COVID-19—We’re in this together
Informatie om u te helpen
OCLC wil u graag helpen bij het verleggen van de accenten in uw dienstverlening aan uw gebruikers en de bevolking in het algemeen tijdens de coronacrisis.
![Afbeelding van een vrouw die zit te werken op een computer Afbeelding van een vrouw die zit te werken op een computer](/content/marketing/publish/nl_nl/covid-19/_jcr_content/par/image_c20f.img.jpg/1646675132819.jpg)
Bij OCLC werken we er hard aan om te zorgen dat alle OCLC-systemen en
-services volledig beschikbaar blijven tijdens deze bijzondere situatie. Deze pagina wordt regelmatig bijgewerkt, zodat de informatie zo actueel mogelijk is.
REALM Project: REopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums
OCLC werkt met het Institute of Museum and Library Services en Battelle aan een gezamenlijke aanpak voor het heropenen van archieven, bibliotheken en musea in Amerika in tijden van corona.
Geef externe gebruikers toegang tot uw collecties
Tools ter ondersteuning van uw gebruikers
Find libraries lending e-content and physical materials
It’s easy to locate libraries that are lending electronic documents, e-books, and physical materials during the pandemic with these three profiled groups: ACOV, BCOV, and CCOV. Get more information.
Connect users to free online resources
Many content providers are offering free access to e-content collections to help you maintain online services during the pandemic. We are actively partnering with global content providers to ensure continued access through OCLC cataloging, discovery, and resource sharing services. We will continue to update list of available content, including recommended options to access this content through OCLC services. To learn more about these partnerships, read a blog post from Chip Nilges, Vice President of Business Development.
Seamless access to e-resources
EZproxy delivers reliable and secure remote access to e-content and provides valuable usage data to help you evaluate changing needs. Learn how EZproxy provides easy access for your users and less overhead for you.
Offer contactless options
The Capira suite of software and mobile app solutions provide a digital extension of your library, including access to resources and services without entering the building.
Optimaliseer uw OCLC-producten en
Pas de instellingen van uw software aan tijdens corona
Bulk renewal service for WorldShare Circulation
WorldShare Circulation now offers a bulk renewal service to help your library quickly adjust due dates of items already on loan. This service accepts a CSV file of loans for renewal. See applicable documentation to learn how to download and use the bulk renewal client.
Service configuration cheat sheet
Since you may be modifying or reducing use of a number of services, we’ve compiled a list of potential actions (e.g., changes to OCLC product settings) to help create, enhance, or revise your local plans. This list includes EZproxy®, FirstSearch, WorldCat® Discovery, WorldShare® Circulation, WorldShare® License Manager and electronic resources, WorldShare® ILL, ILLiad®, and Tipasa®.
Create a temporary quarantine patron in WorldShare Management Services
You can now create a temporary quarantine patron to check out returned items for the duration of the quarantine period in WMS. Learn how to manage this simple process on our support page.
Tips for reopening your ILL service
If your library is resuming more normal ILL operations, or you’re just planning to restart lending and borrowing, here are some workflow and configuration suggestions to help make the transition smooth. These tips cover both lending and borrowing physical materials for libraries using WorldShare Interlibrary Loan, Tipasa, and ILLiad, as well as a reminder about copy requests.
Inform collection management decisions
The current environment has accelerated the shift from print to digital format, and many libraries are feeling increased pressure to optimize print collections. Find out why a growing number of libraries are using GreenGlass to make evidence-based collection management decisions.
Overleg met andere bibliotheken en werk samen
Wissel ideeën uit en doe nieuwe ideeën op
OCLC Virtual Town Hall: Libraries and the COVID-19 Crisis
In April 2020, we held a virtual town hall that featured Skip Prichard, President and CEO of OCLC; staff from OCLC WebJunction and the OCLC Research Library Partnership program; and guest panelists from public, academic, special, and school libraries who shared insights about how libraries are moving services, programming, and learning online. View the recording and find additional resources at
COVID-19 discussion board for OCLC customers within the OCLC Community Center
- OCLC customers with Community Center log-in credentials can access the board here
- OCLC customers who do not have Community Center log-in credentials can request them here
WebJunction support for public libraries
- Evolving list of resources, including examples of how libraries are managing the COVID-19 crisis, links to other library-specific resource compilations, and relevant events
- How to keep hours current in search engine listings
- How libraries are communicating with their communities
- Course catalog of free online professional development for library staff
Upcoming or on-demand events
- On-demand: CONTENTdm community insights, collecting stories from the pandemic: Strategies for libraries
- On-demand: Managing your library’s ILL services during the COVID-19 crisis
- On-demand: REALM
To view other on-demand webinar options, please visit
General product support
System Status Dashboard with updates on systems and individual services—including updates on routine maintenance
Customer support staff, available worldwide
OCLC Support website with simple search
We want to hear from you
Email us at and tell us what information is most helpful to you at this time. We welcome all questions, ideas, and feedback.