Putting the pieces together: How to boost your existing OCLC services already on the WorldShare platform
A 30-minute webinar that explains how by adding a few additional OCLC services to your cataloging and interlibrary loan subscriptions, your library can expand your engagement with the cooperative and upgrade to a complete cloud-based library management solution–WorldShare Management Services (WMS)
Cet évènement est sur demande.

Join this 30-minute webinar to learn how WMS can boost your cataloging and resource sharing services and enable you to:
- Provide your users with fast, reliable access to your library's collections and the world's knowledge
- Make your electronic resources easier to find, use, share, and manage
- Optimize your workflows and eliminate redundant tasks with a system built on WorldCat data
- Centralize your resource sharing tasks while speeding fulfillment of ILL requests
Visionner le webinaire enregistré
02 mars 2022
2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]