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ILL Fee Management

Save money and simplify ILL payments and charges

Unique to OCLC, the Interlibrary Loan Fee Management (IFM) feature of WorldShare ILL lets you reconcile resource-sharing charges and payments through your monthly OCLC invoice. Participating libraries report an average savings of more than 45 USD on each request through the elimination of invoices and check writing for individual transactions.

For borrowing libraries, using the feature is as easy as clicking a checkbox and entering the maximum cost you are willing to pay for an item on the ILL workform. Your monthly OCLC invoice will include additional line items showing:

  • IFM library-to-library borrowing debit,
  • charges your library incurred for borrowing items,
  • IFM library-to-library lending credit,
  • credits your library receives for supplying items, and
  • IFM transaction charges.

If you’re a net borrower, you can pay fees with one payment each month. If you’re a net lender, the remaining balance goes toward your invoice.

NOTE: A 0.26 USD transaction fee is added to each borrowing request filled through IFM. This small fee will support OCLC's investments in expanding the use of IFM by OCLC ILL members.

Learn how to configure and manage IFM

Give users what they want when they need it

WorldShare ILL will improve your library user experience while streamlining staff workflows. Contact us to discuss your specific needs.