Ready to reach more users?
Libraries reach only a small percentage of current and potential users through their own websites and communications. To maximize your library’s exposure and impact, it’s essential to meet today’s users where they usually look for information. OCLC’s web visibility program makes it easier for libraries to connect with information seekers online. receives more than 70 million visits per year, and sends more than 10 million users on to library websites. extends the reach and influence of your collections
At the center of our web visibility program is There’s no other place online that brings people to libraries like With more than 70 million visits annually, it connects your library to people who may never otherwise visit in-person or online. And it expands the communities you serve while personalizing and localizing the experience for the people you care about most.
The secret to better visibility online
Your library’s collections can be represented in WorldCat, visible on, and shared by our visibility partners through a variety of subscription choices. Information about your library’s collections is then actively shared across the web through a wide variety of strategic partnerships with search engines and other popular websites. The presence of library links on websites viewed daily by millions of people increases awareness of and engagement with your library and the global library community.
Powerful partners drive traffic to
Search engines work with us to ingest WorldCat bibliographic records directly, then bring users from their search results to to connect them to relevant libraries and resources.
Partner websites such as Google Books, Wikipedia, and Goodreads add “find in a library” links to their pages that bring users to where they can then click to library websites.
Organic linking from more than 5,000 sites—including NPR, Oxford Scholarship, and Ravelry—links to materials on to connect their communities with relevant libraries and resources.
Interested in partnering with us? We want to hear from organizations looking to create value for customers, garner attention for their content, and improve integration with information technology services. Learn more
Link users directly to your catalog from Google Search
OCLC and Google work together to link directly from books discovered through Google Search to print book records in the catalogs of libraries near them. The initial phase of this new initiative links to hundreds of US libraries, and is expected to expand to more libraries and connect to more library resources in the future.
Get your library discovered today
Our web visibility program helps people find your collections more easily on the web. That means an increase of new users for your materials and programs, more support for your library among key constituents, and improved recognition during online search activities.