REALM Project

Archives, Libraries,
and Museums


News > Public Libraries Preparing to Reopen: Examples from the Field

Public Libraries Preparing to Reopen

Examples from the Field


The REALM project’s primary aim is to create and distribute science-based, authoritative information to inform decisions designed to reduce risk of transmission of COVID-19 to staff and visitors who are engaging in the delivery or use of archival, library, and museum services. This information includes literature reviews of published scientific research and the results of lab testing on a variety of commonly used materials.

The project is collecting, curating and sharing information and resources produced by other organizations that support plans to resume operations and reopen archives, libraries, and museums. A collection of examples are listed below, and organized under topics commonly addressed in reopening plans. While the documents may reflect specific, local guidance, they may still provide important considerations for organization in other locations. Inclusion in this list does not represent an endorsement by the REALM project.

If you have a reopening resource or plan to share, please email it to Kem Lang,

Click to jump to the covered sections: Staff and patrons | Facilities and space considerations | Programs and service adaptations | Materials handling and procedures

Staff and patrons

Health and safety
Staff policies
Social distancing guidelines

Facilities and space considerations

Access to facility, spaces, and equipment
Adjusted computer access
Layout modifications
Cleaning protocols

Programs and services adaptations

Restructure library programs


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