Features comparison chart – Connexion browser and WorldShare Record Manager

As of 30 April 2024 Connexion browser has been discontinued. Record Manager is already included in your cataloging subscription, so we encourage you to access the application today. 

Record editing and creation

  Connexion browser WorldShare Record Manager
Edit records in MARC tag view (such as "245") Yes Yes
Edit records in MARC text view (such as "Title") No Yes Limited to books, audiobooks, images, sound recordings, and videos.
Edit bibliographic records in Dublin Core view Yes No
Edit bibliographic records using non-Latin scripts No Yes
Transliterate Latin text to non-Latin text No Yes (Arabic, Persian, and eight languages written in Cyrillic script)
Create new authority and bibliographic records for original cataloging Yes Yes
Create, edit, and delete local holdings records (LHRs) Yes Yes
Move local holdings records (LHRs) to a different bibliographic record No Yes
Manage local bibliographic data (LBD) No Yes
Import MARC records Yes MARC-8 character set. No
Use constant data for bibliographic records to store and apply frequently used text Yes Yes
Use constant data for local holdings records (LHRs) to store and apply frequently used text Yes Yes
Use constant data for authority records to store and apply frequently used text Yes No
Check spelling No Yes Relies on user's browser spellcheck features.
Work offline, not connected to OCLC No No
Search WorldCat Entities and add identifiers to MARC records No Yes
Create WorldCat Entities and add identifiers to MARC records No Yes Available to OCLC Meridian subscribers only.


  Connexion browser WorldShare Record Manager
Validate records Yes Yes
Add holdings to bibliographic records Yes Yes
Upgrade authority and WorldCat bibliographic records Yes Yes
View total number of library holdings on bibliographic records Yes Yes
Display list of libraries that hold bibliographic records Yes Yes
Delete holdings on bibliographic records Yes Yes
Delete own bibliographic record No Yes
Control authorized headings in bibliographic records and link the headings to the Authority File record Yes LC only. Yes Access to additional authority files, including:

  • AAT (Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus)
  • BNE (Biblioteca Nacional de España)
  • Canadiana (French Names and Canadian Subjects)
  • FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology)
  • GND Authorities (German Integrated Authority file)
  • LC (Library of Congress)
  • Māori Subject Headings
  • MeSH Authorities (Medical Subject Headings)
  • NTA Names (Dutch Names)
  • RVM (Répertoire de vedettes-matière)
Autosuggest LC and Canadiana Names No Yes
Autosuggest FAST subject headings No Yes
Submit bibliographic records to other institutions for review prior to finalizing Yes No
Submit Library of Congress authority records to other institutions for review prior to finalizing Yes Yes
Submit Canadiana authority records to other institutions for review prior to finalizing No Yes
Process multiple actions at one time No. You can mark records for export and label print, retrieve the marked records, and process the group at once. Yes Using bulk actions for local bibliographic data and local holdings records.
Print labels Yes Label formats: SP1, SL4, SL6, SLB. Yes Label formats: Custom, A12360, L7651, SP1, SL4, SL6, SLB.
Create label file Yes Yes
View other libraries’ local holdings records (LHRs) Yes Yes
Create a customizable condensed bibliographic record search results list No Yes

Record output

  Connexion browser WorldShare Record Manager
Export records to a file Yes Yes
Export records via a TCP/IP connection Yes Yes
Export records via an OCLC Gateway Export session to display messages from your local system No Yes
Export records via a printer/comm port No Yes
Export records in MARC 21 format Yes Authority and bibliographic records with MARC-8 character set in Latin script. Yes Authority and bibliographic records with MARC-8 or UTF-8 Unicode character set in Latin or non-Latin scripts.
Export records in Dublin Core format Yes Bibliographic records, Dublin Core Simple or Qualified in HTML and RDF. Yes
Export records in MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema) format No Yes

Databases and files

  Connexion browser WorldShare Record Manager
Access WorldCat® Yes  Yes 
Access LC Name and Subject Authority Files, including distributed and superseded versions of records Yes Yes Access to additional authority files, including:

  • AAT (Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus)
  • BNE (Biblioteca Nacional de España)
  • Canadiana (French Names and Canadian Subjects)
  • FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology)
  • GND Authorities (German Integrated Authority file)
  • LC (Library of Congress)
  • Māori Subject Headings
  • MeSH Authorities (Medical Subject Headings)
  • NTA Names (Dutch Names)
  • RVM (Répertoire de vedettes-matière)
Use online save file stored locally for temporary record storage Yes Shared between Connexion and Record Manager. Yes Shared between Connexion and Record Manager.
Use offline save file stored locally for temporary record storage No No

System access

  Connexion browser WorldShare Record Manager
Set and delete WorldCat holdings for other libraries using agent functionality Yes Yes
Maintain local holdings records (LHRs) for other libraries using agent functionality Yes Yes
Store user-specific customization Yes Set preferences for each authorization number. Yes Set preferences for each user.


  Connexion browser WorldShare Record Manager
Macros No No. However, some functions commonly performed using Connexion macros are replicated using native features.
Dewey Cutter tools Yes Yes
Interface language English English
Chinese - Simplified
Chinese - Traditional
Cataloging statistics Institution summary and cataloger specific statistics available at the OCLC Usage Statistics site. Institution summary statistics available within the Analytics tab of your library’s WorldShare interface.