
Shared Understanding of Researcher Behaviors program

Total projects:1

Problem statement: In an environment where libraries often are not the first choice for acquiring information, it is important for librarians to identify the information-seeking behaviors of non-users of library services and systems as well as library users. Identifying how people get their information and why they choose these sources, can assist librarians in developing systems, services, and collections, and in delivering value through the other channels their patrons are using.

Impact: The impact resulting from these endeavors will include consensus, confidence, and focus. Program staff and Partners will gain an increased recognition of areas of overlap and difference among their various constituencies; further, their choices about how to allocate limited resources will be made on the basis of the most reliable and currently available information.


Related work

In addition, several OCLC Research projects help address these issues.

For more information

Lynn Silipigni Connaway
Consulting Research Scientist