streamlined their unique workflows, expanded their catalog, and empowered staff with the knowledge required to tackle their responsibilities quickly and easily.
Advance your knowledge, your skills, and your library
OCLC Research accelerates and scales learning, innovation, and collaboration to advance libraries and librarianship. We conduct rigorous, in-depth research about the library community and publish our findings in freely available reports. Research libraries may join the Research Library Partnership for a unique opportunity to collaborate closely with peers worldwide.
Improve access to e-resources with time-saving automated processes
New York University Libraries staff faced a challenge to keep up with cataloging records for over a million and a half e-books. Through automation, they’ve been able to not only keep up, but also improve the e-book records in their catalog. Now, they’re able to consolidate and enhance their records faster than ever before.
Empower your strategy through valuable library research
To get up to speed in his new role, the head of Northeastern University Libraries’ Archives and Special Collections turned to OCLC Research. In particular, one report helped him understand archival challenges and advocate for using special collections in traditional and online coursework.
Select resources for off-site storage with confidence and transparency
The University of New Mexico's library needed to select at least 120,000 items for off-site storage to provide better spaces for students. By leading conversations with transparent data, library staff ensured faculty actively supported the project and encouraged an even broader selection.
Participate in research to refine requirements
Linked data offers opportunities to enhance library resource descriptions, potentially helping researchers better understand the context behind resources. Sixteen libraries partnered with OCLC to experiment with a prototype tool that makes linked data in cataloging a reality.