2010 Annual RLG Partnership Symposium
When the Books Leave the Building:
The Future of Research Libraries, Collections and Services
Links to slides, audio and other meeting outputs are included in the agenda below.
Hashtag #rlgpartners
Friday, 11 June 2010
Venue: Newberry Library
60 W. Walton Street
Chicago, IL 60610
As research library collections shift from print to electronic and from collections consisting of books and journals to other, more heterogeneous materials, it is imperative that libraries reconsider the nature of the enterprise, including technical services and research services. This symposium provided a variety of perspectives, highlighting changes in publication and consumer trends in electronic forms of knowledge consumption. We also looked at exemplar projects focusing on shifting existing service models from the old to the new.
Time | Event |
8:30 a.m. | Coffee, Tea |
9:00 |
Welcome Framing Statements from OCLC Research and the RLG Partnership (.mp3: 6.9MB/8 min.)
9:30 | As our Readers Go Digital (.mp3: 29.2MB/32 min.)
The Supplier and Consumer Picture (.mp3: 33.6MB/37 min.)
Discussion (.mp3: 5.71MB/6 min.) |
10:45 | Break |
11:15 | Change in Emphasis: Current Print Collections
Shared Print Environment (.mp3: 19.3MB/21 min.)
Discussion (.mp3: 5.13MB/6 min.) Change in Emphasis: Metadata (.mp3: 31.5MB/34 min.)
12:30 p.m. | Lunch (on your own) |
1:45 | Change in Emphasis: Space, Budgets, Research Support (.mp3: 39.4MB/43 min.)
2:30 | Closing Remarks
4:00 | Art Institute Libraries Tour Tour of the Art Institute of Chicago Libraries with Jack Brown, Director, Ryerson and Burnham Libraries. |
TBD | Friday Evening Music At a Chicago jazz or blues club. |
Questions about the meeting? Get in touch!
View the 2010 Annual RLG Partnership Meeting agenda and outputs from Wednesday and Thursday, 9–10 June.