
Policy & Outreach Committee

New FAST Policy and Outreach Committee

As part of our ongoing commitment to FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology), OCLC has partnered with representatives from the library community to create a new FAST Policy and Outreach Committee (FPOC). FPOC is an advisory and outreach body that will represent users of FAST for the purposes of:

  •         establishing editorial policies regarding terms
  •         overseeing community engagement, term contributions and procedures
  •         recommending directions and goals for development/improvements
  •         and much more (see Regulations for the Conduct of Committee Business)

Members of the FAST Policy and Outreach Committee will be confirmed by 7 September 2018, followed by an initial virtual meeting that will be scheduled in late September or early October.   

Additionally, on 11-12 October 2018, several FPOC representatives will visit Beacher Wiggins and the SACO team at the Library of Congress to learn about the challenges and methods for approving new terms to a controlled vocabulary. They will then use this knowledge to inform the development of a new process by which the community will be able to recommend new and alternative terms to those currently in FAST.   

Look for the new FAST Policy and Outreach Committee to draft initial methods for community engagement and begin steps for testing and implementation in the coming months.


Diane Vizine-Goetz

Team Members

Rick Bennett

Eric Childress

Kerre Kammerer

Former Team Members

Edward T. O'Neill

Jeff Mixter

Lois Mai Chan (University of Kentucky)

Chris Stanton

Kay Clopton

Rebecca Dean